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The Chinese, will intensify the implementation of non-emergency food assistance to affected countries

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/7 6:25:39 Browse times: 136 Comment times: 0

The Chinese, will intensify the implementation of non-emergency food assistance to affected countries(中方:将加紧落实对非受灾国家紧急粮食援助)

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The Chinese, will intensify the implementation of non-emergency food assistance to affected countries
China News Agency, Beijing, April 7 (Ye Qiu曈) land generous at the 7th, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman at a regular press conference when answering reporters ' questions, said African countries affected by the El Ni?o effect is in accordance with the relevant requirements of affected States to intensify the implementation of the Chinese side to provide emergency food aid and relief the urgent needs of African countries.
A reporter asked, recently, and will convene a meeting of the AU, and AU and African countries said the El Nino phenomenon to the growing influence in Africa, and called on the international community to provide non-emergency aid. Will China respond to non-party demands, providing disaster relief assistance to Africa?
Lu Kang responded by saying that China is sincere and friendly partner of African countries. China is highly concerned about the African countries affected by the El Ni?o phenomenon led to crop failures, people facing hunger. XI Jinping in December last year, the President announced at the Johannesburg Summit of the China-Africa cooperation forum, China will provide 1 billion yuan of emergency food assistance to affected countries in Africa. Being in accordance with a request of the Chinese side, stepping up implementation of effective relief the urgent needs of African countries.
Lu Kang said, there is a Chinese word, give a man a fish, but teach a man to fish. XI Jinping put forward at the Summit for the acceleration of African industrialization and agricultural modernization at the core of Central Africa "ten partnership", one of the main objectives is to support African countries in agricultural development, establishment of food security system to enhance food production capacity and the added value of agricultural products, realize their own sustainable development.
(Editors: Zhong Qinghui UN660)
2016-04-07 17:13:51
China News Network
中新社北京4月7日电  (叶秋曈)中国外交部发言人陆慷在7日的例行记者会上答记者问时表示,因非洲有关国家受厄尔尼诺影响,中方正根据有关受灾国家要求加紧落实向其提供的紧急粮食援助,切实缓解有关非洲国家的燃眉之急。
(责任编辑:钟庆辉 UN660)
2016-04-07 17:13:51

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