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State Department: creating intelligent logistics system, development of the Internet of things

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/6 6:19:32 Browse times: 153 Comment times: 0

State Department: creating intelligent logistics system, development of the Internet of things(国务院:打造智慧物流体系,发展物联网)

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State Department: creating intelligent logistics system development of the Internet of things | _ Li news

He presided over a State Council Executive meeting

Decided to implement the equipment industry's standardization and quality promotion plan leading Chinese manufacturing upgrade

Deployment to promote "Internet + circulation" action for reducing cost of expanding domestic demand and increasing employment

Determine the 2016 focused health care bonus additional medical and health system reform benefiting the masses

Premier Li keqiang chaired a State Council Executive meeting April 6, decided to implement the equipment industry's standardization and quality promotion plan, leading the Chinese manufacturing upgrades; deployment to promote "Internet + circulation" operations, reduce cost of expanding domestic demand and increase employment; determine the 2016 focus on deepening health system reform, health care bonus additional benefit the masses.

Considered, adhere to the standard leading, building strong, structural reform and the supply side is an important part of structural reforms, to improve the supply, demand, and promote industry towards the high end. Conference through has equipment manufacturing standardization and quality upgrade planning, requirements docking China manufacturing 2025, aimed at international advanced level, implementation industrial based and intelligent manufacturing, and green manufacturing standardization and quality upgrade engineering, speed up key technology standard development, promoted in robot, and advanced track traffic equipment, and agricultural machinery, and high performance medical devices, focus field standardization achieved new breakthrough, and adapted innovation progress and market needs timely update standard, By 2020 focused on international standards in the field raise the conversion rate from the current 70% to 90%. To carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, the pursuit of excellence, producing more innovative, good quality, welcome by the masses product, resolutely eliminate substandard products, boost consumers "made in China" confidence, support quality and efficiency and enhance their international competitiveness.

It was noted that the implementation of the "Internet + circulation" action is the promotion of circulation revolution, promoting entrepreneurship, much innovation, an important measure of development of the new economy, to reduce costs and increase efficiency, consumption and employment. To this end, to break the cold chain transport infrastructure and of information such as "hard neck", to create intelligent logistics system, development of the Internet of things. To increase investment in rural broadband in particular, led industrial products, agricultural products to the countryside into the city, in order to facilitate the sale of agricultural products, increase farmers ' income, and rich supply of the city, make it reasonable price stability. Second, we must get rid of the business environment "soft constraints". Public service cloud platform for building business, allowing car-free enterprise engaged in transportation and businesses choose to do business with an average electricity prices or pilot peak and Valley electricity prices. Strengthening supervision and crack down on infringement of counterfeiting, creating a business integrity and fair competition environment. Third, we must promote the development of online and offline integration, accelerate shared economic growth. Traditional business networking, intelligence, and information transformation, support enterprises rely on Internet to optimize the allocation of resources, to develop new markets, guide to reduce shop rents.

It was noted that the positive results of the new round of health reform, health and life expectancy of the people further. Conference 2016 deepening health reform focus: first pilot city for comprehensive reform of public hospitals of the city, was expanded from 100 to 200. Carry out comprehensive reform model of public hospitals at county level. Second national pilot city rating about 70% of diagnosis and treatment, more than active or retired public hospital attending physician to practice in basic medical institutions or offer Studio pilot. City-dwellers by family physician services to expand coverage to more than 15%. To all three hospitals, 80% more than two levels of clinical pathways in hospital management. Third, perfecting compensation mechanism released the pilot urban public hospitals canceled drugs addition to strictly control the unreasonable fee for inspection. Years achieve serious illness insurance coverage, reduce the burden on more seriously ill patients. Four are pushing public hospitals drug purchasing, establishment of drug price information traceability mechanism, implemented from production to circulation and circulation to all open invoices of medical institutions from "two-vote system" so that intermediaries increase transparency. Patients are free to select or retail pharmacies to buy drugs at the hospital. Establishment of normal pharmaceutical reserve system shortages, increasing the supply of AIDS such as special drug-free, to strengthen medical and pharmaceutical quality control. Five is to improve the primary health care sector pay-for-performance system, encourage pilot cities to develop public hospitals approved for the total amount of pay-for-performance approach, the establishment and allocation of responsibilities and associated performance incentives, highlighting the medical technology and service value. Six is to promote basic health care national network and offsite medical billing. Improving basic health care and basic per capita subsidies of public funding for health services. Added 70,000 residents in standardized training, pediatricians 5,000 of them. Coordinate at all levels of population health information platforms and connectivity.

Conference also examined other matters.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Li keqiang

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责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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