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Shenzhen traffic police rumor: detained 50 couriers is exaggerated

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/6 6:19:27 Browse times: 162 Comment times: 0

Shenzhen traffic police rumor: detained 50 couriers is exaggerated(深圳交警辟谣:50名快递员被拘留是夸大事实)

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Shenzhen traffic police rumor: 50 couriers is exaggerating | banned power cuts _ in detention news

Shenzhen traffic police responses to "banning power":

New Express Reporter Zheng Yanhong

A few days ago, Shenzhen traffic police focus on Metro, bus stations, ports and businesses such as gathering illegally soliciting offences. This campaign has been dubbed the "most severe ban on the history of power", for a time, accused of brutality against vulnerable groups in Shenzhen, and seriously affect the development of express industry in network, continues on a circle of friends.

Yesterday afternoon, the Shenzhen traffic police hold briefing to respond to the question said, electric tricycle produced no relevant national standard, the road is illegal. Ventilation, said that Shenzhen Government is pushing electric trucks, new energy, a small truck, Shenzhen traffic police suggest express delivery companies to buy, saying that "in almost all the roads are open 24 hours a day in the city."

Action is not directed against any industry groups

Shenzhen traffic Police Bureau Director Xu Wei said this year is the heart of "governance of urban management year", "the rule of law city 2016" actions in the field of road traffic management initiatives, "banning power" is one of the most important part. Shenzhen to reign in regulation against category 30 outstanding traffic violations, governance projects covering all kinds of automobiles, motorcycles, electric bicycles, electric (motorized) tricycles or even traffic violations. Action and does not apply to any industry group.

Shenzhen traffic police figures said, in 2015, Shenzhen 114 deaths caused by traffic accident involving electric vehicles, 26.45% of the total killed 431 people. First quarter of 2016, Shenzhen traffic accidents involving electric car killing a total of 27 people died, accounting for 24.77% of the total death toll of 109 people.

Shenzhen traffic Police Bureau official said, each year the Bureau receives complaints relating to banned power cuts have more than 1500 cases, including the national people's Congress, the CPPCC proposal recommends about 10, all traffic classes 65%, this may be the crux of the problem, is the main reason causing the chaos.

Prolonged "in transition"

Public questioning since the crackdown began, believes that Shenzhen traffic police is violent enforcement. Shenzhen traffic police said, before the action has been communicating with the industry, clearly require express delivery companies may misuse electric (motorized) tricycles.

For express delivery industry insufficient quota for electric bicycle traffic has increased the quota of 5,000 record electric bike, depending on the situation, coordination of follow-up to further increases. Next, you will also practice, canceled a two-year record of a special electric bicycle audit, together with the appropriate extension "in transition", giving relevant Express Enterprise "buffering" message digest stock as soon as possible, take the initiative to clean up illegally parked cars.

Shenzhen Industry Association estimates that "banning power" about thousands of couriers to resign. Shenzhen traffic police said, mainly concentrated in small courier companies used an illegal electric tricycles, big courier companies did not fluctuate.

The rumor

"50 couriers and detention" is stretching the truth

Today network "50 couriers were detained, seized more than 800 vehicles express for cars", Shenzhen traffic police said, this is stretching the truth. Figures issued by the Shenzhen traffic police from Express Enterprise 19 people detained since March 21, after verification, 16 people have recorded, is "no motor vehicle driving license to drive a motor tricycle road"; detention period to 3-10 days, until April 4, 12 people have been returning posts. The industry seized alone, 62, is present in the corresponding offence was seized.


Was seized by what kind of electric cars?

According to the Shenzhen traffic police in charge, Shenzhen for electric cars and not completely banned in some public transportation backbone of the lives of relatively poor or the surrounding area, allowing electric vehicle traffic. Seized cars which are serious incidents of electric bikes assembled, not on the card, the illegal modification of electric tricycle, "these cars even while electric cars on the road will also be seized".

Express delivery in future?

Shenzhen traffic police in charge, the express industry used tricycle, tricycle converted almost all, illegal Assembly, itself is not standard, even the post Office Department recommended industry standards are not up to, impossible under current situation prevailing in Shenzhen. Shenzhen traffic police according to trade-ins, prolonging the transition period. "Shenzhen Government is currently promoting electric trucks, new energy, a small truck. We also recommend these companies purchase, this can be a good means of transportation, but also by two-wheeled electric vehicles, bicycles, and even to send, in different ways. "

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Banned power cuts

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  ■新快报记者 郑雁虹




  深圳交警局局长徐炜称,今年是深圳的“城市管理治理年”,“法治通城2016”行动是在道路交通领域的具体治理举措,“禁摩限电”是其中的一项重要内容。 深圳针对30类突出交通违法发动严管整治,治理项目涵盖了各类汽车、摩托车、电动自行车、电动(机动)三轮车甚至行人的各类交通违法行为。行动并不针对任 何行业和群体。





  对于快递行业反映的电动自行车配额不足,交警已增加5000辆备案电动自行车的配额,根据情况,后续可进一步协调增加。接下来,还将结合实际,取消两年一 次的特殊行业电动自行车的备案审核,同时适当延长“过渡期”,给予相关快递企业“缓冲”,尽快消化库存的邮件,主动清理违规车辆。




  对于今日网传“50名快递员被拘留、800余辆快递车辆被查扣”,深圳交警表示,这是夸大事实。深圳交警出具数据显示,从3月21日至今被拘留的快递企业 人员19人,经核实,有16人有系统记录,均为“未取得机动车驾驶证驾驶机动三轮车上路行驶”;拘留期限3至10日,至4月4日,已有12人返回岗位。快 递行业被查扣电动车仅有62辆,均是存在相应违法行为被查扣。





  深圳交警有关负责人介绍,快递行业大量使用三轮车,这些三轮车几乎全都是改装的、非法拼装的,本身没有国标,连邮政部门推荐的行业标准都达不到,在深圳目 前情况下不可能通行。深圳交警会根据企业置换车情况,适当延长过渡期。“目前深圳政府正在推进电动货车、新能源小货车工作。我们也建议这些企业购买,这可 以作为一个很好的运输方式,同时还可以通过两轮电动车、自行车甚至人去送,方式不同”。

责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098



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