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China Launches satellite to explore space reproduction viability issues

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China Launches satellite to explore space reproduction viability issues(中国发射卫星探索人类太空繁衍可行性等问题)

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China Launches satellite to explore space reproduction viability issues | | satellite China News

Original title: humans can do to reproduce in space? Tenth satellite of China practice helps answer

Xinhua Jiuquan on April 6, Reuters new media (reporter Yu Fei Wang Cong Rong Qihan) humans to leave Earth in the future, through the long Star Trek, long term survival in the universe?

Can humans into space to multiply? Born in space will be like?

Spacecraft caught fire do?

Not day and night, four points, and the points of space, flowers will bloom time as home of the Earth? Do you have a different kind of beauty? Do different seed will bear with the Earth?


Now maybe it is still too early to answer these questions, but Chinese scientists have carried out in the next two weeks in space of 19 new and interesting experiments, help accumulate and the promotion of relevant knowledge.

6th, located in the Gobi desert in Northwest China's Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, long second d carrier rocket will practice tenth satellite into space.

This satellite carries waiting for the flowering of rice and Arabidopsis, with graceful fruit flies, thousands of eggs (some of them will hatch in space), the tiny nematode worm, mouse embryos ... ... After the space journey, the "passengers" with the satellite return capsule returned to Earth, landing at siziwang banner of Inner Mongolia, helping scientists reveal effects of microgravity and space radiation on life.

Chinese scientists also intend to practice, tenth in the makeshift laboratory in space, "the fire burning a few"; observe how droplets evaporate, and the bubbles of boiling liquid out ... ...

In addition to the Find method of the future survival of mankind, apply the tenth issue of the scientific experiment will also help humans better life on Earth, such as: drilling for oil more efficiently reduce coal burning pollution; manufacturing in space made out of materials on Earth.

  Space science experiment innovative

Chinese Academy of Sciences, the national space science centre, space science satellite project Deputy Director Wu Ji introduced practice tenth is the world's largest single carrying experimental project space satellites. Scientists have used satellite orbit and recovery class, involving microgravity fluid physics, combustion in microgravity, space materials science, space radiation effects, gravitational biological effects, space, biotechnology and other areas of space science experiments, reveals micro-gravity conditions and radiation conditions of physical movement and life activities.

"China to innovation-driven development, there must be knowledge. At present in the field of space science, China is still the use of knowledge. Practice tenth will greatly improve China's micro-gravity Sciences and space life science research level, provide innovative knowledge for future development and utilization of the space environment to promote innovation and development in the field of space science, China is of great significance. "Wu Ji said.

Chief Scientist, academician Hu Wenrui, apply the tenth said: "practical scientific experiments are carried out on the tenth new exploration, are not carried out abroad, each experiment is innovative and strong scientific value, will nurture academic breakthroughs on major issues. ”

Academy of aerospace science and technology group practice introduced tenth satellite Commander Qiu Jiawen, tenth closely around the practice relating to energy, agriculture and health national science and technology strategy, combined with the spacecraft fire, and other key technology needs, promotion of bio-engineering, new materials and other high-tech development and basic research in life science breakthroughs for promoting space micro-gravity Sciences and space life science development is of great significance.

  Open space experiment

Practice tenth China's 25th retrievable satellite, is the first large-scale implementation of space micro-gravity experiments by satellite.

Experts, physical phenomena on Earth, are restricted by the Earth's gravity, buoyancy, sedimentation, pressure gradient and so on. In microgravity, the ground is masked by gravity factors became important, so the micro-gravity environment can observe many unique phenomena cannot be observed on Earth.

Will be built around 2020, China station, which can do many microgravity experiments on the space station. So why do scientists have to experiment on the satellite?

Hu Wenrui explain advantages include time in the experiment on the space station, can be controlled, but residual gravitational interference may affect experimental results. Practice tenth satellite is designed specifically for scientific satellites, can provide a lower gravity than space station experiment, more beneficial to some.

Meanwhile, in satellite experiments are done on mobility is better. Some samples I hope nearer the time mounted to the satellite from the launch as possible, for example the experiment of stem cell and bone marrow samples and embryos are only a few hours before launch into the satellite. And, after the end of the experiment, samples with the capsule recovery as soon as possible, take out the analysis.

In addition, the practice tenth both return capsule rail module, some dare not do experiments on the space station, such as combustion, rail tank allows you to complete.

"Recoverable satellite is complementary to the space station, could also play an irreplaceable function of the space station. "Said Hu Wenrui.

Practice tenth scientific applications system architect Kang Qi said, use recoverable satellites for space science experiments, experimental conditions, high levels of micro-gravity, low risk, low cost, experiment with more opportunities in a flight, particularly conducive to international cooperation, it is a very important means of space experiments.

It is reported that the European Space Agency and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency participated in practice on the tenth part of the experiment.

Tenth satellite Zhao Huiguang, Chief Architect introduce the practice, China is the United States, and Russia outside third country to master satellite technology. Practice tenth satellite is China's satellite technology, micro-gravity Sciences and space life science research carried out efficient, short-term space experiments, integrated platform. Tenth, will complete the six areas of practice and 19 scientific experiments, of which 8 fluid physics experiments in the satellite orbit module, 11 other scientific experiments conducted in the recovery tank.

He said that recoverable satellite has unique advantages, many carrying experiments of biology laboratory, life science experiments and science, on-orbit experiments need to be returned to Earth for direct analysis. In addition, samples in space time is not too long, to the space station in the future, once for a long time, so this kind of short, experimental satellite is very suitable to be real.

  After 11 years, China satellite

Ding long launch vehicle carried out this mission in the 90 's of the last century, China was specifically designed for launching satellite development.

Institute of aerospace science and technology group of the eighth Commander Tan Xuejun introduced practice tenth delivery systems, long distance, the launch practice tenth on dibutyl launch recoverable satellites have separated by 11 years. Prior to the development of satellite collection points in the mountains of Central Sichuan Suining because there was a relatively small population and the town. But with the rapid economic development of Suining increased density in mountain areas in recent years, for the protection of personal and property safety of the local population, but also for the convenience of satellite search recovery, apply the tenth issue of the collection points to siziwang banner of Inner Mongolia in the past year.

"As a result, the rocket according to the overall parameters of the change made the appropriate adjustments. In addition, to set aside for biological samples before launch time, the rocket fuel ahead of time. "Tan Xuejun said.

For now, Ding has fired 27 times, long second, has 39 satellites into space, keeping the 100% success rate, won the "gold rocket," said. Apply the tenth second d is long, space science, China launched the second series of satellites. Ding successfully at the end of last year, two dark matter particles satellite "monkey" into space this year, developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, quantum and carbon satellites will be launched.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
China satellite

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  新华社酒泉4月6日新媒体专电(记者 喻菲 王聪 荣启涵)人类未来能否离开地球,穿越漫漫星际,在宇宙中长期生存?

































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