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Shenzhen traffic police respond to more than 800 vehicles express car is buckle: stretch the truth

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/5 7:00:35 Browse times: 159 Comment times: 0

Shenzhen traffic police respond to more than 800 vehicles express car is buckle: stretch the truth(深圳交警回应800余辆快递车被扣:夸大事实)

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Shenzhen traffic police respond to more than 800 vehicles express car is buckle: exaggerated | banned power cuts | electric motor in Shenzhen | courier _ news

Shenzhen traffic police ban motorcycle power held a press conference

Shenzhen traffic police ban motorcycle power held a press conference

Shenzhen traffic police ban motorcycle power held a press conference

Shenzhen traffic police ban motorcycle power held a press conference

Shenzhen traffic police ban motorcycle power held a press conference

Reporters ' questions

Reporters ' questions

Reporters ' questions

Reporters ' questions

Shenzhen traffic police ban motorcycle power held a press conference

Reporters ' questions

Reporters ' questions

Reporters ' questions

Source: Shenzhen traffic police official micro-blog

Today, Shenzhen traffic police ban motorcycle power held a press conference, the press, total domestic news media at all levels more than more than 50 reporters more than 80 employees.

Host: first by the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau traffic police command informed the Department's recent "no power" work and my next deployment.

Shenzhen traffic police command Office: Dear friends from the media, we next turn to the Shenzhen traffic police recently "banning power" work and give you informed. Since March 21, the city carried out a new round of "banning power" since its renovation, community receives great, attracted the attention of all sectors of the city and the country, and today we hold this news briefing on a number of media and public interest issues and some confirmation questioning voices to make a public response and explanation.

First part: Shenzhen "banning power" is not "random", but in recent years has been the continuity of governance.

The second part: this is the heart of "governance of urban management year", "the rule of law city 2016" actions in the field of road traffic management initiatives, "banning power" is one of the most important part.

Part III: we have always supported industry health, normal development in Shenzhen.

Part IV: respond to some issues and quality.

Part five: "banning power" legal basis (abstract).

[Answering reporters ' questions on site (1)]

Reporter: Hello! I'm a reporter from Shenzhen news net, we see from the Shenzhen traffic police authority yesterday, a subscription to a publication, now detain more than 17,000 vehicles, detained staff of more than 800 passengers, nearly 900 passengers, we "cut power" for such a long time since the current results or effectiveness of governance is in line with our expectations? Detained 800 people than we thought? Thank you!

[Answering reporters ' questions on site (2)]

Reporter: voice of China, many people say the ban is a simple approach to management, we have a better way, we can in conjunction with the market or with other regulators to do a better job of managing. Second, today many national media want to take as a reference model, you feel that it is not in the future no motorcycle is one of the best in the big city? Thanks a lots!

[Answering reporters ' questions on site (3)]

Reporter: I am the financial media reporters being circulated on the Internet have a reward in comprehensive traffic improvement project, which referred to investigate and deal with illegal trading of tricycle party and detain undocumented drivers are rewarded, this situation is there? If it does, that the money belongs to the financial expenditure? If so, what kind, and which was, and which reward what is the legal basis? The second question, on special vehicle the filing system. Express industry has a target of 13,000, the distribution of the year should be issued in batches of, I would like to know what the point? This temporary increase of 5,000 indexes, add up to 18,000, and Shenzhen postal authority this morning said there are 55,000 first-line express gap is 37,000, have any specific plans for this year? Thank you!

[Conference: Association]

Thanks to media questions, also thanked Xu Wei the Secretary answered three questions in succession. Just a my friends from the media. We invite those participating in the Forum are Shenzhen postal service Lan Zhihua Director Guo Xiaomei and express Association Secretary-General. We have two brief.

[Answering reporters ' questions on site (4)]

Reporter: I am today's headlines, Netizen raised the question of Shenzhen traffic police, they have a question, why deleted comments on SINA weibo, deleted content is a limited capacity for electric vehicle detention is going on? Ride electric vehicles arrested detention based on what? Thank you!

[Answering reporters ' questions on site (5)]

Reporter: I am a Hong Kong Cable TV, you said that according to the two laws to new limits, but you also mentioned that there are notices, is already the fourth notice. The period of notice is there, within half a year. You have to constantly update notices for this specification, I would like to ask did I understand something wrong? If not mistaken, if this limit is based on notice to perform standard? Thank you.

Answering reporters ' questions on site (6)]

Reporter: I am express magazine journalist, thank you for giving me a Hon media opportunities. Prior to attending the Conference in this time, we did a survey with the national courier company, support for the Shenzhen traffic police recently announced initiatives, most enterprises are a recognition the more popular attitude, but for our industry, issues of most concern is the next implementation problems.

First, just published five initiatives which have a float for the record management, QR code management system. I would like to ask said any timetable for the initiative, express companies, courier are produced every day, tens of millions of daily Express, Shenzhen daily circulation of more than 6 million, which is a huge data. The clock is ticking, there is no corresponding schedule in this regard.

The second question, according to the courier company reflected, two-wheel vehicle quotas could hardly meet the demand, since the implementation of dynamic management, updated means of quotas can let go? Also have rights issues mentioned that Shenzhen road resources to support the tricycle from exercising, we can refer to the practices in other cities, in special sections, special areas for the pilot? Because there are other cities across the country to explore attempts.

[Meeting site: end]

Moderator: thank you for media and journalists, Forum has been going on for approximately 1.5 hours, now coming to an end. If all the media and journalists can also have problems, collected by the propaganda departments of our Bureau will give you a prompt reply, thank you Conference is now over.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Shenzhen banned power electric motor express

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  深圳交警指挥处:尊敬的各位媒体朋友,下面我们对深 圳交警近期的相关“禁摩限电”工作情况为大家作通报。自从3月21日我市开展新一轮的“禁摩限电”整治以来,社会反响较大,引起了全市乃至全国各界人士的 关注,今天我们召开这次新闻通气会,就一些媒体和民众关心的问题和一些求证质疑的声音做一个公开回应和解释。







  记者:你好!我是来自深圳新闻网的记者,我们从昨天深圳交警权威发布的订阅号看到,目前扣留有1.7万多辆,扣留人员 800多人次,近900人次,目前我们“禁摩限电”这么长时间以来,目前的处理结果或者治理的成效是否符合我们的预期?对扣留这800人是否超出我们的预 想?谢谢!


  记者:华夏之声电台,很多人说禁行是简单的管理方法,我们是不是还有更好的方法,我们是不是可以会同市场或者其他监管部门 一起来做一个更好的管理。第二,今天到场很多全国的媒体都希望把深圳作为一个借鉴的范本,您觉得是不是在今后在大城市没有摩托车就是一个最好的现象?谢 谢!


  记者:我是财经传媒的记者,网上流传有一个交通综合整治的奖励项目,里面提到查处非法营运的三轮车和拘留无证驾驶的当事人 都会有奖励,这个情况是存在吗?如果存在,那这笔奖金是属于财政支出吗?如果是的话,是属于哪一类、哪一款、哪一项,奖励的法理依据是什么?第二个问题, 关于特殊行业车辆备案制度。快递行业有1.3万的指标,这个当年的发放情况应该是分批次发放的,我想知道具体的时点?另外这次临时增加5000个指标,加 起来是1.8万,和今天早上深圳邮政管理局的人说有5.5万一线快递员缺口是3.7万,今年有什么具体计划?谢谢!






  记者:我是香港有线电视的,你们说根据两个法律来规定新的限制,但是你们也提到有通告,已经是第四次通告。这个通告是不是 有限期的,半年限期。你们要不停更新通告来进行这个规范,我想问我这样理解有没有错?如果没有错的话,是不是这个限制就是根据通告来执行规范的?谢谢你。




  第 二个问题,据快递公司反映,二轮车配额远远满足不了需求,既然实行动态管理,更新了手段,配额能不能放开?还有路权的问题,刚才提到深圳道路资源不足以支 撑三轮车行使,我们是否可以参考其他城市做法,在特殊路段、特殊区域进行试点?因为现在全国其他城市也有一些探索尝试。



责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

深圳禁摩限电 电动车 快递员


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