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Chinese military surveillance to Guo boxiong and arrest

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/5 6:59:04 Browse times: 205 Comment times: 0

Chinese military surveillance to Guo boxiong and arrest(中国军事检察院对郭伯雄采取监视居住和逮捕措施)

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Military | Guo boxiong Guo boxiong residential surveillance and arrest measures _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 5-under the authority of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, people's Liberation Army, military law, former Vice President of China's Central Military Commission Guo boxiong suspected bribery cases on file for investigation. A few days ago, on the investigation of the case, submitted for examination and prosecution. Military procuratorial officials Guo boxiong problems involved in bribery cases related to answer a reporter's question.

  Q: Please introduce you to deal with Guo boxiong alleged major bribery cases.

Answer: under the authority of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, on July 30, 2015, Chief of Guo boxiong on suspicion of bribery investigation. Investigation, the military prosecutor's Office on legal history and a highly responsible attitude and strictly according to law to carry out investigation, seized money and property in accordance with law, asked the relevant witnesses, extensive investigation and evidence collection, gets a lot of evidence law interrogating suspects Guo boxiong, allegedly confessed to the crime of bribery. Have been identified as Guo, using bribes, promotions or provide help for others, directly or through family members accepting bribes, the amount involved is especially huge, facts are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient. According to the people's Procuratorate of the Criminal Procedure Act and the rules of criminal procedure (for trial implementation) of the relevant provisions of Guo, case investigation, the conditions for transfer to prosecute.

  Q: in cases of investigated how to protect the procedural rights of suspects Guo boxiong?

Answer: according to criminal method about provides, Chief Law on Guo boxiong filed investigation and has take specified homes monitored live and arrested forced measures, law told has crime suspects litigation right obligations, special specified its was first times interrogation or was take forced measures of day up right to delegate lawyer as defender, right to in accept interrogation Shi for himself justified, right to application its think may effect case just processing of personnel avoided, and to its served legal instruments, perform has related procedures. During the investigation, in strict accordance with Guo boxiong interrogation, every interrogation read and signed, and effectively safeguard the procedural rights of suspects.

  Q: next, Guo, arrested for bribery case for what?

Answer: in accordance with the provisions of the code of criminal procedure article 166th, Guo boxiong after transfer to prosecute bribery cases, the Chief Department of public prosecutions will examine the law, military courts to prosecute.

  Q: how Guo boxiong army, rank?

Answer: the crime of military cadets and rank there are two ways: one is under the discipline regulations of the PLA 120th (d) and 145th of the provisions by the military authorities decided to expel its army, and his military rank. Another is based on the rank of the people's Liberation Army Ordinance 28th and the Central Military Commission, provisions of article II concerning deprivation of military rank of crimes, legally deprived of his rank by the military court and later under the discipline regulations of the PLA 120th (b) the provisions of paragraph, by the military authorities decided to expel its cadets. Guo boxiong army, rank, military judicial organs and the relevant departments according to law and according to the JI process.

  Q: involving Guo boxiong personnel how to deal with the case?

A: the Guo family and other people involved were arrested for a crime, based on the facts as found by the evidence, the law and will not tolerate. (End)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Guo boxiong

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Xinhua News Agency

  新华社北京4月5日电 根据最高人民检察院授权,中国人民解放军军事检察院依法对中央军委原副主席郭伯雄涉嫌受贿犯罪案立案侦查。日前,对该案侦查终结,移送审查起诉。军事检察机关负责人就郭伯雄涉嫌受贿犯罪案件相关问题回答了记者提问。


  答:根据最高人民检察院授权,2015年7月30日,军事检察院对郭伯雄以涉嫌受贿犯罪立案侦查。侦查中,军事检察院以对法律和历史高度负责的态度,严格 依法开展侦查工作,依法查扣涉案款物,询问相关证人,广泛调查取证,获取了大量证据;依法讯问犯罪嫌疑人郭伯雄,其对涉嫌受贿犯罪事实供认不讳。现已查 明,郭伯雄利用职务便利,为他人职务晋升或调整提供帮助,直接和通过家人收受贿赂,数额特别巨大,事实清楚,证据确实、充分。根据《刑事诉讼法》和《人民 检察院刑事诉讼规则(试行)》之有关规定,郭伯雄案具备侦查终结、移送审查起诉的条件。


  答:根据《刑事诉讼法》有关规定,军事检察院依法对郭伯雄立案侦查并先后采取指定居所监视居住和逮捕强制措施,依法告知了犯罪嫌疑人诉讼权利义务,特别指 明其被第一次讯问或者被采取强制措施之日起有权委托律师作为辩护人,有权在接受讯问时为自己辩解,有权申请其认为可能影响案件公正处理的人员回避,并向其 送达法律文书,履行了相关手续。侦查期间,严格依法对郭伯雄进行讯问,每一份讯问笔录都经其仔细阅读并签字确认,切实保障了犯罪嫌疑人的诉讼权利。




  答:对犯罪军人军籍、军衔的处理有两种途径:一种是根据《中国人民解放军纪律条令》第一百二十条第(四)项和第一百四十五条之规定,由军队有关单位决定开 除其军籍、取消其军衔。另一种是根据《中国人民解放军军官军衔条例》第二十八条和《中央军委关于剥夺犯罪军人军衔》第二条之规定,由军事法院判决依法剥夺 其军衔;而后根据《中国人民解放军纪律条令》第一百二十条第(二)项之规定,由军队有关单位决定开除其军籍。对郭伯雄军籍、军衔的处理,军事司法机关和有 关部门将依法依纪办理。



责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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