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Xinhua News Agency, tracking the Tomb expired tidal: 20 how to renew after expiration?

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Xinhua News Agency, tracking the Tomb expired tidal: 20 how to renew after expiration?(新华社追踪墓穴到期潮:20年期满后如何续费?)

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Xinhua News Agency, tracking the Tomb expired tidal: how to renew when it expires 20? | | grave cemetery _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 4-title: grave due 20 how to renew? --To the grave "due the tide" phenomenon to track

Xinhua News Agency, "Xinhua viewpoint" reporter

When qingming tomb sweeping again. "Xinhua viewpoint" reporter survey found, currently, Shandong, and Beijing, and Liaoning, and Chongqing, and in Inner Mongolia, and Yunnan, and Guangxi, to appeared graves "due tide", only Shandong, and Beijing, and Yunnan, minority place on due graves how continued payment with introduced policy; in some place, due graves owes paid continued rent costs of situation more, cemetery management party how processing no main Tomb faced problem.

Mass due to grave, only some places continued to pay rules

At present, the grave due to appear. Shenyang 360,000 in the box of ashes ashes into the tree planting forests, more than half had expired; age of Qingdao, Shandong province, hundreds of Park Cemetery, expiration of jiufeng mausoleum cemetery grave of thousands, Yuhan in Jinan mountain rest in peace Park, about 12,000 of the more than more than 40,000 grave due, of which more than more than 2000 did not renew after expiration, the longest maturity after four or five years without paying; 33 operating cemetery in Beijing, faced expiration issue about more than more than 10 Beijing babaoshan cemetery more than 60,000 of the people in more than one grave, expiration and faces of more than 30,000.

The tomb of "expired" next rent payment? Introduced in 1992 the Ministry of Civil Affairs on the interim measures for the administration of the cemetery, the cemetery and the cells for the storage of ashes in principle, the life of a 20-year cycle. In March 2012, the national development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Civil Affairs on further strengthening the management of funeral services, issued guidance on related issues clearly, payment after the expiration of the grave, people apply for further use, cemetery management unit of cemetery maintenance and management fees charged by local price administrative departments according to law into local price list, fees according to the actual costs of maintenance of the cemetery and authorized reasonable profit, as determined by the determined throughout.

Reporters found that cemetery due continued, at what prices continued payment issues such as current policy on most parts of the country in a "vacuum", only Shandong, Beijing, Yunnan and other related rules, the cycle of renewal, renewal prices are not the same.

Shandong base prices expire on specific cemetery documents of price patterns, files have a 5 year implementation period. For example, price Department of Qingdao, hundreds of old Park Cemetery and mausoleum of jiufeng cemetery grave charge of 200 Yuan a year to the expiration of cemetery maintenance and management services, in principle payment of up to 5 years.

Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau spokesman Li Hongbing said, if renewal in a traditional way, Beijing for the first time to renew provisional period of 10, currently only charged in the standard land rental fees and cemetery management fees, "charges in particular much lower management costs, and other related policy adjustments, then redefine the standard."

Yunnan and other places on the renewal of expired graves there is only one principle-related provisions. For example, Yunnan launched in 2014 on funeral service charge management guidance on issues set out in the management of cemetery maintenance management, the implementation of market-regulated prices, developed independently by cemetery management unit charges.

Expired how to renew, into the grave problem

Reporters found that currently, due around the grave face many difficulties in the process.

--Ecological reconstruction difficult. Funeral society, the Beijing city development plan (2016-2020) set forth in the expired graves "in principle in the form of traditional Tomb renewals", "renewed grave no longer rewarded." Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau Director of funeral he said expired ecological transformation is the traditional tomb of encouraging and guiding the direction of the future, but it is not "one size fits all".

Planning of Beijing's "the traditional tomb of lease contracts expired, section ecological transformation in an appropriate manner", Li introduced that at present Beijing ecological transformation of how grave without any concrete measures.

In the view of the industry, at the operational level on the traditional tomb of harmless treatment is a difficult problem, ecological transformation can improve land utilization, but the recycling of building materials is almost impossible.

--Owe the grave I do not know how to handle it. Yuhan in Jinan mountain rest Park is the nation's first "to renew permits" one of the cemetery, said Sun Jianjun, Director, early in 2010, the Jinan price Bureau issued specifically, on expiration of the General Cemetery highest charge management fees of no more than 15 yuan per month, in high-grade type up to 25 Yuan per month. "Due to various reasons, due for the grave, many families of the time could not be contacted. ”

Liaoning province, under the management of cemeteries, after the expiration of 3 months past due payments, without the main Tomb, Longgang cemetery in Shenyang, but management has not expired, grave No. Longgang cemetery service said Li Shuyao, Director of the Center, despite the clear time on the tomb of the Lord-free policy judgment, but now all expired graves still remain intact, even the focus moved to the Tower of ashes didn't do, scared families looking for trouble in the future.

--Shortening the catacombs use the term public is unacceptable. Funeral society, the Beijing city development plan (2016-2020) clearly "encourages the shortened lease period the Tomb." Many netizens, 20 is too short due to further shorten the period is longer appropriate.

China Funeral Association Expert Committee, Qiao Kuanyuan noted that grave shortage of land resources use and payment cycle to both reality and the acceptance by the people, generations of residents age has fallen from more than 10 years ago, when the development life-cycle extension of 20 to 30 years, using relatively short cycle where the need to respect the social reality and resident needs more time. In Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places the grave of cycles at 50 or 70 years, how to shorten the period it is necessary to appropriate study.

The intensive use of land in the graveyard shortage situation into focus

A number of experts pointed out that in recent years, some local to graves due processing and billing, vault lease period policy, this is in response to the "burial ground siege" situation. The Chinese funeral development report (2012-2013) showed that most of the city's existing graves all over the country will run out in 10 years, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other large cities, many cemeteries cemetery shortage.

Reporters in the interview that, some time earlier cemetery facing mass grave due but hard to recycle, the plight of reserve land, driven by economic interests, even at the destroyed Green Lake, fill, expansion of private. Experts believe that for the renewal of expired Tomb standard and non-defining of the main Tomb issued rules without delay.

In response to the "grave crisis", nine ministries such as the Ministry of Civil Affairs recently published the guidance relating to the implementation of land ecological burial clearly, "actively promote the grave recycling" and "encourage family members to use common ways to enhance usage the single grave."

"Members of the family buried" different from the family tomb of the banned? Shanghai Funeral Association, said Wang Hongjie, tombs of the family compound is a "stack of burial", the concept of the family tomb rather than shop. Currently conducted in Shanghai is divided into two layers, each layer 4, you can set up 8 dead, although its price is higher than the traditional tomb of 20%-30%, but the average calculation to each deceased, actually a lot cheaper price.

Despite the advantages of lower cost and tomb sweeping, but tombs of the family compound to launch in six years, only pilot a number of cemetery sales 150 or so, still belongs to the "small minority".

In the view of the industry, in addition to inadequate publicity and resident acceptance needs elevation, double buried tombs of waterproof, high technical requirements and management costs, cemetery operators only land development coming to an end, land a more tense situation will take care of this new interest in tombs.

Shenyang's ashes into the tree planting forest Manager Ji Shuzhong believes that encouraging family buried in the ecological burial can be tried, a case study of ecological lawn and tree burial buried, its design is sprinkled ashes buried under trees or on the lawn, deceased relatives can be buried in the same place again in the future, but exactly how need cemetery practices and related policies issued. (Reporters Zhou Rui, and Lin Miaomiao, Shi Qingwei and Wang Wei, and Wang, and Shao Kun)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Graves cemetery

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  新华社北京4月4日电 题:墓穴20年到期如何续费?——多地墓穴“到期潮”现象追踪



























责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

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