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Ministry of education: EMBA into nation-wide next year, no “buying places“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/4 7:36:23 Browse times: 144 Comment times: 0

Ministry of education: EMBA into nation-wide next year, no “buying places“(教育部:EMBA明年纳入全国统考,严禁“花钱买学位”)

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Ministry of education: EMBA next year into the national examination is strictly prohibited "buying places"

National master of business administration (MBA) education Steering Committee's official website on April 1, 2016 issued the Ministry of education in a prominent position on further regulating the education of postgraduates of master of business administration (hereinafter referred to as the standard opinion of).

Ministry of education of this a specification views on business management master of admissions discipline, and reasonable pricing, and teaching management, aspects for has clear specification, new rules clear requirements from 2017 up, senior management personnel business management master (EMBA) will into national unified of postgraduate entrance, by Ministry of education unified underlined, and the school by needed adjustment admitted, from December 1, 2016 began, the College shall not again itself organization EMBA admissions exam.

New rules of the Ministry of education also made it clear: eliminate the "courses" and "sheep"-style training methods to prevent class or are not up to the required classes to get a degree of; no lower standard to grant degrees, "buying places" such as Stern in teaching evaluation of power rent-seeking and corruption.

Starting in 2017, Executive Master of business administration (EMBA) will be integrated into a unified national postgraduate entrance. Pictures from the Internet

  "In the history of the largest professional degree reorganization Act"

This provision in the industry of the Ministry of education has undoubtedly raised the "earthquake", is known in the trade as "the history of the largest degree of reorganization Act". Surging News (www.thepaper.CN) to confirm with Tsinghua University, Fudan University and other colleges and universities, College answer is: similar to the spread, but have received no MoE red tape needed to receive official documents shall prevail.

EMBA Executive Master of Business Administration is the English name, Chinese name: Executive Master of business administration, the oldest was born in the United States School of management at the University of Chicago, it had established the aim is for the senior management service, often referred to as on-the-job MBA. EMBA is a special type of MBA degree education, locating the two differences. As MBA entrance exams need to study foreign languages, math, this gives those rich experience in management but leaving senior executives set the threshold of the test environments for many years. Current MBA high test scores tend to be those who graduated around 3, test-taking ability of the young people.

In July 2002, the Office of academic degree Committee of the State Council approved China Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University and other senior managers of 32 colleges and universities master of Business Administration degree education, the institutions began recruiting. EMBA EMBA Education in China market-oriented operation model, national training school enrollment, admission and training model with greater autonomy, the EMBA education into line with the actual demand in the market.

EMBA is the present organized independent of written tests, interviews, existing admission standards are two employers or industry celebrity references, and an enterprise-related thesis, students attend colleges organize interviews, qualified before the entrance. Diverse criteria, admission flexibility is powerful.

Of course, this does not mean, as long as the boss, the boss can read the EMBA. The Ministry of education, with Bachelor degree or above, 8 years of work experience (4 years of experience in management), large-scale enterprises can apply for serving senior executives.

  Part of the EMBA "buying places"

However, after more than 10 years of development, the alienation in some EMBA, EMBA graduates surging news that, EMBA, there have been "bosses Club", many bosses of private enterprises and State-owned enterprise leaders or officials to form a circle, generated a certain amount of rent.

In addition to government officials, enterprises, entrepreneurs, sports stars have also joined, EMBA circle some affair.

In China, read the EMBA has become a symbol of identity and status, is expanding to build high-end networking the easy way. Class time is relatively short, but the EMBA learning is not an easy process. Read EMBA students, especially entrepreneurs, many of them pay, business school brand and relationships they value most.

But EMBA totally free independent recruitment policy exam review training school now exists is not strict, admissions standards are not unified, the trainees levels and so on. On-the-job learning is generally a month to focus on the joint four-day weekend, classroom student performance appraisal system implementation is not strict, graduation thesis doesn't pass, class but cannot be guaranteed to graduate, some institutions and even "buying places" phenomenon.

The Ministry of education of the specification of the total 7, 4th section:

Put an end to "courses" and "sheep"-style training methods to prevent class or are not up to the required classes to get a degree of; no lower standard to grant degrees, "buying places" such as Stern in teaching evaluation of power rent-seeking and corruption. Not allowed to organize without approval (border) teaching activities or extend abroad (border), teachers and managers shall not hold private passports to go abroad (border) travel and not on behalf of the study tour, visiting scholar, visiting attractions sightseeing tours.

EMBA currently expensive, but layering is also serious, high tuition fees of up to 800,000, tuition at universities with an average five hundred thousand or six hundred thousand, while some students lack of the Western provinces of colleges, tuition is only about 100,000, not as first-tier cities MBA tuition.

5th in the files of the Ministry of education also provides:

  Tuition fees must be indicated in the catalogue, and strict implementation of the charging system.

6th, also made it clear to the Ministry of education to strengthen financial management and guard against the independent Commission against corruption risks.

Tuition fees and other income must be included in the training institutions of financial unified management and unified accounting, implementation of "two lines of income and expenditure" shall not be collected. Strict compliance with the Central eight spirit, against illegal public reception, illegal equipped with using official cars, violations are equipped with of office space, as well as violations of the public abroad (border), non public funds to travel and so on. Stern in false bills of all kinds, such as cash, financial fraud. Members of the current leadership of the various training institutions, participate in the activities falling within the scope of administrative duties, and shall not be eligible for labour costs, subsidies, in principle, does not take on Executive MBA teaching tasks.

Department of education State will further strengthen supervision of postgraduate education for master of Business Administration degree management and assessment, training colleges to question seriously, revocation of right to grant master's degrees in business administration in accordance with law.

  EMBA Student Demand would increase after the exam, degree value increase

Yellow is the General Manager of a private enterprise in Zhejiang Province, in pursuit of high-end networking circles, he has been reading a number of the school's EMBA, "networking is very important, but read EMBA quality has declined in recent years, unlike in previous years, entrepreneurs are some of the components for admission. "News that the surging yellow.

Wang, Chairman of a company is the first EMBA students, these years also followed the Yangtze University Business School EMBA and lakes and other projects. He told the authorities wide world magazine said in an interview, EMBA overall quality has declined in recent years, utilitarian and more important, even in the business world made up the famous "degree in business circles, famous brands, seats" such "third son Deng Ke" Jingle. Wang believes that regulatory EMBA quality is important, but the "survival of the fittest" should be left to the market.

School of Dou Wenyu, Deputy Director of the City University of Hong Kong has been making capacity as visiting Professor, to teach mainland EMBA programs. He believed that with the new generation of entrepreneurs and managers to grow, EMBA should consider new standards. "Overseas without tests, principle of each school has its own admissions, GMAT exam or selected third parties. EMBA education abroad is generally mixed, require test scores, but if the experience is very rich, or experienced outstanding flexibility, such as testing the applicant's mathematical logic, reasoning, language, and other basic skills. Our EMBA quality domestic concerns are correct, but not a national examination will be able to solve? "Dou Wenyu suggested that overseas business schools project evaluation system is" back-end "punch, through the competent departments, third parties and even evaluation and monitoring of the effects of media on the EMBA, maybe China can learn from.

Analysis of the industry, EMBA nation-wide means of EMBA Education attach more importance to the Ministry of education, Student Demand will increase, EMBA threshold higher, degrees improved gold content.

According to the news about the surging, EMBA exam specific examination subjects at present has not been announced, is likely to have subjects such as languages, mathematics, logic, because it is a basic line of taking scores of national unity means that all applicants must face the nation-wide competition, the applicant in order to pass the exam, it takes more time to prepare. English as written subjects remain uncertain, if the test subjects into English, for some of its older lower-level executives, passed the exam more difficult. In particular such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University's EMBA degree program, admission is very competitive, and entered the elite EMBA threshold more difficult.

However, due to the higher threshold for EMBA degrees gold also increased. After the national entrance exams, EMBA after a nationwide unified written tests and school interview, EMBA students will better, change the current situation of business schools and bad. EMBA students to improve the overall quality of, EMBA degree value is greatly increased, with a school's EMBA degree, becoming more and more difficult, more and more valuable. This examination before entering the EMBA program participants, undoubtedly is a very big positive, and the degree of recognition of higher.

  Drive in the industry are not optimistic about the deal the former "last train"

Expert analysis, EMBA will appear "last train effects" 2016 EMBA application popular. Because the files of the Ministry of education said on December 1, 2016, the institutions shall not arrange the EMBA admissions test. Which means December 1, 2016, the various tertiary institutions can also arrange examinations, between now and December, EMBA admission may not participate in the examination. This and the purchase of real estate, license plate limit a truth, in front of the new deal, there will be last train effects. Many applicants in order to avoid the EMBA entrance exams starting next year, will learn to plan ahead, drive entrance prior to the new deal. Especially for older entrepreneurs, due to the age and prior knowledge forgotten through the exam written test is less likely, the next six months may be enrolled EMBA's last chance.

However, this prediction also hold different views of the industry, surging news consulted several University EMBA Admissions Office, they said, there is no Advisory explosion occurred.

Appears before the new deal registration surge is not cause for optimism there, "restricted read" effect: in 2014, the Department issued no leading cadres pay to participate in training programs, EMBA, EDP is explicitly higher charges, such as socialization and training projects, "leading cadres are not allowed to participate in" that year at the request of the China Europe international business school, Cheung Kong EMBA project leaders drop out surges.

March 2015 in Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen University held of school related forum Shang, people University, and Nanjing University, and Huazhong University of science and, and South Polytechnic University, and Northeast financial University, school of is in charge of led in received new express interview Shi clear said, eight items provides Hou Central of "limited read makes", let related College EMBA of admissions by has different degree of impact, NPC school Dean Mao Jiye said, whole EMBA performance fell has 1/3 around; also has school said has 40% students return zero.

Surging Dean, who asked not to be named to the news, "said restricted read" students dropped significantly after business schools mainly survive on tuition fees, capital chain had serious pressure, hopes the State can relax the relevant requirement, now the Ministry of Education promulgated the norms are "worse".

However, educators also admits that, for professional degree of specification sent a clear signal: the countries hoped that the degree of gold can continue to improve. On March 25, 2016, issued by the Ministry of Education issued the academic degrees Committee of the State Council on 2014 authorized to offer specialized assessment and treatment of the opinions of the cancelled 42 universities in 50 degree qualification, including 5 5 MPA and MBA authorization, this "serious" measures, some universities will serve as a warning. It can be foreseen that 2017 EMBA and MBA admissions master's degree will be more strictly regulated.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-04-04 18:09:45
教育部:EMBA明年纳入全国统考 严禁“花钱买学位”




  自2017年起,高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)将纳入全国统一的硕士研究生入学。 图片来自网络



  EMBA的英文全称是Executive Master of Business Administration,中文名称是:高级管理人员工商管理硕士,最早诞生于美国芝加哥大学管理学院,它设立的目的就是为高级管理人员服务,通常称为在职MBA。EMBA是MBA专业学位教育的一种特殊形式,二者定位有所差别。由于MBA入学考试需要考外语、数学,这就给那些管理经验丰富但离开应试环境多年的企业高层人员设置了门槛。目前国内MBA考分高的往往是那些大学毕业3年左右、应试能力强的年轻人。



















  某公司董事长王永是国内第一批EMBA学员,这些年也相继参加长江商学院EMBA和湖畔大学等项目。他在接受《央广天下财经》采访时坦言,EMBA总体质量近年确实有所下降,功利性越来越重,甚至商界里编出著名的 “商业圈子、名校牌子、学位位子”这样的“三子登科”顺口溜。王永认为,监管EMBA质量固然重要,但“优胜劣汰”的工作应交给市场。












(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-04-04 18:09:45

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