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Ecological burial in Beijing for the next 5 years “the rising“

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/4 7:35:47 Browse times: 191 Comment times: 0

Ecological burial in Beijing for the next 5 years “the rising“(北京未来5年生态安葬比例“节节高”)

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Ecological burial in Beijing for the next 5 years "the rising"

Babaoshan revolutionary cemetery buried yucenyuan stereo, ashes and the ashes of ashes Gallery, wall kiosk.

People holding a deceased loved one photo, loved ones ashes to the sea on the deck.

Buried in Evergreen Park wall in front of the wall of the public mourn their loved ones.

Eco-cemetery babaoshan revolutionary cemetery North Hills's "tree burial".

Eco-cemetery babaoshan revolutionary cemetery North Hills "flower burial". 1 m under the ashes buried in flowers.

Recently, this reporter from the Mayor of Beijing Aozono ashes of forests was informed that, as a base for Beijing promotion model of ecological funeral, the grave will be in existing forest area outside for 6.5 acres of ashes and planning 12 acres of land for tree burial, lawn funeral and other ecological funeral. Meanwhile, head of Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau also introduced over the next 5 years, Beijing municipality annual bury rate will increase 1%, 50% proportion of ecological burial by 2020.

Cemeteries, located in Heizhuanghu Township, Chaoyang District, Evergreen Park's ashes to jisao of forests in many members of the public. Reporter in the ashes of forest tree burial area, members of the public around the gravestones with flowers the graves under a pine tree. Some green plants trees a circle under a tree, some trees are blossoming silk flower hanging. From a distance, the tombstones like "stealth". This is Beijing's "Tomb of the built Tomb not" ecological burial.

Ash forests introduced Cao Jie, Director, Evergreen Park, current ecological burial rate of 67% of Evergreen Park, Crouching, small art monument and Tomb.

In recently announced of Beijing City funeral career development planning (2016-2020), and Beijing previously announced of on full advance green ecological funeral construction of views in the, Beijing "Thirteen-Five" late strive to ashes buried ecological of proportion reached years buried volume of 50%, ashes sub sea number reached years cremation volume of 4% above, ashes landscape sub bulk number reached years cremation volume of 2% above.

Deputy Director of the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau, said Li Hongbing introduces Green eco funeral emphasized the body disposal harmlessness, placing the ashes in the ecological garden, services, environment, sacrificial Act civilized. "In the future there are cemeteries in Beijing to build a demonstration garden of Green Cemetery, ecological burial rates of 100% ashes. Operating in the city cemetery to throw ashes landscape areas. ”

Public class

Main eco-what is buried?

1 stereo buried

Stereo buried wall of bury, urn placed inside the wall ashes within cells.

Provides a unified subsidy standard Evergreen Park public stereo ashes burial service (ashes wall operation), the city financial subsidies to this business. Evergreen Park ashes ashes of the wall every single cells collect 3000 Yuan, 20-year service period. Key entitled groups and enjoy the benefits of the subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents free of charge, the cost borne by the municipal finance;, financial subsidies, each cells of other members by 1000, 2000 personal burden by the public.

Processing method after the death on January 1, 2009 have a Beijing Hukou residents may apply to Evergreen Park public solid Ash burial services. Funeral agent handling the ashes for burial business shall hold the dying person's household registration certificate, proof of death and cremation certification and Attn original and copy of proof of identity. The dead key entitled groups and enjoy the benefits of the subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents, it also requires original and copy of the certificate issued by the Department of civil affairs-related identity.

2 sea of ashes

Body cremated, their ashes scattered to the sea without leaving any ashes buried.

Application process application for burial at sea needed to provide information on three aspects: one is the domicile of the deceased, cremation or ashes stored certificate; the other is about families (or other specific client) on the ashes of the deceased to dispose of evidence, such as residence registration or kinship certificate; the third is on the number of accompanying family members and copies of identity documents. Carrying ashes of the deceased, ashes of sea service agreements signed, handed over the ashes.

Application place ashes in Beijing Office of the sea located in the Beijing funeral service center, for the ashes of sea procedures throughout. Three outlets including: the Beijing funeral service center (yiheyuan road, Haidian District, 17th, phone 62543669); at the babaoshan funeral home handling (inside the babaoshan revolutionary cemetery, phone 88255229); East funeral home handling Department (eastern suburbs inside the funeral home, call 52458930)

Wait time sea of ashes, typically in mid-March to mid-November. Municipal funeral service center director Wang Dedong introduction, Beijing is in principle to be that year's ashes when the sea, proposed in the spring, around autumn sub out, according to the time length to be queued. If the fall application, try sea during the year, it is not, also from the sea within 365 days from the date of the application.

State charges introduced Wang Dedong, Beijing currently has three types of sub sea, namely mobile broadcast, Isaac and family sea sub, where the first two ways are no charge, family sea sub will charge a certain amount of costs, such as rental of vessels, vehicles, among others. This fee is charged at cost, chartering how much money, how much money. Family sea sub sub is booked for the sea, usually on weekends, time agreed to in the agreement.

3 ashes scattered

Deep sub-in the land of ashes of the deceased, automatic degradation.

For example Prince Edward Yu, Beijing is cemetery, hot springs cemetery, cemetery Fukuda "landscape ashes" pilot. Ashes in the garden, a sculpture, three quarters of flowering, Evergreen, beautiful natural landscapes.

State charges ashes scattered lower prices, placement fees of each deceased about thousand Yuan, or even free. Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, said after the end of the pilot project over the next 5 years, 33 operating cemetery in Beijing will be to build a "landscape ashes scattered" cemetery landscape throw zone, covers an area of not less than one acre.

4 the storage of ashes

After the cremation, ashes sent directly funeral services, and annual fees.

Examples in the Changping District of Beijing set the storage of ashes funeral home services, has a single cell, double personality, hosting spacious, bier Columbarium has a limited service, worship room. High-grade Columbarium with burning paper, the families of loved ones Zodiac to the altar limited; bier worship room, ice coffin, altars, such as air conditioning, sofas.

Hosting price 430-1680 Yuan/year. Premium double-hosting: 680-1280 Yuan per year. Offering Chapel: 160 Yuan/times.

5 tree burial

Tree burial, as the name suggests, her ashes buried in the surrounding trees.

Example ashes, according to Evergreen Park forest staff, Evergreen Park ecological tree burial urns are not preserved, put the ashes in a biodegradable clay jar buried in the ground, after a rain-soaked, mud degradation, clay altars and eventually into the Earth with the ashes. Neither keep urns, tree burial also tombstones and no name. "The fence next to the tree and bury loved ones when you are finished, workers be engraved Arabic numerals on the fence," the staff, available under numbers come to worship.

Maintenance method many people worry about selection of tree burial age period. In this regard, babaoshan funeral staff admits, tree burial among trees in an irresistible disaster facing death or destruction, "If the tree died, other tree species to be planted. In addition, tree burial trees will not be cut, as permanent trees tree burial and cemeteries. ”

6 flowers funeral

A similar tree burial and take the form of ashes are buried, then planted in the soil surface herbaceous flowers in season.

Sze way flower burial is to launch the characteristic ecological burial items, price is 6000 Yuan, including embedded maintenance costs and late flower if flowers wilt, replanting new flowers. Ordinary citizens can carry the dead death certificates, Attn photocopy both sides approach the cemetery flower burial procedures.

This version of interview/Beijing News reporter Wu Wei

This version of photo/Beijing News reporter Lu Shuchan Zhou gang Feng Wu

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-04-04 02:37:55
The Beijing News













  1 立体安葬


  补贴标准 长青园提供统一的公益性立体骨灰安葬服务(骨灰墙业务),市财政对此业务予以补贴。长青园骨灰墙每个单格骨灰格位统一收取3000元,服务期20年。对重点优抚对象和享受本市城乡居民最低生活保障待遇的对象实行免费,所需费用由市财政负担;其他市民每个格位由市财政补贴1000元,由市民个人负担2000元。

  办理方法 2009年1月1日以后死亡的具有北京市户籍的居民均可到长青园申请公益性立体骨灰安葬业务。丧事经办人办理骨灰安葬业务须持亡者的户籍证明、死亡证明或火化证明及经办人的身份证明的原件及复印件。亡者为重点优抚对象和享受本市城乡居民最低生活保障待遇的对象,还须持民政部门开具的相关身份证明原件及复印件。

  2 骨灰撒海


  申请流程 申请海葬需提供三方面资料:一是关于逝者的户籍、遗体火化或骨灰存放证明;二是关于家属(或其他特定委托人)对逝者骨灰处置权的证明,如户籍证明或亲属关系证明等;三是关于随行家属人数和身份证件的复印件。同时携带逝者骨灰,即可签订骨灰撒海服务协议,移交骨灰。

  申请地点 北京市骨灰撒海办公室设在北京市殡仪服务中心,全年办理骨灰撒海手续。三个办理网点包括:北京市殡仪服务中心(海淀区颐和园路17号,电话62543669);八宝山殡仪馆办理处(八宝山革命公墓院内,电话88255229);东郊殡仪馆办理处(东郊殡仪馆院内,电话52458930)

  等待时间 骨灰撒海,一般在每年3月中旬到11月中旬进行。市殡仪服务中心主任王德东介绍,北京原则上是要当年的骨灰当年撒海,即春季提出的,秋季左右撒完,按申请时间长短进行排队。如果是秋季申请的,也尽量在年内撒海,实在不行,也会保证从申请之日起365天之内撒海。

  收费状况 王德东介绍,目前北京有三种类型的海撒,分别是机动播撒、代撒和家庭式海撒,其中前两种方式均不收费,家庭式海撒会收取一定数量的成本费,比如租用船只、车辆等费用。这笔费用均按成本收取,租船花多少钱,就收多少钱。家庭式海撒是预约海撒,一般在周末进行,时间协议中商定。

  3 骨灰撒散


  举例说明 目前北京正在太子峪陵园、温泉公墓、福田公墓开展“景观骨灰撒散”试点。骨灰撒散区内有园林,有雕塑,三季有花,四季常绿,自然景观优美。

  收费状况 骨灰撒散价格较低,每位逝者的安置费大约在千元以下,甚至免费。北京市民政局表示,试点工作结束后,未来5年,北京市33家经营性公墓都将建设一处“景观骨灰撒散区”,各墓地景观撒散区,占地面积不小于一亩。

  4 骨灰寄存


  举例说明 在北京昌平殡仪馆设置了骨灰寄存服务,设有单人格位、双人格位,寄存空间宽敞明亮,骨灰堂设有烧纸处、祭拜守灵室等。高档骨灰堂设有烧纸处,家属可按亲人属相到相应祭台烧纸;祭拜守灵室内,有冰棺、祭台、空调、沙发等。

  寄存价位 430元—1680元/年。高档双位寄存:680元—1280元/年。祭拜堂:160元/次。

  5 树葬


  举例说明 据长青园骨灰林基地一工作人员介绍,长青园的生态树葬不保留骨灰盒,把骨灰放入一个可降解的泥坛中埋于地下,经过雨水的浸泡等作用,泥坛降解,最终泥坛和骨灰一起融入大地。既不保留骨灰盒,树葬同样也没有墓碑和名字。“树木旁边会有护栏,安葬完亲人后,工人会在护栏上刻上阿拉伯数字,”工作人员介绍,市民可根据编号前来祭拜。

  维护方法 不少市民担心树葬所选用的树龄期限。对此,八宝山殡葬处一工作人员坦言,树葬确实面临有树木在不可抗拒的灾害中死亡或受破坏的因素,“如果树死了,会再种上别的树种。此外,树葬的树木不会被砍,树葬的树木和墓地一样会长期存在。”

  6 花葬


  办理方法 花葬是思亲园推出的特色生态葬项目,价格为6000元,其中包括了入土和后期花卉的维护费用,如果有花朵枯萎,会重新栽种新的花朵。普通市民可携带逝者死亡证明、经办人身份证复印件正反面前往陵园办理花葬手续。

  本版采写/新京报记者 吴为

  本版摄影/新京报记者 卢淑婵 周岗峰 吴江

(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-04-04 02:37:55

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