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Three or four lines of China urban housing inventory: young people to big cities

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/3 6:14:13 Browse times: 160 Comment times: 0

Three or four lines of China urban housing inventory: young people to big cities(中国三四线城市楼市去库存难:年轻人都去了大城市)

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Three or four urban housing inventory: young people to major cities to inventory | | property market _ news

Foreign media say, in the high-tech district, Tangshan City, Hebei province, China, with two designer Dark Tower, profile waves rise and fall, walls decorated with lively colored blocks of color, no different from ordinary apartment buildings. However, the name "city ? youth" property has been delayed for more than two years, overgrown with weeds, sales offices, locked the door, is the most well-known of many local uncompleted one.

Reuters, March 29, and a lot like three or four cities in China, Tangshan 2008-2009 years after the demolition of the financial crisis, after a brief boom and rapid cooling, tighter monetary conditions led to some local developers money break, leaving behind a mess. Tangshan nearly two years under great pressure on the stock market slump.

Liu Xuerui, China index Research Institute analyst noted in February this year in its home news report, business volume in 2013 peak in Tangshan, nearly three years sold plots of total planning area of 35.92 million square meters, compared with average annual sales of 2.63 million square meters in area only, according to this rate, nearly three years of sold pieces of land to take as long as 13 years.

Reportedly, China's real estate market is fragmented, "town planning" under the guidance of the policy, on the one hand, Shanghai and Shenzhen, property prices soared in one or two cities are tightening their control the reins, on the other hand are inventory heavy pressure in many cities bend over backwards, to stimulate housing demand.

Though Tangshan in Hebei province, a leading economic city, with a per capita GDP ranked first in the province, Tangshan people in the purchase of uncompleted concerns; and the city that is famous for its heavy industries such as steel and coal, is still unable to attract a lot of new demand, but only 1.5 hour rail journey from the capital Beijing, the loss of a lot of young people.

Reported said, car in, Tangshan City, district small turned a circle, see of rotten tail floor has down 10 at: Ka run Blue Bay, sales at was anger of owners hit has; Cao mouth village, floor not built has rotten tail; century learn Chamber, lifted up his eyes, by and the acres more than 10 20 layer of rough room, like empty city, and site in the is only has a Taiwan excavator, six or seven bit workers in construction.

Liu Xuerui analysis that the property market showing a typical heavy industry resources in Tangshan City: a good economic base, but economic restructuring difficulties limited import capacity of the population, market demand is not prosperous real estate market would surge back and gathered a large number of stocks; developers gather competitive, regional differentiation is obvious.

Reports of vast stretches of uncompleted residential flats in stark contrast with the shocking is that a new sales center in downtown is not deserted. The provincial project, developed by a listed company, popular because of its superior location and school district, went on sale in 2011 so far, sales have reached 99%.

The real estate sales manager Mr Yu said, Tangshan loans have lower interest rates, lenders faster audit easier, compared with 2013-2014-year high, and prices generally drop by about 2000 Yuan/square meter, now is a good time to buy a House for the Tangshan.

It is understood, recent property sells well, when buyers have been waiting to see for two or three years, to a certain age just be, which released a small number of the requirements, get a good REF is concentrated in 80-120 square meters. Sales of large developers, more popular.

Horse Manager of a large State owned enterprises in Tangshan said after waiting for the auction failed, in the middle of last year to buy a new House.

Encounter uncompleted Tangshan people did not choose to purchase like a horse Manager. In Beijing a large foreign work of small du, home November 2010 was flat modified (flat housing reform building), parents rent has a years House Hou to Beijing to she with children, has flat modified floor not built good; and in Beijing a press work of Tangshan people small Meng, Tangshan of cousin home five or six years Qian was demolition, commitment of two suite has also in paper, this year to married of cousin, will select first rental.

Reports said, although the Central "inventory" as five tasks this year, Group Director of research center of the Central Plains of Liu Yuan considered severe: three or four line excess supply on the one hand, no shortage of housing per capita, high housing stock, land reserves are high; the other is lack of demand, slower or even negative population growth, age structure age (young people go to big cities).

"Because of oversupply, so prices won't rise, prices do not rise to boost demand would be useless. "He said," on down the line, it is unrealistic to allow everyone to buy three or four lines. ”

Source: references

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

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  一些遭遇烂尾楼的唐山人并没有选择像马经理那样再购房。在北京一家大型外企工作的小杜,家里2010年11月被平改(平房改楼房),父母租了一 年房子后到北京给她带孩子,至今平改楼未建好;而在北京一家出版社工作的唐山人小孟,唐山的表弟家五六年前遭拆迁,承诺的两套房至今还在纸面,今年要结婚 的表弟,会选择先租房。




责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

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