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Li keqiang: China proposes to build the Asian financial cooperation

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/3 6:13:39 Browse times: 305 Comment times: 0

Li keqiang: China proposes to build the Asian financial cooperation(李克强:中方倡议筹建亚洲金融合作协会)

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Li keqiang: Li keqiang, China proposes to build the Asian financial cooperation | _ news

Original title: "Premier Li's speech will bring confidence to the world economy"

"The Chinese Prime Minister, Li keqiang in speeches on the international stage at a time, can bring hope and confidence to the world economy. ”

9:30 A.M. on March 24, on the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia annual Conference 2016, Chinese Premier Li keqiang keynote became the biggest highlight of the annual meeting. Over more than 2000 participating in the opening ceremony of the world's political and business academics, Li keqiang, the Prime Minister of China, Asia and global economic situation and trend, gave a high evaluation and recognition.

Opening site of more bit international people in accept China economic weekly reporter interview Shi said, face global economic recession and China economic down pressure, China Prime Minister courage to face of leader temperament and science should of led wisdom, for global business people is great encouraged, especially in currently world economic situation still confusing, and unrest increased of case Xia, Li keqiang Prime Minister of speech content, to world economic brings has hope, to business people brings confidence.

The China economic weekly reporter attended and speech by Prime Minister Li keqiang, who has participated in international conferences. In a speech, Prime Minister Li keqiang rarely use "difficult" "difficult" pessimistic Word to express his views on domestic and international economic situation, no heavy tone of voice or facial expressions. Every speech, Premier Li keqiang looked firm and full of passion and introduce China to the outside world reserve economic package deal with programmes and policies. "He's such a positive and optimistic attitude and the courage to play style, to boost the confidence in the world economy and China's current economic downward pressure was a necessity. "A multinational company CEO on the China economic weekly reporter said.

At the opening ceremony of the annual meeting of the Boao Forum, the Prime Minister's speech is still not to disappoint participants, a large number of "dry" release Prime Minister is entirely confident of China's economy maintained rapid growth in the future, for the future of Asia and the world's expectations and win-win economic cooperation initiatives.

7 of the most watched in the Prime Minister's speech topics:

  "Asia should not be interference from some minor friction and contradictions"

Asia's rapid growth is an important reason to keep overall peace and stability. Asian history after the war, and experience tells us that no matter at what stage of development, we should stick to good neighbourliness, not interference by some minor friction and conflict. Dialogue and cooperation are the "golden key".

  "China proposes to build the Asian financial cooperation"

Wants the world to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, more growth-friendly policies adopted to avoid adjustments policy spillovers. China Association for positive initiatives to build the Asian financial cooperation, willing to cooperate with the parties perfect the construction of Asia's financial markets, common to avoid the recurrence of large scale regional financial turmoil.

  "Year and strive to complete the RCEP talks"

The revitalization of Asia cannot be left behind. China is willing to work with the actual needs of countries, in areas such as infrastructure, industrial equipment working capacity. Regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) is the largest of participating members, the largest regional trade arrangements, we should try to complete negotiations in 2016.

  "The Chinese side advocates Asia civilization dialogue meeting to be held"

Open and inclusive Asia's cultural roots. China advocates to hold Asia civilization dialogue of the General Assembly, welcomes the active involvement of national and regional organizations. More in the region's development difficult moments, traditional friendship among the more you need to gain experience, condensed from the common wisdom, let consensus develop in Asia.

  "The Chinese economy look"

In the process of China's economic structure adjustment and optimization and transformation, views differ is inevitable. China's economy, depends on the whole, the second depends on the trend, three depends in the long run. We do not shy away from difficult, which in itself shows that we have the confidence. We have the means. Generally speaking, China's economic hopes than difficulties.

  "This year to choose the launch ' Hong Kong-Shenzhen Tong '"

Timing this year launched the "Shenzhen Tong". Opening up and reform. We will make great efforts to promote open, including the orderly expansion of services, finance and other areas open, further into China's business environment better best destinations for foreign investment.

  "The Chinese economy do"

I last night by EMU to Boao, EMU not only has the front traction cars also have power. China's economy to be stabilized by far, there are at least three aspects of power: first of all from the reform and opening up, the second from the restructuring, the third from improving people's livelihood. New vitality, win a new future, wait, is dry. (Xinhua Xiaoyi)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Li keqiang

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  3月24日上午9点半,博鳌亚洲论坛 2016年年会开幕式上,中国国务院总理李克强的主旨演讲,成为年会的最大亮点。参加开幕式的2000多名全球政商学界精英,对于李克强总理对中国、亚洲和全球经济的形势分析与趋势判断,给予了高度评价和认可。


















  我昨晚乘动车组来博鳌,动车组不仅有车头牵引,各车厢也有动力。中国经济要行稳致远,起码有三个方面的动力:首先来自改革开放,第二来自调整结构,第三来自改善民生。激发新活力,赢得新未来,不是等来的,是干来的。(记者 肖翊)

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146



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