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Arable land in Liaoning province were captured the grave: less than two acres, with more than 50 more than a catchy tune

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/3 6:12:59 Browse times: 139 Comment times: 0

Arable land in Liaoning province were captured the grave: less than two acres, with more than 50 more than a catchy tune(辽宁耕地遭坟墓攻占:地不足两亩,有50多个坟堆)

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Arable land in Liaoning province were captured the grave: less than two acres with more than 50 more than a catchy tune

Shenyang, April 3 Xinhua Zhang Yifei

Small an area of a few square meters, covers an area of more than 10 square meters, even useful red brick wall covering dozens of square meters of "grave" ... ... Acres of cultivated land, and catchy tune, big and small. Reporter recently found in an interview, Liaoning rural area of cultivated land occupied by grave situation has built up some villagers even need "around the grave sowing". Mendo measures of civil affairs at various levels simultaneously governance "grave", is repeated.

  Farming gave way to tomb catchy tune farmland are common

New high-speed Shandong Shenyang main road to Inner Mongolia, along the new high speed to enter the Northwest of Shenyang Xinmin Lu near Xinglong town, will open in 2019 bridge of Beijing-Shenyang high-speed passenger neatly in the new SD high speed not far from the north stand in a row. However, just in the middle of these two traffic arteries everywhere, large and small, a catchy tune in long flat arable land. Some of these tombs scattered, some set pieces, some tombstones words have been fuzzy, some grave side you can still see remnants of the offerings.

"Farm now had to tomb gave way. "Seeing reporters, a villager of Xinglong town, Xinmin said.

Along the new SD high speed to move Northwest, scattered graves of farmland is also common. Meanwhile, in the nearby farmland and there have been some new catchy tune. Only one less than 2 acres of ground, catchy tune over more than 50 large and small. Local village officials told reporters that the nearby hills since 3 years ago is filled by a catchy tune, almost all of the villagers choose to bury their ancestors in the land.

Teng ' AO, haicheng in Liaoning province, farmland also failed to escape the grave of "eroding". Make ' ao a villager told reporters that "grave" problems or someone, but it seems useless. "Qingming every year, will also have law-enforcement team to check up is taper-fen, law enforcement team has left the villagers filled two shovel new Earth continues to worship. ”

Reporters saw such a catchy tune sizes vary, small three or four-square, covers an area of more than 10 square meters, even covering dozens of square meters of the "Tomb", built a House with cement, and was again put on the white tile, like a miniature version of the "Villa".

  Continues to be a problem, "graves" become "psoriasis"

People's Republic of China land management Act specifically provides that "no land to build kilns, graves built." The funeral affairs of the State Council Ordinance come into effect in 2013, in tenth in the rules forbid the construction of the Tomb area, first class was farmland and woodland. However, the actual result is not satisfactory.

"Ultimately still have to convert people worked on the idea. "Speaking of grave and an area of repeated, AI Wei's Deputy Secretary for Civil Affairs, Xinmin said those years under no less strength to lead the funeral of peasant civilization. The city has also set up a special working group for comprehensive regulation of funeral and interment, according to principles of localization of public funeral facilities management, from city to township and village, layers of responsibility. Xiang also set up a special funeral information officer, found illegal signs, funeral, and immediately contacted.

However, there are some villagers tended to loved ones lost and buried in the nearby farmland. One village in Western Liaoning area told reporters that the buried village Committee wanted to stop mass graves is very difficult. "We all lived in a village, and many of them are relatives, they bury into the ground, I can give out? But whether it is my duty to be informed. So I had to pretend not to know, not even funerals to participate in. ”

Reporters in the interview that, in addition to the subjective factors such as easy to worship on select building grave in farmland outside the village, and some villagers think that their loved ones are buried in a beautiful environment, management of cemetery is a good choice, just cemetery, there were too few to choose from. It is understood that in a resident population of more than 600,000, Xinmin area, only 6 cemetery, which also has 2 is not currently open. "In fact, if the price is right close to home cemetery, we all hope that the elderly can be sent in, but the existing is too far away from the village, is so inconvenient. "Villager Gao Zhanhai xinglongtai town, Xinmin said.

  Sound system of rural service funeral for re-survey

According to the latest amendments of the funeral and interment management regulations, sets public cemetery for the villagers in the countryside, by the township-level people's Governments for examination and approval, civil affairs departments of County Government approval.

Reporters learned that cumbersome approval process is a major obstacle to the construction of the rural cemetery. "Some places are concentrated in the village where grave, even in such a land does not provide other features built on the cemetery or the seal of the land, forestry, environmental protection and other sectors is required to approve. "Mongol autonomous County Civil Affairs Bureau Bao Yuqing said.

In 2014, in order to build a salad of six public cemeteries, Mongol autonomous County Civil Affairs Bureau set up a special working group, by the Bureau of Civil Affairs, land, forestry, environmental protection agency and other members of the competent departments together. "Thanks to this multi-sectoral linkage patterns in the County for approval, if I own a run, may now also opened up the cemetery. "Salad Liu Jia Zi Zhang Fengye, cemetery Director told reporters.

However, there are still some village cemetery "in jeopardy". Mongol autonomous county, Pao Zi Cun Party Secretary Shi Changhong as the villagers built the cemetery idea is stranded because of land and too high a threshold. 6 years ago, Shi Changhong noted "grave" phenomenon has deteriorated. He used to do in the village built a 12-acre cemetery planning, but was told to land in the running approval process approval of the provincial land Department.

Liaoning Provincial Academy of social sciences researcher Zhang Sining to say, "grave" problem needs the combination of unblocking and, in guiding farmers to abandon backward concept and strengthened supervision of illegal land behaviors at the same time, must speed up the construction of grass-roots public cemetery, rural service system, the combination of unblocking, for the essential strategy.

(Editors: Hao Long UN654)
2016-04-03 20:17:12
辽宁耕地遭坟墓攻占:地不足两亩 有50多个坟堆

  新华社沈阳4月3日 新华社记者张逸飞


  种地给坟包让路 坟堆侵占耕地屡见不鲜






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(责任编辑:郝龙 UN654)
2016-04-03 20:17:12

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