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Yangtze fish pound 4000 sold almost 4 times, fishermen said capitalists

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/2 8:30:29 Browse times: 168 Comment times: 0

Yangtze fish pound 4000 sold almost 4 times, fishermen said capitalists(长江刀鱼一斤卖4000元翻近4倍,渔民称赔本买卖)

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Yangtze fish pound 4000 sold almost 4 times the fishermen called capitalists | saury | fishermen _ the Yangtze River news

The Yangtze River fish survey

[Yangtze fish sell for 4000 Yuan a catty! Crazy double nearly 4 times times can you eat it? ] Fish known as "the first fresh" reputation, and now is the best time to taste. But it is understood that the tongchuan road seafood market in Shanghai, many businesses will be 22 "River knives" sells 2000 Yuan/kg, 32 sold for more than 3,000 yuan/kg, some fishermen are sold 324,000 yuan/kg. Last year, 32 fish prices is only 1000 Yuan. Fishermen said that price rises caused by fishing season came late this year, although prices doubled, but is selling at a loss.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Fish of the Yangtze River fisherman
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长江刀鱼一斤卖4000元翻近4倍 渔民称赔本买卖|长江刀鱼|渔民_新闻资讯


  [长江刀鱼一斤卖到4000元!疯狂翻番近4倍 你敢吃吗?]刀鱼素有“长江第一鲜”美誉,而现在正是品尝的最佳时节。但据了解,上海铜川路水产市场,不少商家将2两的“江刀”卖到2000元/斤,3两 的卖到3000多元/斤,有的渔民更是卖到3两4000元/斤。而去年同期,3两刀鱼的价格仅为1000元。渔民表示,价格上涨是因今年渔汛来得迟,虽价 格翻番,但却是赔本买卖。

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

长江刀鱼 渔民

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