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Two Korean ships sank in question “Lu Wenyu 5661“ rounds seized

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/2 8:30:13 Browse times: 215 Comment times: 0

Two Korean ships sank in question “Lu Wenyu 5661“ rounds seized(两艘韩籍轮船涉撞沉“鲁文渔5661”轮被扣押)

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Two Korean ships sank in question "Lu Wenyu 5661" was detained | Korean freighter | sunk fishing boats _ news

Golden News (reporter Wang Shun reporters Meng Ye Ming) on March 18, "Lu Wenyu 5661" round in the sea was sunk, 9 crew members on board all missing. Yesterday, the Ningbo maritime Court reported that the morning of March 29, was planning to leave for home the two Korea ship suspected hit "Lu Wenyu 5661" turn in Jintang anchorage is being held.

To understand that accident happened on March 18, at 1 o'clock in the morning, when "Lu Wenyu 5661" turn in the eastern waters of the Yellow Sea, the result was struck by unidentified ship sunk, 9 crew members on board missing in water. After both Shanghai and Ningbo maritime sector investigation, initially determined that Korea tug "SHIN HWA HO" and the barge "MYUNG JIN 20001" strongly suspected, when the two ships from Korea Masan to Ningbo. Accident investigation is drawing to a close in the maritime sector, but two South Korean ships also can park at any time to return home.

The morning of March 28, "Lu Wenyu 5661" round of owners of national emergency to the Ningbo maritime Court for maritime preservation, requested seized two Korea ship, ordered the two ships of the shipowner or demise charterer provides 18.5 million Yuan or proportionate to the reliable guarantee. Court approved the request.

In order to effectively turn the seizure, the Ningbo maritime Court judge with the Ningbo Maritime Bureau, Ningbo beilun frontier inspection station to contact, please assist in seizure, Ningbo ocean shipping agency field staff also gave full support to the seizure. The morning of March 29, two Korea ship plans to leave home, handling the judge receives the message and quickly headed to Ningbo Jintang anchorage, ahead before the departure of the other anchor the ship seizure.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Korean ship sunk fishing boat

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  金报讯 (通讯员 王舜毕 记者 叶萌茗) 3月18日,我国“鲁文渔5661”轮在海上作业时被撞沉,船上9名船员全部失踪。昨日,宁波海事法院通报称,3月29日上午,正打算离境回国的两艘韩国籍轮船因涉嫌撞沉“鲁文渔5661”轮在金塘锚地被扣押。

  经 了解,事故发生在3月18日凌晨1点多,当时“鲁文渔5661”轮在黄海东部海域作业,结果被不明船舶撞击沉没,船上9名船员落水失踪。经过上海和宁波两 地海事部门调查,初步认定韩国拖轮“SHIN HWA HO”与驳船“MYUNG JIN 20001”有重大嫌疑,当时这两艘船正从韩国马山开往宁波。 海事部门的事故调查已经接近尾声,但两韩国籍船舶也随时都有可能离泊回国。


  为 了对该轮进行有效扣押,宁波海事法院法官还与宁波海事局、宁波北仑边防检查站进行联系,请其协助扣押,宁波外轮代理公司外勤人员对此次扣押也给予了鼎力协 助。3月29日上午,两艘韩国籍轮船打算离境回国,办案法官接到消息后迅速赶赴宁波金塘锚地,赶在对方起锚离港前将轮船扣押。

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

韩籍货轮 撞沉渔船


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