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United States funds to “dimension“ Leader Award, China’s response

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United States funds to “dimension“ Leader Award, China’s response(美国一基金会向“世维会”头目颁奖,中方回应)

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United States funds to "dimension" leaders Awards response | |-d _ the Foreign Office news

On April 1, 2016, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference

  Q: ratings agency standard and poor's announced yesterday that China's sovereign credit rating Outlook from stable to negative. Comment on this?

Answer: at present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and is in the process of economic transformation and upgrading. China's long-term economic fundamentals have not changed for the better. 6.9% economic growth in China last year, remains an important engine of world economic growth. Meanwhile, China's economic restructuring has made substantive progress in consumption over investment, contribute to the economic growth rate reached 66.4%, service sector GDP over 50%, shows that China's economic growth quality in continuous improvement.

We are convinced that by further deepening reform, cultivating new momentum, transforming and upgrading traditional energy, will maintain long-term stable and healthy development of China's economy, and to promote the recovery of the world economy and to make greater contribution to the development. We hope the relevant organizations can fully understand China's economic development, make an objective judgement.

  Q: United States and the Philippines held a joint military exercise, the United States first used rocket launchers. Do you think this will pose a greater threat to China in the South China Sea?

A: we hope that the military cooperation is conducive to regional peace and stability, development of the country, not the other way around.

  Asked: in view of the escalating tensions in the South China Sea region, United States and domains in the country is very worried. Foreign reporters will have the opportunity to go to China visit on the island?

A: the current overall situation in the South China Sea is stable. China firmly maintains sovereignty over the South China Sea and related rights while aiming to solve the disputes through dialogue and negotiation, and ASEAN to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability of South China Sea. We also hope that foreign countries will respect China and ASEAN countries in this effort, to play a constructive role, rather than the creation of new conflict in the region.

Regarding your access request, Foreign Minister Wang Yi in the "two sessions" have made it clear at a press conference, we'll be inviting foreign journalists to visit Guam reef.

  Q: Syria President Bashar Al-Assad told Russia news agencies in an interview said it will hold elections as soon as possible, and in August of this year to prepare a Constitution. Comment on this?

A: currently, under the joint efforts of the international community, Syria overall implementation of the ceasefire agreement, the Government and opposition to restart Geneva peace talks, Syria a political settlement process, a window of opportunity.

China believes that Syria political settlement process should be determined by Syria people-led, all parties should be found through dialogue and consultation would be able to accept the solution, take care of the concerns of all parties.

China's Government has appointed Ambassador Xie Xiaoyan as Syria's Special Envoy. We are willing to work together with the international community to promote Syria's political resolve to continue to play a constructive role.

  Q: first, XI Jinping met with President Obama yesterday when talking about the huangyan island issues? Second, the two sides also talked about the Chinese side might have designated air defense identification zone in parts of South China Sea waters?

A: the Chinese delegation has XI Jinping met with President Barack Obama about a press release was issued. On the South China Sea issue, Chinese President pointed out that China firmly maintains sovereignty over the South China Sea and associated rights is firmly committed to maintaining regional peace and stability of South China Sea, through direct negotiations with the parties concerned to the peaceful settlement of disputes. China respects and maintaining freedom of navigation and overflight of States under international law, and will not accept any freedom of navigation as an excuse to damage China's national sovereignty and security interests. Hope that the US side will adhere to the relevant sovereignty and territorial commitments without choosing the side stand on the issue and play a constructive role to safeguard regional peace and stability of South China Sea.

On "sea air defense identification zone" issue, the Chinese side has repeatedly stated position. Establishment of the air defense identification zone is China's rights, not connected with the territorial sovereignty and maritime rights disputes. China will designate "South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone" depends on the degree of threats, threats to air safety and other factors. As I have just pointed out, the current overall stabilization of the situation in the South China Sea, we hope that foreign countries support China's efforts to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea with ASEAN countries.

Recently, the United States Department of defense officials said China's designated air defense identification zones have no basis in international law. For this, we have to point out that, the world's first country to designated air defense identification zone is not China, but the United States. We want to ask United States Air Defense identification zone established basis in international law and what is it?

  Q: Sri Lankan Prime Minister Wickremesinghe will pay a visit to China. A concrete sign which agreement?

Answer: Sri Lankan Prime Minister Wickremesinghe will be on an official visit, Chinese leaders will hold talks and meetings with him. Sri Lanka are traditional friendly neighbors and the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries have reaped real benefits on both sides. We are willing to work with Sri Lanka to Wickremesinghe's visit as an opportunity to consolidate the traditional friendship, deepen practical cooperation in various fields, to genuine mutual help and friendship from generation to the strategic cooperative partnership to a new height.

  Question: first, the India media said China on technical grounds put India on the United Nations to promote India Punjab airbase attack human Masood on the sanctions list. Do you have any comment? Second, India Prime Minister MODI in the nuclear security Summit, said countries in the fight against terrorism should be United on the issue, should abandon "terrorism is ' other ' problem, ' other ' terrorists is not ' national ' terrorists" concept. Comment on this?

A: on your first question, China is against terrorism in all its forms and supports the United Nations play a central coordinating role in the international anti-terrorist cooperation, actively participate in international cooperation against terrorism. China always based on facts, based on United Nations Security Council resolutions and the relevant rules of fair dealing with the 1267 Committee listing matters. China on issues related to column names have been maintained communication with the parties concerned.

On your second question, China opposes terrorism took a "double standard". All parties should strengthen communication and coordination, forming together against terrorism. China is ready to work together with the international community, including India, to cope with the threat of terrorism and safeguard world peace and security.

  Asked: it is reported that the United States a foundation to "dimension" Chieftain duoli Kun award. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the United States State Department protest. Can you confirm that? This is another example of foreign interference in China's internal affairs?

Answer: Kun ? Aisha is wanted by the Interpol and the police of China Red objects, arrested for organization and China in Central Asia implemented in explosion, robbery, murder and other serious criminal offences and of violent terrorist activities, as well as "East Turkistan Islamic movement" and terrorist organizations such as the "East Turkistan" terrorists engaged in violent activities, training, and more.

Challenge of terrorism is the bottom line of morality and legal system and human rights of human civilization. Relevant organizations to Li Kun, a crime-ridden terrorist award, of human rights and the rule of blasphemy and mockery. China is firmly opposed to terrorism on the question of "double standards".

  Asked: it was reported that the six-party talks, Wu Dawei, the Chinese side will be in April visit to Japan. Please confirm. His visit to Japan what is the main purpose?

A: the Chinese Government's Special Representative for Korean peninsula Affairs Wu Dawei early April visit to Japan, on the resumption of the six-party talks problems communicating on the same day.

  Q: Sri Lankan Prime Minister Wickremesinghe during his visit to China, whether the two sides will touch on Colombo port construction project? Tell us about progress of the project?

Answer: in recent years, cooperation between China and Sri Lanka carried out a number of major projects, promoting economic and social development. On the full resumption of project conditions have been met, we hope that its implementation as soon as possible for the benefit of Sri Lankan people.

  Q: Syria President Bashar Al-Assad said Syria most Kurds want to establish in the Federal District, do not want to achieve national integration. How do you view Syria's territorial integrity?

A: China has consistently adhered to maintain Syria's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. We hope Syria with opposite and all parties to the conflict, seeking assimilation, and negotiations to find a solution through dialogue Syria problem solution.

According to 2016 Ching Ming Festival holiday arrangements, Foreign Ministry regular press conference will be held next Monday (April 4) recess on Tuesday (April 5) recovery. During the recess, a Foreign Ministry spokesman Office told Xinhua by telephone to ask questions normally.

Responsible editor: Qiao Leihua SN098

Article keywords:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Shi weihui

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美国一基金会向“世维会”头目颁奖 中方回应|外交部|世维会_新闻资讯



  答:当前,中国经济发展进入新常态,正处在经济转型升级过程中。中国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变。去年中国经济增长6.9%,依然是世界经济 增长的重要动力。与此同时,中国经济结构转型取得实质性进展,消费拉动超过投资驱动,对经济增长贡献率达到66.4%,服务业占GDP比重超过50%,表 明中国经济的增长质量在不断改善。












  答:中国代表团已经就习近平主席与奥巴马总统会晤的有关情况发布了新闻稿。关于南海问题,习近平主席指出,中国坚定维护在南海的主权和相关权 利,坚定致力于维护南海地区和平稳定,坚持通过同有关当事国直接协商谈判和平解决争议。中方尊重和维护各国依据国际法享有的航行和飞越自由,同时不会接受 任何以航行自由为借口损害中国国家主权和安全利益的行为。希望美方恪守在有关主权和领土争议问题上不选边站队的承诺,为维护南海地区和平稳定发挥建设性作 用。

  关于“南海防空识别区”问题,中方已多次阐明立场。设立防空识别区是中国的权利,与领土主权和海洋权益争端没有关系。中方将来是否划设“南海防 空识别区”取决于空中安全是否受到威胁、威胁程度及其他各方面因素。正如我刚才指出的,当前南海局势总体稳定,我们希望域外国家能够支持中国与东盟国家维 护南海和平稳定的努力。



  答:斯里兰卡总理维克拉马辛哈将对中国进行正式访问,中国国家领导人将与他举行会谈、会见。中斯是传统友好邻邦,两国间互利合作使双方获得了实 实在在的利益。我们愿与斯方以维克拉马辛哈总理此访为契机,巩固中斯传统友谊,深化各领域务实合作,将两国真诚互助、世代友好的战略合作伙伴关系推向新高 度。

   问:第一,有印度媒体称,中方以技术理由搁置了印度在联合国推动将印度旁遮普邦空军基地遇袭事件嫌人马苏德列入制裁名单。你对此有何评论?第 二,印度总理莫迪在核安全峰会期间表示,各国在反恐问题上应团结一致,应抛弃“恐怖主义是‘他国’的问题、‘他国’的恐怖分子不是‘本国’的恐怖分子”的 观念。中方对此有何评论?













责任编辑:乔雷华 SN098

外交部 世维会


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