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Pearl River flood: similar to reappear in the Pearl River basin flood in 1998,

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/1 7:47:14 Browse times: 124 Comment times: 0

Pearl River flood: similar to reappear in the Pearl River basin flood in 1998,(珠江防总:珠江流域可能再现类似1998年洪水,)

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Pearl River flood: similar to reappear in the Pearl River basin in 1998 flood | in | Pearl River basin flood _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, March 31 (reporter Wu Tao)-Pearl River flood control and drought relief headquarters Shu Qingpeng, Deputy Commander at the 31st meeting of the Pearl River flood in 2016, said at a working conference, under the influence of strong El Ni?o, Pearl River basin flood control situation this year, to reproduce a similar flood in 1998, and even more flooding is very high.

Pearl River flood control and drought relief headquarters commander Chen says, according to the weather forecast, El Ni?o weather since September 2014 will continue to the end of May this year, lasted the longest and the strongest El Ni?o events. Under the influence of this year China's meteorological year may total deviation, precipitation, and drought in dry southern regions early spring flood, there is a high probability of big floods occurred in flood season.

"Last winter and this spring, the Pearl River basin to water very similar to 1998, mid-March of the beijiang River has resulted in a nearly 5-year flood, watershed reproduce similar to the 1998 floods even bigger flood is very high. "Shu Qingpeng said.

In 1998, under the influence of El Nino, appeared a century of the Xijiang River in the Pearl River basin flood.

Pearl River basin flood control is flawed. Chen believes that engineering system is still not perfect in Pearl River Valley, flood and Typhoon and drought, there are a lot of technical difficulties yet to be a breakthrough, grass-roots and local flood defence there are also short, flood control and drought relief situation is grim.

Urban and densely populated Pearl River basin flood control pressure. Join the Ministry of water resources Chief Planner Zhang Zhitong said, is China's economic and social development in the Pearl River basin area, areas along the Pearl River Delta region, and coastal and River City density, population agglomeration, industry concentration, flood control and water supply pressure and that flood control and drought relief duties. Pearl River flood control and flood and drought control headquarters at all levels should fully understand the Valley facing the situation of flood control and drought relief, and actively respond to sustainable development challenges posed by the strong El Nino event, always proceed from the most adverse conditions, do the work of flood control and drought relief against Typhoon.

Shu Qingpeng said, for do 2016 flood drought work, Pearl River anti-total will take six big measures, a is as soon as possible completed water destroyed engineering repair, guarantees engineering security degrees flood; II is do flood Qian check rectification work, as soon as possible excluded security hidden; three is enhanced forecast warning forecast capacity, improve service level; four is guarantees River River, and important water security degrees flood; five is strengthened weaknesses defense work, further sound defense organization system, strengthened grass-roots defense capacity construction, improve torrent disaster and Typhoon defense capacity Six is the water dispatching, ensure the safety of Macao, the Pearl River Delta such as Zhuhai water supply. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

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Pearl River basin flood

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Xinhua News Agency
珠江防总:珠江流域可能再现类似1998年洪水 |珠江流域|洪水_新闻资讯

  新华社广州3月31日电 (记者吴涛) 珠江防汛抗旱总指挥部常务副总指挥束庆鹏在31日召开的珠江防总2016年工作会议上表示,受超强厄尔尼诺影响,今年珠江流域防洪形势严峻,重现类似1998年洪水甚至更大洪水的可能性很大。





  城市和人口密集,珠江流域防洪压力大。参会的水利部总规划师张志彤说,珠江流域是我国经济社会发达地区,珠江三角洲、滨海及江河沿岸地区城市 密集、人口集聚、产业集中,防洪保安和供水保障压力突出,防汛抗旱任务繁重。珠江防总及各级防汛抗旱指挥部要充分认识流域面临的防汛抗旱形势,积极应对超 强厄尔尼诺事件持续发展带来的严峻挑战,坚持从最不利情况出发,做好防汛抗旱防台风各项工作。

  束庆鹏说,为做好2016年防汛抗旱工作,珠江防总将采取六大措施,一是尽快完成水毁工程修复,保障工程安全度汛;二是做好汛前检查整改工 作,尽早排除安全隐患;三是增强预测预警预报能力,提高服务水平;四是保障大江大河、重要水利工程安全度汛;五是强化薄弱环节防御工作,进一步健全防御组 织体系,强化基层防御能力建设,提高山洪灾害和台风防御能力;六是做好水量调度工作,保障澳门、珠海等珠江三角洲供水安全。(完)

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

珠江流域 洪水


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