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Ministry of Foreign Affairs described Sino-US heads of State meeting, the two sides communicate sensitive issues

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs described Sino-US heads of State meeting, the two sides communicate sensitive issues(外交部介绍中美元首会晤情况,双方沟通敏感问题)

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Communication between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs described Sino-US heads of State meeting XI Jinping | | | between China and the South China Sea _ sensitive issues news
Zheng Zeguang, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of China-US Summit information

Local time on March 31, Zheng Zeguang, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Chinese delegation to the fourth session of the nuclear security Summit Press Center held a press briefing, China's President, XI Jinping, with United States President Barack Obama is meeting.

Zheng Zeguang said this afternoon, the Chinese President met with President Obama at the Washington Convention Center. Heads of State of the two countries on a wide range of issues of mutual concern frank and in-depth exchange of views and reached a series of important consensus. Meeting with a positive, constructive and fruitful.

Zheng Zeguang said the two heads of State attach great importance to developing Sino-US relations, positive significant progress in bilateral relations in recent years. Mr XI pointed out that efforts to build a new type of relations with the United States, without conflict without confrontation, mutual respect, cooperation and win-win, is a priority of China's foreign policy. President Barack Obama says US-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world, and hoped that the two sides continue to cooperate closely, so that bilateral relations will continue on a sustainable and positive track forward. The two sides agreed to deepen pragmatic cooperation and constructive regulatory differences, and constantly promote the construction of a new type of relations between China and better benefit the two peoples and the peoples of the world.

Zheng Zeguang introduction, the two sides exchanged views on the forthcoming fourth session of the nuclear security Summit, positive comments on bilateral cooperation in the field of nuclear safety. Agreed to jointly safeguard the international non-proliferation system, the promotion of international cooperation on nuclear safety, and promote the positive outcome of this session of the nuclear security summit. After the meeting, the two sides issued the Sino-US joint statement of cooperation on nuclear safety.

Both sides highly Sino-US cooperation in the field of climate change, and that the international community's response to the global challenge of climate change has played an important role model. Both sides agreed to the Paris agreement was signed on April 22, at the same time, and taking the domestic steps, so that early this year to participate in this agreement. Both sides also agreed to develop energy-saving and emission reduction, clean energy, smart grid, green ports and other areas of practical cooperation. Today at noon released the third Sino-US joint statement on climate change.

Both sides discussed economic and financial issues, both economic development and global economic governance, macro-economic and financial policies, cooperation under the framework of the Group of 20 had an in-depth exchange of views. Mr XI reiterated that China will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and expanding domestic demand. President Obama has said, China should strengthen cooperation and take action to support global growth. Both sides agreed that the current sluggish economic growth in the world, under the background of the international financial market turmoil, countries should not take competitive currency devaluation to stimulate exports. China should intensify macroeconomic policy coordination, and work with the international community to promote achieving strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy. The two sides agreed to intensify negotiations, as soon as possible to arrive at a mutually beneficial win-win Sino-US agreement on investment. Both sides agreed to in the agreement on environmental goods negotiations to continue to strengthen cooperation in the future, accommodate each other's concerns, balancing of interests in helping achieve results. China hopes the United States will relax its control on civilian high-tech products exports to China, to facilitate Chinese enterprises to invest in the United States.

Planning the next phase of high-level exchanges in various levels and on both sides, agreed to open a new round of China-us strategic and economic dialogue, high-level consultation on cultural exchanges, trade dialogue mechanisms such as the Joint Commission, strengthening the military, local, counter-terrorism, law enforcement and other fields of Exchange and cooperation. The two sides praised the progress in bilateral cooperation in the field of network security, decided to continue to follow during his September visit to the United States last year learned consensus reached by both sides, full use of the China-us fight against cyber crime and joint matters related to high-level dialogue platform to further enhance network security cooperation so that it continues to be the Sino-US cooperation. Both sides will run the 2016 China Tourism year, and further expand bilateral humanistic exchanges, consolidate the social foundation of Sino-US relations.

Zheng Zeguang said, the two sides also discussed some sensitive issues in Sino-US relations maintain open communication, agree that we should take control and handle their differences in a constructive manner. Mr XI elaborated China in the Taiwan and Tibet's stance on the issue, stressed that China will adhere to the "92 consensus" political basis, continue to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and resolutely curb any form of "Taiwan independence" secessionist acts. Hope that the US side will adhere to the one-China principle, for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and play a constructive role, not for "Tibet independence" forces engaged in any anti-China separatist activities to support and facilitate. President Obama said, the United States will continue to uphold the one-China policy, prudently and properly handle relevant issues and does not support "Taiwan independence" does not support "Tibet independence."

In the South China Sea issue, Mr XI said, the South China Sea Islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times, China has the right to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and legitimate maritime rights and interests. Meanwhile, China is committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, through dialogue and regulatory disputes, peaceful settlement of disputes through negotiation and consultation, respect and defend the freedom of navigation and overflight of States under international law. Hope that the US side will adhere to the relevant sovereignty and territorial commitments without choosing the side stand on the issue and play a constructive role to safeguard regional peace and stability of South China Sea.

Zheng Zeguang introduction, the two sides also exchanged views on major international and regional issues of common concern. On the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, Mr XI stressed that China is opposed to North Korea developing nuclear weapons, is committed to realizing denuclearization on the peninsula through peaceful means, can't have war on the peninsula. Full implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions should be. Hope that the joint efforts of all parties, the Korean peninsula nuclear issue back to the track of dialogue and negotiations at an early date to promote long-term peace and stability in Northeast Asia. The two sides believed that the Asia-Pacific is the most concentrated areas of interests between China and that the two countries should actively interact and strengthen cooperation to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. The two sides agreed to continue Iran nuclear, Middle East, Syria, and Afghanistan, global health, development, peacekeeping, humanitarian relief and a series of important international and regional and global issues, strengthen coordination and cooperation, together with the international community to promote the proper settlement of relevant issues, and to promote world peace and contribute more to the stability and development.

Both sides agreed that sustained, healthy and stable development of Sino-US relations serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples. The two heads of State will continue to maintain close contact in various ways. Both sides look forward to September this year in Hangzhou during the Summit of Group of 20 leaders met again and agreed to jointly promote the Hangzhou Summit a success.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
XI Jinping, China and the South China Sea

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外交部介绍中美元首会晤情况 双方沟通敏感问题|习近平|中美|南海_新闻资讯



  郑泽光表示,两国元首都高度重视发展中美关系,积极评价两国关系近年来取得的重要进展。习主席指出,同美方努力构建新型大国关系,实现不冲突不 对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢,是中国外交政策的优先方向。奥巴马总统表示,美中关系是世界上最重要的双边关系,希望双方继续密切合作,使两国关系在可持续和 积极的轨道上不断向前发展。双方同意继续深化务实合作、建设性管控分歧,不断推进中美新型大国关系建设,更好造福两国人民和世界人民。


  双方高度肯定中美在气候变化领域开展的合作,认为两国为国际社会应对气候变化这一全球性挑战发挥了重要示范作用。双方同意于4月22日同时签署 《巴黎协定》,并采取各自国内步骤,以便今年尽早参加这一协定。双方并同意拓展在节能减排、清洁能源、智能电网、绿色港口等领域的务实合作。双方今天中午 发表了第三份中美气候变化联合声明。

  双方讨论了经济金融问题,就两国各自经济发展、全球经济治理、宏观经济金融政策、二十国集团框架下合作等深入交换了意见。习主席重申,中国将继 续实施积极的财政政策,扩大国内需求。奥巴马总统表示,中美应加强合作,采取行动,支持全球增长。双方认为,在当前世界经济增长乏力、国际金融市场动荡的 大背景下,各国都不应采取货币竞争性贬值刺激出口。中美应加强宏观经济政策协调,并同国际社会一道努力,推动世界经济实现强劲、可持续、平衡增长。双方同 意继续加紧谈判,争取早日达成一个互利双赢的中美投资协定。双方同意在《环境产品协定》未来谈判中继续加强合作,照顾彼此关切,推动达成利益平衡的结果。 中方希望美方放宽对华民用高技术产品出口管制,为中国企业赴美投资提供便利。

  双方规划了下阶段高层及各级别交往,同意开好新一轮中美战略与经济对话、人文交流高层磋商、商贸联委会等机制性对话,加强两军、地方、反恐、执 法等领域的交流与合作。双方积极评价两国在网络安全领域的合作进展,决定继续落实好习主席去年9月访美时双方达成的共识,充分利用中美打击网络犯罪及相关 事项高级别联合对话等平台,进一步加强网络安全合作,使之继续成为中美合作点。双方将办好2016中美旅游年,进一步扩大两国人文交往,夯实中美关系的社 会基础。

  郑泽光表示,双方也就中美关系中的一些敏感问题进行了坦诚沟通,同意应采取建设性方式管控和处理分歧。习主席阐述了中方在台湾、涉藏等问题上的 原则立场,强调中方将坚持“九二共识”政治基础,继续推进两岸关系和平发展,同时坚决遏制任何形式的“台独”分裂行径。希望美方恪守一个中国原则,为两岸 关系和平发展发挥建设性作用,不为“藏独”势力从事反华分裂活动提供任何支持和便利。奥巴马总统表示,美将继续坚持一个中国政策,慎重妥善处理有关问题, 不支持“台独”,不支持“西藏独立”。


  郑泽光介绍,双方还就共同关心的重大国际地区问题深入交换了意见。关于朝鲜半岛核问题,习主席强调,中方反对朝鲜发展核武器,致力于通过和平方 式实现半岛无核化,半岛不能生乱生战。联合国安理会有关决议应该得到全面完整落实。希望各方共同努力,把半岛核问题早日拉回到对话谈判的轨道,推动实现东 北亚长治久安。双方认为,亚太是中美利益交融最集中的地区,两国应积极互动,加强合作,共同维护亚太地区的和平与稳定。双方同意继续就伊朗核、中东、叙利 亚、阿富汗、全球卫生、发展、维和、人道主义救援等一系列重要国际地区和全球性问题加强协调与合作,同国际社会一道,推动有关问题的妥善解决,为促进世界的和平、稳定与发展作出更大贡献。



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