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Media: the patient owes money to run, you should allow doctors to hold the bag

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/4/1 7:46:57 Browse times: 144 Comment times: 0

Media: the patient owes money to run, you should allow doctors to hold the bag(媒体:患者欠钱跑了,应该让医生背锅么)

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Media: patients owe money should allow doctors to back pan | | patient owes money to medical disputes _ news

Today, Knight Island wanted to talk about a social issue.

March 30 is international day of doctors. The qianjiang evening news pulls out a "microblogging": new year's day, a Ningbo hospital more than 10 obstetric doctor overnight for treatment of a high-risk pregnancies, sat down for more than four hours surgery managed to keep adults and children; the results after 5 days the patient runs, owes more than more than 20,000 medical bills. Under the hospital provision, 20% due to the costs to be borne by departments, so doctors can only spread over more than 4,000 dollars in medical bills.

Sounds really not a story with a positive energy.


Turned turned know between, above medical workers told has many similar of even than of story: treatment of emergency patients owes fee has, home people anyway contact not Shang, results died zhihou children is run to hospital to falsely money; some doctor see patients difficult do has surgery, results owes Xia of costs to full Department bear; some patients owes has is money run off has, results because credit records poor was stopped off has Medicare, outweigh the......

Island, a friend of Uncle in grass-roots hospital administrators also often encountered such a thing. She told the island uncle, some years ago when Medicare, CMS did not scale as they are now, the hospital set up "debt collection group" ran yaozhang is often the thing. If the patient is not running, Department doctors and nurses in the bonus suspension was also helpless but have to practice.

The qianjiang evening news reports illustrate the universality of this phenomenon to some extent: two well-known hospitals in Zhejiang Province, more than tens of millions of Yuan have escaped charges, and according to media statistics, national hospital for one year "three without" patients (no family, no identity, no money) arrears of 3 billion or 4 billion yuan.


Treatment of patients, health care workers themselves also lose money, looks not too unreasonable things.

Who is probably due to the fee?

Health care workers, health care, agriculture, commercial risk insurance of patients arrearage is relatively small, because the high rate of reimbursement, relatively limited amount themselves; but if you are experiencing financial difficulties, multi-party disputes, or malicious defaulters, the hospital's limited means.

Like I said hospitals "debt collection Department", if the patient's address and telephone number clearly is still relatively easy to find, if fuzzy, first not found found after very limited means, after all, and there is no coercion. Uncle's friend said the island, even if due to family difficulties owed to medical, civil affairs, public security and judicial departments rarely intervene in such events.

So to lose is only the hospital: if Medicare patients, once the arrears, there is no way to go through the discharge formalities, the hospital is unable to reconcile claims the health care sector, patients are only 100 dollars, but thousands of pieces of the cost of treatment can only be themselves; if at their own expense, it is even more chiyabakui only.

This mostly happens in public hospitals. It is said that public hospitals should not State financial support for the development of it?

The fact is that many public hospitals are almost self-financing status, financial limited, probably less than 10%. Despite medical equipment purchase these necessary expenditures, hospital construction, staff salaries, and all hospitals at their own expense. Because, although they are prepared, but this part of the expenditure and it is to return after the financial return.

  Hold the bag

"On the operating table, no one more than your doctor want you to live. ”

Saving lives is, of course, the doctor's duty, consisting of money I'm afraid not. Doctors also need to feed their families, and health care has always been a social topic. So, the State will provide medicine for public hospitals to implement "zero profit" while raising the costs of diagnosis and treatment, and for dangerous patients with distress, hospitals also need to be admitted unconditionally.

So, the pot should be who is going to back it?

According to the lawyer explained, hospital doctors referred patients there is anything illegal about cases in which the provision. Which, according to the State Council on the establishment of emergency rescue system of disease guidance requirements, critical injuries requiring first aid but identity is not clear, or unable to pay the medical expenses of patients after receiving emergency treatment in medical institutions in emergency medical expenses incurred, "diseases established by the special emergency assistance fund to benefit". The bailout's original intention, of course, very good. But in practice, the application of more stringent conditions on the one hand, on the other hand if the local financial difficulty, it is more difficult to implement.

Then again came back, economic difficulties could not afford, and multi-party disputes owe, how many extenuating circumstances; but for malicious default, or even have some consequences and make noise in the hospital, it's hard to generate sympathy and even disgust.

System vulnerabilities? Of course. Input to the public hospitals lack health care system with imperfect coverage is large enough to improve the problem and while, for lack of malicious debt constraints, vulnerability is enough to reflect the credit system is not perfect. Media cited Canada's example: in improving the public health insurance system, if escape charges, will be included in the personal credit records, affecting all aspects of life.

As a health care worker, know friends Mr Hu's words more food for thought:

"Doctor can do of just is flesh Shang healing, for incomplete of soul and fall of moral, we also powerless, for whole social has pay has too high of cost mutual between of not trust, we also hard opened prescription, this also not just a doctor groups can change of, need all tireless of efforts, doctor maximum of wishes is just treatment patients, and not by any other things of effect. To form a more perfect system, we desire more than anyone, I want all patients to age, rather than malicious escape in this way, I hope that future income is to provide professional and technical rewards, rather than being labeled drug rebate vampire label. ”

Text/Ming Riling

Source: Knight island

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Medical dispute in patients with less money

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  作为一名医疗工作者,知乎网友Mr Hu的一番话更让人深思:




责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

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