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Bo Xilai, former Secretary Wu Wenkang was accused of arrogance, others see him hide away

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Bo Xilai, former Secretary Wu Wenkang was accused of arrogance, others see him hide away(薄熙来前秘书吴文康被指骄横,别人见他躲着走)

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Bo Xilai, former Secretary Wu Wenkang was accused of dominating others see Bo Xilai, he hid away | | Wu Wenkang _ news
Wu Wenkang (information above)

Original title: Bo Xilai, former Secretary Wu Wenkang enrichment in mind

Contributing writer the Annunciation

"A few years ago, calls from Beijing, known as the ' sea ' visitors constantly. "On March 29, who asked not to be named, a large State-owned enterprises in Chongqing on the reporter for the China Business Journal said," at that time, we can't even for Vice Mayor instructions note take that lightly, because there tend to be more respectable, great God to say hello to recruit projects. ”

Today, the situation has changed. In January, General Secretary XI Jinping in Chongqing during the visit with "great" evaluation of Chongqing since the party's 18. The two sessions this year ahead of Bo Xilai, the Jilin province High Court announced the former Secretaries, party Chief of Chongqing Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary General Wu Wenkang, Director of the Office of the outcome of the trial. According to circumstances, the former Secretary had a hand in Chongqing, Bo Bo Xilai Center and other major projects. "They came as a locust-like!" Chongqing who have removed all investment in Chongqing during the thin King far away well-known entrepreneurs in the South for many years after the China Business Journal said that Chongqing, we basically stopped things, can't afford to make the total stay.

For many years, the China business newspaper reporters have been mining for those years things, trying to find the secret mountain story.

  "The arrogance" of Wu Wenkang

"This man too arrogant!" Wu Wenkang had exposure to low level of officialdom in Chongqing people in deep conversation with the China business newspaper journalists, Wu Wenkang scoffed at.

"Walking eye looking, if not for other people!" Who often have access to personnel of the China Business Journal reporter Wu Wenkang memories, Wu Wenkang was not only arrogant, as well as several of his servants are outrageous, they contact the municipal compound other people are afraid of them, walk around. According to the published by the Jilin province High Court judgement shows that Wu Wenkang, Dalian was born on July 20, 1958, served as Secretary of the Dalian City Government (then Mayor Bo Xilai, Secretary), the provincial Government of Liaoning province, Dalian port, Assistant Director of the Commission, the Office of the Deputy Director, Chongqing Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary-General, Director of the General Office of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee. Judgment also shows that 1994 Wu Wenkang as Secretary of the then Dalian Mayor Bo Xilai, during the Memorial, xigang district, Dalian City, Dalian China real estate development company development: 48th assist with the approval of the housing development project. In addition, in 1999, accused Wu Wenkang, Dalian City, served as Assistant to the Chairman of the port Commission the convenience of duty, accepting Dalian Pacific stone company manager who for its contracted Dalian zhoushuizi airport reconstruction project to help. Curriculum vitae of Bo Xilai served in Dalian, is Wu Wenkang as Secretary of the Mayor during the 1994 to 1999 period. Wu Wenkang through experience on the Mayor's Secretary, was promoted and transferred to Dalian port, Assistant Director of the Commission. In December 2000, when he was promoted to the Acting Governor of Liaoning province, Bo Xilai, Dalian municipal party Committee Secretary. Wu Wenkang's career, also welcomed the increased opportunities. Wu Wenkang specific information when as Deputy Head of the Liaoning Provincial Government, is not public information. However, the China business newspaper reporter learned that, at least in 2002, when Wu Wenkang, Deputy Director of the Office of Liaoning province, Liaoning province, has become the overseas students undertaking engineering leadership team member. In 2004, Bo Xilai, transferred to the Ministry of Commerce, Wu Wenkang failed to follow. During this period, Wu Wenkang reported almost no public activities. Reporter for the China Business Journal read Government documents found, Liaoning province Fushun Western open-pit coal mine, established in 2006, the North address disaster comprehensive management of landslide Wu Wenkang figure appeared in the leading group.

In October 2007, transferred on from Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai served as Party Secretary of Chongqing. In January 2008, Wu Wenkang transferred, party Chief of Chongqing Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary-General. Wu Wenkang finally ushered in the development of large span, from Deputy departmental level cadres across to the Orchestra level.

  Bribery 20.2 million

Report against Wu Wenkang, in fact, as early as during her tenure in Liaoning are spread. However, there are trees backed Wu Wenkang did not converge.

Jilin province High Court criminal rule according to disclosure of the contents of the book, during Wu Wenkang in Dalian, Liaoning, Dalian Jinghua real estate Co Ltd, Dalian Pacific stone Ltd, Dalian billion into real estate development company, Dalian Guangzhou construction group co and other companies in the project approval, airport construction projects to undertake, shanty and other help.

Criminal content of the award, also disclosed Wu Wenkang, and Zheng Yuan real estate development co Ltd, Dalian Fu Yanbin deals. Dalian Fortune Fu Yanbin Forbes China rich list in 2008, ranked 339, in Wu Wenkang was controlled by authorities was "lost".

Criminal ruled book disclosure of content displayed, 2002 to 2012 between, accused Wu Wenkang using served as Liaoning Provincial Government Office Deputy Director, and Communist Chongqing Municipal Deputy Secretary-General, and Office Director positions Shang of convenience, by rich XXX of who, in its belongs company made Dalian big up big heavy plots of development right, and contract Chongqing beibei district Chaoyang complex built bridge engineering, and Pei Green road engineering, and CAI home land regulation project and made Chongqing rural commercial banks loan, matters Shang provides help, Several times received money from the rich amounts equivalent to 1 6,486,028 Yuan.

From the Court found Wu Wenkang 20.2 million the total amount of bribery, Fu Yanbin accounted for the majority of the bribes. Moreover, Wu Wenkang after transfer to Chongqing, Fu Yanbin in Chongqing development project provides a great deal of help. During the Chongqing Fu Yanbin, forwarding the beibei district of Chongqing Chaoyang bridge engineer, Pei Qing Lu CAI land management, engineering, project and investment and development projects such as water-damage in jinyun mountain in Chongqing, Chongqing Fu Yuan. Fu Yanbin in Chongqing, mainly through November 2008 to July 2010 have been registered among the three is the source of company. Which, Chongqing are source real estate development limited (Xia referred to "Chongqing are source") and Chongqing run Feng source investment limited (Xia referred to "run Feng source investment"), registered capital are for 100 million Yuan, is responsible for development are source in Chongqing two a real estate project; and registered capital for 66.71 million dollars of Chongqing Fu spill construction limited (Xia referred to "Fu spill construction"), is contract Government engineering.

Reporter for the China business newspaper, also found that Fu Yanbin in undertaking major projects in Chongqing Beibei, indecent video hero Lei served as Mayor and Party Secretary. However, Lei bribery cases were identified, Fu Yanbin figure does not appear.

At present, the Fu Yanbin has appeared in public. The China Business Journal tried to related company for further information, call contact multiple companies owned by Fu Yanbin, have not been returned.

  Behind the blog Center

Profitable large-scale projects is the focus of intent Wu Wenkang, who swallowed.

Shaped like a butterfly top, the second Chongqing International Exhibition Center, is Bo Xilai, is keen on the project. Central Park near the project and the project, with a total investment of up to more than 10 billion.

He participated in the Expo Centre of the tender when people in an enterprise reporter for the China Business Journal said that this project, many companies crush wanted to intervene. Wu Wenkang Expo Center project was publicly disclosed for the first time in a case over secret deals. 2010 end of, accused Wu Wenkang using served as Communist Chongqing Municipal Deputy Secretary-General, and Office Director positions Shang of convenience, accept Wu xxx who, for China Building Corporation (following referred to "in the built group") contract Chongqing International Expo Center construction project provides has help, Yu March 2011 to 2012 Festival during, has four times in Chongqing Hilton Hotel, and Beijing Kunlun hotel and the Dalian rich China Hotel received Wu xxx give of Yuan amounted to 1.99 million Yuan.

Chongqing construction industry on condition of anonymity, told the China business news reporters, Bo Xilai at the helm during the Chongqing, prefix such as built in means of building enterprises in Chongqing very sharp operations are also more bold, big crowd out local construction enterprises in engineering. The China Business Journal reporter learned that, at the Expo Center on steel structure project, building steel structure in 2011 will get in the Chongqing International Exhibition Center steel structure ⅰ works, priced at nearly 900 million Yuan.

Wu bribed Wu Wenkang construction group in undertaking projects to get help when a lot of forces are converging to the Expo Center.

On November 28, 2008, the company set up in Chongqing: Chongqing Heng Yuan de Lu Consulting Co., Ltd. The company funded by Liu and Zhang Xiaoliang, a registered capital of 1 million Yuan, of which Liu invested 600,000 yuan, Zhang Xiaoliang invested 400,000 yuan.

In December 2009, the Chongqing Municipal Government, opened its 57th, 58 times the General Conference to consider adoption of the Chongqing-Western China International Exhibition Center, Chongqing, Chongqing international circus and women's Park plan design. Information disclosure on Executive meeting, on August 2, 2009, Western publishing, Chongqing International Convention and Exhibition Center planning and design scheme of collecting books, 11 domestic and foreign well-known design firms participation, and ultimately Australia TDP planning and design group and Chongqing Heng Yuan de Lu consulting planning and design, co of the 5th programme, is determined to deepen implementation of the program. Profile of the programme from the air, like a beautiful butterfly. Also clear, entrust Australia TDP planning and design group, Chongqing consulting money source de Lu, the Beijing architectural design Institute, deepening the architectural design of the HKCEC.

Reporter for the China Business Journal survey found that Zhang Xiaoliang family investment companies in Beijing.

Born in 1971 in layout of Chongqing Beijing Zhang Xiaoliang, not just money source in Chongqing Road Consulting Co., Ltd. Zhang Xiaoliang, in 2010 and 2011, respectively, established the Heng Yuan de Lu prominent film and television production in Chongqing cultural communications limited and China construction design and consultancy limited company Chongqing subsidiary company.

Established on July 13, 2010, Chongqing Heng Yuan de Lu outstanding film making culture dissemination, the shareholder has three, Zhang Xiaoliang, and Zhang Youliang, and Zhou Jie. Company registered capital of 1 million Yuan on July 8, 2010, the company issued by the Chongqing culture, radio, TV broadcasting and TV program production business license, operating range of topics, features, arts, animation, radio dramas, television series and other radio and TV programs, valid through July 8, 2012. According to records disclosure information for industry and commerce, Zhou Jie, had acted in the Princess Pearl and the juvenile judge, heat famous movie star Zhou Jie from the show. However, the set up for two months, the company's shareholders ' meeting, announced the establishment of the liquidation group company. September 15, 2010, the shareholders resolution display, poor company business development decides to dissolve the company, decided to set up a group election shareholders Zhou Jie, Zhang Xiaoliang, Zhang Youliang as a member of the liquidation team, elected Zhou Jie as head of the liquidation.

The China Business Journal reporters attempted to contact Zhang Xiaoliang companies set up in Chongqing, but as of press time are unavailable. In addition to these companies, the China business newspaper reporters learned, Zhang Xiaoliang ever attempts to build international automobile city in Chongqing banan. On private economic forum held in July 2009, Chongqing, Yunnan province Heng Yuan de Lu energy development limited (business archives show that Zhang Xiaoliang's legal representative) sign agreement of intent with the banan district, in huaxi, banan district, Chongqing South runner invested 560 million yuan in building an international automobile city and the construction of a sloping circuit. Reporter for the China business daily has made numerous trips to the investigation, did not find trace of this project. In an interview with local government departments concerned have also said the project is not implemented.

For those things that year, a ministerial-level leaders have in the China Business Journal reporter sighed deep talk, at that time a lot of people are failing in this subparagraph. Of course, with the thin King incident, ravage Chongqing "locust" has been brought under control, Chongqing has entered a new period of development.

Perhaps somewhere in Providence, one night in 2012 after the Spring Festival, Bo came to the mood of extreme anxiety, let the party compound in third party compound in front of the building, setting off fireworks and firecrackers, lit the fuse went out twice in a row. In this scene, officers at the scene at that time still feel too surprised. Soon, Wang fled to the United States Consulate, which began in Chongqing has undergone enormous changes.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Bo Wu Wenkang

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薄熙来前秘书吴文康被指骄横 别人见他躲着走|薄熙来|吴文康_新闻资讯


  特约撰稿 钟经






  “走路眼睛都朝天看,根本对其他人视若不见!”一位经常能够接触到吴文康的人员对《中国经营报》记者回忆,不单单吴文康很骄横,以及他身边的几个公务员都非常的蛮横,他们走在市委大院其他人都怕接触他们,绕着走。根据吉林省高院公布的判决书显示,1958年7月20日出生于大连市的吴文康,曾经担任大连市政府秘书(时任市长薄熙来秘书)、大连口岸委员会主任助理、辽宁省省政府办公厅副主任、重庆市委副秘书长、重庆市委办公厅主任。判决书还显示,1994年吴文康在担任时任大连市市长薄熙来秘书期间,为大连经华房地产开发有限公司开发大连市西岗区纪念街48号房屋开发项目的审批事宜提供帮助。此外,1999年,被告人吴文康利用担任大连市口岸委员会主任助理职务上的便利,接受大连太平洋石材有限公司经理毕某某的请托,为其承包大连周水子机场改 造项目工程提供帮助。对应薄熙来任职大连时的履历,吴文康应是在1994年到1999年期间担任市长秘书。吴文康通过市长秘书任上的历练,获得了提拔,调任大连市口岸委员会主任助理。2000年12月,时任大连市委书记的薄熙来升任辽宁省代省长。吴文康的仕途,也迎来了上升机会。吴文康具体是何时出任辽宁省政府办公厅副主任的信息,并未有公开信息显示。但是,《中国经营报》记者了解到至少在2002年,时任辽宁省办公厅副主任的吴文康已经成为了辽宁省海外 学子创业工程领导小组成员。2004年,薄熙来调任商务部,吴文康未能跟随。在这期间,吴文康的公开活动报道几近于无。《中国经营报》记者查阅省政府公文发现,2006年成立的辽宁省抚顺西露天矿北帮滑坡地址灾害综合治理领导小组中出现了吴文康的身影。






  刑事裁定书披露的内容显示,2002年至2012年间,被告人吴文康利用担任辽宁省政府办公厅副主任、中共重庆市委副秘书长、办公厅主任职务上的便利, 受富某某的请托,在其所属公司取得大连市大起大重地块的开发权、承揽重庆市北碚区朝阳复建桥工程、碚青路工程、蔡家土地整治项目以及取得重庆市农村商业银 行贷款等事宜上提供帮助,多次收受富某某给予的款物共计折合人民币1 648.6028万元。

  从法院认定的吴文康受贿2020万的总金额来看,富彦斌向其行贿的金额占了绝大部分。而且,吴文康调任重庆之 后,为富彦斌在重庆开拓项目提供了极大的帮助。富彦斌在重庆期间,承揽了重庆北碚区朝阳复线桥工程、碚青路工程、蔡家土地整治项目之外,还投资开发了重庆缙云山水、重庆福源等项目。富彦斌在重庆投资,主要通过2008年11月至2010年7月间相继注册的三家正源系公司开展。其中,重庆正源房地产开发有限 公司(下简称“重庆正源”)和重庆润丰源投资有限公司(下简称“润丰源投资”),注册资本金均为1亿元,负责开发正源在重庆两个地产项目;而注册资本为 6671万美元的重庆福溢建设有限公司(下简称“福溢建设”),则承揽政府工程。






  彼时曾参与国博中心工程投标的某企业人士对《中国经营报》记者表示,这一工程,很多企业挤破头都想介入其中。吴文康案件中首度公开披露了国博中心工程争 夺战的隐秘交易。2010年底,被告人吴文康利用担任中共重庆市委副秘书长、办公厅主任职务上的便利,接受吴某某请托,为中国建筑股份有限公司(以下简称 “中建集团”)承揽重庆市国际博览中心建设项目提供了帮助,于2011年3月至2012年春节期间,先后四次在重庆市希尔顿酒店、北京市昆仑饭店及大连富 丽华酒店收受吴某某给予的人民币共计199万元。

  不愿透露姓名的重庆建筑业人士对《中国经营报》记者透露,薄熙来执掌重庆期间,中建等 中字头建筑企业在重庆手段非常犀利操作也更加大胆,在诸多重大工程上把本土建筑企业挤出去。《中国经营报》记者了解到,在国博中心钢构项目上,中建钢构在 2011年就获得了重庆国际博览中心钢结构Ⅰ标段工程,中标价近9亿元。



  2009年12月,重庆市政府召开了第57和58次常务会议审议通过了重庆·西部国际会展中心、重庆国际马戏城和重庆市巾帼园规划设计方案。常务会议上 披露的信息显示,2009年8月2日,重庆市发布西部国际会展中心规划设计方案征集书,国内外11家知名设计机构踊跃参与,最终澳大利亚TDP规划设计集 团和重庆衡源德路咨询有限公司联合提交的5号规划设计方案,被确定为深化实施方案。该方案外形从空中俯瞰,像一只美丽的大蝴蝶。会议还明确,委托澳大利亚TDP规划设计集团、重庆衡源德路咨询有限公司、北京市建筑设计院,深化会展中心的建筑设计方案。



  2010年7月13日设立的重庆衡源德路杰出影视制作文化传播有限公司的股东有三名,张小亮、张幼亮、周杰。公司注册资金100万元,2010年7月8 日,该公司获得了重庆市文化广播电视剧颁发的广播电视节目制作经营许可证,经营范围为专题、专栏、综艺、动画片、广播剧、电视剧等广播电视节目,有效期到 2012年7月8日。根据工商档案披露的信息,此周杰正是参演过《还珠格格》和《少年包青天》等热剧的知名影星周杰。然而,成立两个月,该公司就召开股东会,宣布成立清算组注销公司。2010年9月15日的股东决议显示,公司因业务发展不畅决定解散本公司,决定成立清算组,选举股东周杰、张小亮、张幼亮作 为清算组成员,选举周杰担任清算组组长。

  《中国经营报》记者试图联系张小亮在重庆设立的多家公司,但是截止到发稿时止均已无法联系上。 而在这几家公司之外,《中国经营报》记者还了解到,张小亮曾经图谋在重庆巴南打造国际汽车城。2009年7月举行的重庆民营经济论坛上,云南衡源德路能源 发展有限公司(工商档案显示,张小亮系法人代表)与巴南区签订意向性协议,将在巴南区花溪渝南分流道投资5.6亿元兴建一座国际汽车城,并修建一座坡形赛车场。《中国经营报》记者曾多次前往该地调查,并未寻觅到该项目的踪迹。采访中,当地政府有关部门人士也表示,项目最终未实施。




薄熙来 吴文康


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