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Jiangxi cracked the biggest counterfeiting case since the founding of denominations up to more than 70 million

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/31 6:16:59 Browse times: 151 Comment times: 0

Jiangxi cracked the biggest counterfeiting case since the founding of denominations up to more than 70 million(江西破获建国以来最大假币案,面值高达7000余万)

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Jiangxi cracked the biggest counterfeiting case since the founding of the face value of up to more than 70 million | counterfeit money _ news

Police display counterfeit money

Police seize counterfeit dens


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"I cracked the biggest counterfeiting case since the founding of counterfeit currency denominations as high as more than 70 million" on January 16, under the unified arrangements of the Ministry of public security, public security organs in Jiangxi and Guangdong as well as NET, Ganzhou over police deployed more than 100 civilian police, carry out joint Guangdong-Jiangxi "Thunder 1209" net operations. Destroyed a lumber mill at Kat, Dayu village fairy village in the printing of counterfeit dens, captured all the suspects a total of 8 people. Hot stamping machine 1, seized printing machine 1, 1 printer, paper cutting machine 1 and other counterfeiting equipment, as well as more than 70 million yuan of counterfeit renminbi semi-finished products. Case for the province since the founding of the seized counterfeit money amount of the single case of counterfeit money. (Source: Jiangxi daily Twitter)

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Counterfeit money

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江西破获建国以来最大假币案 面值高达7000余万|假币_新闻资讯





  【我省破获建国以来最大假币案 假币面值高达7000余万】1月16日,在公安部的统一部署下,赣粤两地公安机关同时收网,赣州警方抽调100余名民警,联合开展赣粤“雷霆1209”收网行动。一举捣毁位于大余县吉村镇游仙村一木材厂内的印制假币窝点,抓获全部犯罪嫌疑人共8人。现场缴获烫金机1台、印刷机1台、晒版机1台、纸张切割机1台等制假设备,以及伪造的人民币半成品7000多万元。此案为建国以来我省单案缴获假币数额最高的伪造货币案。(来源:江西日报微博)

责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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