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China has sent people in Djibouti military peacekeeping support facilities

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/31 6:15:55 Browse times: 124 Comment times: 0

China has sent people in Djibouti military peacekeeping support facilities(中方已派人在吉布提建军队维和保障设施)

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Defense Ministry: China has sent someone to build a military peace support facility in Djibouti | | mod _ Djibouti news

  Reporter: according to reports, China confirms building protection facilities in Djibouti, with a charm offensive to allay concerns about the military expansion. How do I feel about all this concern? Can next Djibouti military protection facilities construction plan?

On your second question, I think such a worry is redundant. In accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions, since 2008, China has sent more than 22 Navy ships more than 60 ships convoy ships to the Gulf of Aden in Somalia waters. During the mission, we feel the formation soldiers rest, food and fuel supplies and ship maintenance, are facing some difficulties, there is need to implement efficient logistics.

China and Djibouti for consultations agreed on China building protection facilities in Djibouti. This facility will be used primarily for the Chinese army to implement Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia, peacekeeping operations, humanitarian and rescue tasks, such as rest and supply security. Protection facilities in Djibouti, China, in order to better shoulder its international responsibilities and obligations, protection of the legitimate interests of the Chinese.

Needs to be stressed is that China adheres to the road of peaceful development, and firmly pursues a defensive national defense policy, and firmly safeguard world and regional peace and stability, and never engage in an arms race or military expansion, they are not going to change. At present, the China engineering support facility was started in Djibouti, China has sent some of its staff to carry out related work.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Djibouti Ministry of defence

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  记者:据报道,中国证实在吉布提建设保障设施之后,正在用魅力攻势来缓解外界对这种军事扩张的担忧。请问如 何看待这种担忧?能否介绍下一步吉布提军事保障设施的建设计划?

  关于第二个问题,我觉得这样一种担忧完全是多余的。根据联合国有关决议, 从2008年以来,中方已经先后派出22批海军舰艇编队60余艘次舰艇赴亚丁湾索马里海域执行护航任务。在执行任务期间,我们感到编队官兵休整、食品和油 料补给以及舰船维护保养等方面都面临着一些实际困难,确实有必要实施就近高效的后勤保障。



责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

吉布提 国防部


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