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Zoo in Guangxi was the Tigers starved to death, tiger bone wine for profit

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/29 10:57:34 Browse times: 184 Comment times: 0

Zoo in Guangxi was the Tigers starved to death, tiger bone wine for profit(广西动物园被指将老虎饿死,制虎骨酒营利)

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Zoo in Guangxi was the Tigers starved tiger bone wine for profit (photo) | Guangxi | Tigers starve | tiger bone wine _ the Zoo news

Pictures from the United Kingdom, the daily mail′s website

  Reference news March 29 Taiwan media say, due to declining tourism revenues from the Zoo, city, people believe that tiger bone wine, plus an aphrodisiac and health promotion effectiveness, there is a high demand on the market, some parks have bred tigers starve to death, and tiger bone wine, a bottle of wine can fetch up to 500 dollars (about RMB 3257).

Taiwan ettv news March 28 quoted United Kingdom, the daily mail reported that the investigator′s recent resolve many alert and taken to a wildlife park in Guilin, Guangxi, scene of tiger bones.

According to the daily mail of London reported that city, about the high demand for the products of the illegal, leading to growing number of tiger farms, or even neighboring Laos, Viet Nam also began to set up similar farms. Can see from the videos and photos of other investigators, an emaciated Tiger try to eat meat thrown into a cage, but was quickly healthy Tigers to snatch. Upon request, park employees, "said Tigers too much, but it′s not that much food. "In fact, this zoo is no tourist.

United Kingdom nonprofit environmental investigation agency believes that tiger bone wine, this illegal trade is growing at an alarming rate, due to tiger bone, tiger skins, tiger parts are available, so each Tiger can create substantial value. The international wildlife treaty provisions banning Tiger farming. But on the Mainland, there are about 6,000 captive Tigers, is twice times the number in the wild in the world.

Reported that the city, many people believe that tiger bone wine drinking can enhance sexual activity, with strong bones and muscles, strong lumbar function of kidney, dispelling the wind chill. It is understood that the first set out of tiger bone wine in Tang dynasty and the preparedness of the Yao fang of the Sun, legend has it improved after Li Shizhen of the Ming dynasty, it is with tiger bone for 8 years, then snake and herbal medicine. Beijing tongrentang development make tiger bone wine in more than 20 years ago, opened a lot of people visiting relatives on both sides of the hot gifts, priced at NT $ 2000 by the then (approximately 400 million), soaring all the way to seventy thousand or eighty thousand new Taiwan dollars (about RMB 14,000 to 16,000 yuan).

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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Tiger Zoo in Guangxi starving tiger bone wine
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Reference news
广西动物园被指将老虎饿死 制虎骨酒营利(图)|广西动物园|老虎饿死|虎骨酒_新闻资讯


  参考消息网3月29日报道 台媒称,由于动物园的观光收入日益减少,加上大陆人相信虎骨酒具壮阳和促进健康的功效,市场上有高度需求,有些园区便将饲养的老虎活活饿死,再拿虎骨去制酒,一瓶酒能卖到500美元(约合3257元人民币)。


  根 据《每日邮报》报道,大陆对这项违法产品的需求极高,导致老虎农场的数量不断增长,甚至临近的老挝、越南也开始成立类似的农场。从调查人员拍到的影片和照 片可以看出,一只瘦弱的老虎试着去吃被扔进笼子的肉块,但很快就被健康的老虎给抢走。经询问后,园区员工表示,“老虎太多,但没那么多食物。”事实上,这 间动物园没有什么游客。

  英国非营利组织环境调查机构认为,虎骨酒这类的非法交易正以令人担忧的速度成长,因虎骨、虎皮、虎牙等各部位都可利 用,所以每只老虎能创造相当大的产值。《国际野生动物条约》中明文规定禁止从事老虎养殖。但在大陆,目前约有6000只人工饲养的老虎,是全球野生数量的 两倍。

  报道称,许多大陆人相信饮用虎骨酒能强化性能力,具有壮筋骨、强腰肾、祛风寒的功能。据了解,虎骨酒首载于唐代孙思邈的《备急千金要 方》,相传经过明朝李时珍改良,做法是以虎骨浸泡8年,再加入蛇精与草药。北京同仁堂于20多年前研发制作虎骨酒,成为两岸开放时不少探亲民众的热门礼 品,售价也由当时的2000元新台币(约合400元人民币),一路飙涨到七八万元新台币(约合1.4万元人民币至1.6万元人民币)。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

广西动物园 老虎饿死 虎骨酒

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