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XI’s visit to the Czech expert on: let flowers of Silk Road in the center of Europe is in full bloom

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XI’s visit to the Czech expert on: let flowers of Silk Road in the center of Europe is in full bloom(习近平访捷克专家谈:让丝路之花在欧洲中心盛开)

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XI's visit to the Czech expert on: let flowers of Silk Road in the center of Europe is in full bloom | XI Jinping visits _ news

  Wang Assistant researcher of the Institute of international relations at Tsinghua University

The morning of March 28, President XI Jinping left Beijing by special plane, Czech Republic President Milos Zeman invited State visit to Czech Republic. This is his first visit to the Middle East served as President of Europe, this year's Lunar New year after the first visit, but bilateral ties 67 years ago the first Chinese President to visit the Czech Republic. And now is the time McNair financing for the benefit of the two peoples and further promote and implement the "Silk Road" economic cooperation initiatives in key moments, so the public and media at home and abroad have great expectations for this visit.

In the eyes of many Chinese, Czech Republic is a small country in Eastern Europe. It is not like the United Kingdom, France and Germany that Chi Zha international stage, once ruled the roost, not like Switzerland, and Luxembourg as a calm and productive. Play small at Starbucks, Hollywood, young generation grew up in Downton, this distant, mainstream culture in Britain and the United States in the absence of a foreign country, it is no sense. But, we today to said of is another Czech, or said is Czech real of another side: she of country beautiful rich, she of city beautiful, she of people ingenuity, and love life, she of history as Vltava General long long, she today of economic social also in flourish, and she and also stride March Yu revival road Shang of East ancient of intercontinental cooperation, will for silk road of again flourished embedded Shang a star "boximiyamingzhu".

In recent years, bilateral relations have developed into the fast lane. XI Jinping has passed since the President took office with President Milos Zeman met on four occasions, which makes their high-level exchanges and strategic mutual trust, the level of exchanges and cooperation in various fields has been referred to a new level. By the end of 2015, the two sides signed on to promote "along the way" construction of the memorandum of understanding between the Government, for bilateral exchanges and cooperation in all areas have opened up more room. Czech but also for its strategic location as the "Silk Road economic belt" strategic fulcrum to the European countries to the West. So, why is the Czech "Silk Road" in the construction of economic zone so important? This geographical location, its economic and social development conditions in the country, as well as friendly relations with the country are closely related.

On the economy, for many years was the Czech Republic in the European Union, China's largest trade partner outside the Czech Republic is the second largest trade partner of China in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2015, bilateral trade reached US $ 11 billion. Czech Republic nuclear power, finance, aviation, science and technology, agriculture and other areas of cooperation with each passing day, and constantly enhance the level and scale of cooperation. A number of enterprises of the two countries to invest in each other's countries, business has developed rapidly. In the field of cultural exchanges of the two countries the same energy burst. At present, the Czech Republic has a desirable tourism destination for Chinese tourists. In 2015, the total number of Chinese tourists to the Czech Republic more than 300,000 visitors, a record. Tourism has become a bright bilateral exchanges and cooperation, "business card." First traditional Chinese Medicine Center in the Czech Republic settled in Central and Eastern Europe. Czech film and television cooperation. China will host the 2022 Winter Olympics, strengthened sports exchanges provided a good opportunity for both sides.

Data show that compared to other Eastern European countries, the Czech Government has attached greater importance to attract foreign investment, also provide national treatment to foreign investment enterprises. These favourable conditions are reflected in various laws and regulations in connection with business activities. The country's tax, land, staff training, granting of concessions and subsidies. Not only that, the Czechs also simplify the approval procedures for business registration, according to investment protection agreements signed with other countries to ensure the profits of foreign-funded enterprises, and the free transfer of capital. Ensures enterprise currency freely convertible foreign exchange balance, and further improve the Czech Republic's investment environment. At the same time the legislative process of the country and gradually improve in the process.

In particular, the comprehensive survey of investment environment and economic and trade links with China, Czech Republic, its advantages in four aspects.

  First, no restrictions on foreign investment and ownership, opened the door to convenient for foreign capital to enter. Investment Bureau affiliated to the Ministry of industry and trade of the Czech Republic. The Council has focused on publicity to potential foreign investors, attracting investment, and for foreign companies already doing business in the Czech Republic provides various types of assistance. Czech Government's proactive approach to foreign direct investment, pay attention to the positive role of foreign capital in national economic development, paying particular attention to encourage foreign investment in the country is committed to the promotion of high-tech industries and emerging industries. In the form of investment, according to Czech Republic under the commercial Act, foreign investment in the territory of the Czech Republic may establish the following types of companies and to engage in commercial activities: limited liability company, Corporation, general partnership, limited partnership company, branch of a foreign company. One to a limited liability company (in Czech abbreviated as S.R.O. ) And AG (A.S. ) The two forms are most common: the former requires a minimum registered capital of 200,000 CZK, which is 2 million kroner.

  Second, the average quality of the workforce is high. Overall, the Czech business environment, industrial and manufacturing strength, great location, low labor costs and enabling legislative framework for investment, will allow the Czech Republic continues to be one of the main destination of foreign investors in the future. Level of education of the Czech Republic in the East European countries ranked high, which has high-quality human resources. Data show that in all OECD member countries (OECD), secondary or higher education exceeds the proportion of residents of the Czech Republic United States and the United Kingdom, and Sweden and other developed countries, up to 60%. By contrast, Czech Republic average wage levels but far lower than Western countries. High quality labour force in the country and thus relatively low average wage level for investment products with high added value of production and research and development to provide a more adequate human resources.

  Thirdly, infrastructure facilities, a strong industrial base, information technology is developed. On Czech territory, the density of the railway above the EU average. Especially in 2004, "Berlin-Prague-Vienna-Brno--the" completion of the modernization of the railway, the Czech Republic and other European countries, trade and level of personnel exchanges to a new height. At present, the Czech in advance connecting Prague and Nuremberg, Munich and Linz main industrial and commercial city, Warsaw and other Eastern European high-speed rail-highway project. Current Czech has over 500 km highway transportation system, but also constantly expanded. In the field of aviation, Czech Republic now has a total of four major international airports as well as 58 domestic airports for transport. Before World War II, Czechoslovakia was the important industrial center of Europe; during the cold war, the manufacture of guns, arms industry holds a considerable proportion in Warsaw Pact countries. At present, the Czech in the automobile, machinery and equipment, chemicals, environmental protection, energy and other areas there is still a strong industrial base. As Czech Ambassador says, Czech Republic's traditional strength in these areas and China is committed to "improving the quality of economic growth," national strategic goals coincided, thus the two countries share great potential for cooperation. In the information age, States according to its own national conditions and take appropriate technical industrial policy. According to OECD statistics, currently the Czech Republic in the field of information industry investment as a percentage of the country's GDP has been higher than the EU average. It can be predicted that continued investment in upgrading and expanding of the communications and information industry, will further enhance the overall investment environment and level of economic development of the Czech Republic.

  Finally, the geographical position is superior, and strong radiation. Czech Republic in Central Europe, the ancient bridge for connecting Eastern and Western Europe markets. Today, the Czech Republic and belongs to the export-oriented economy, with its neighbouring countries Germany, and Austria, and Slovakia became an important trading partner. Also in the Czech Republic joining the EU manufacturers to provide a big market for more than 400 million consumers. Since its independence in 1993, the Czechs, bilateral political relations between the two countries even though there are some twists and turns, but on the whole achieved great development for more than 20 years. Gradually strengthening of bilateral economic relations, bilateral trade and mutual investments have increased steadily. Among them, China's medium and long term to keep surplus in bilateral trade.

As Member States of the European Union of the Czech Republic, its economy in the past more than 10 years to achieve steady development. In the country's industrial base in the Central and Eastern European countries is good, the vast majority of product quality and technical level of the country to the European level. Since entering the new century, the Czech Government becoming more aware of a rising China on the Czech Republic and Europe not only is not a threat, is a rare opportunity and therefore intends to take the lead in promoting the further development of EU-China partnership. Czech politics, business and civil society generally considers "catch the economic juggernaut, China is very important for the Czech".

To sum up, China is promoting "along the way" construction, Czech Republic not only provides opportunities for trade and investment, there could be a capital and influence the window and a springboard into the heart of Europe. We believe that, as the Chinese President's visit, with the "Silk Road" economy revival of Dongfeng, bilateral relations to the next level, people can share the dividend of cooperation of the two countries, flowers will bloom at the European Centre of the Silk Road.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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XI Jinping visits

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  王鹏 清华大学国际关系研究院助理研究员

  3月28日上午,国家主席习近平乘专机离开北京,应捷克共和国总统泽曼邀 请,对捷克进行国事访问。这是他担任国家主席后第一次访问中东欧国家,也是今年农历春节后的首次出访,更是中捷建交67年来中国国家主席首次访捷。加上现 在正值中捷为造福两国人民而加紧筹措进一步提升、落实“丝绸之路”经济带合作倡议的关键时刻,所以国内外民众和媒体对这次访问都寄予了极大的期待。

  在 很多国人眼中,捷克是东欧的一个小国。它既不像英、法、德那样曾经叱咤国际舞台、称雄一时,也不像瑞士、卢森堡那样平静而富饶。而对于打小就在星巴克、好 莱坞、唐顿庄园中成长起来的年轻一代中国人,对这个遥远的、在英美主流文化大潮中缺席的陌生国度,就更是无感了。但是,我们今天要说的是另一个捷克,或者 说是捷克真实的另一面:她的国美丽富饶,她的城美轮美奂,她的人心灵手巧、热爱生活,她的历史如伏尔塔瓦河一般悠久绵长,她今日的经济社会也在蓬勃发展, 而她与同样阔步行进于复兴道路上的东方古国的洲际合作,必将为丝绸之路的再度兴盛嵌上一颗“波西米亚明珠”。


  经 济上,中国连续多年是捷克在欧盟外第一大贸易伙伴,捷克是中国在中东欧地区第二大贸易伙伴。2015年,中捷双边贸易额达到110亿美元。中捷核电、金 融、航空、科技、农业等领域合作日新月异,合作水平和规模不断提升。两国多家企业到对方国家投资兴业,业务发展迅速。两国在人文交流领域同样活力迸发。目 前,捷克已经成为中国游客向往的旅游目的地。2015年,来捷克旅游的中国游客总数突破30万人次,创历史新高。旅游合作已经成为中捷交流合作的一张亮丽 “名片”。中东欧首家中医中心在捷克落户。中捷影视合作方兴未艾。中国将举办2022年冬奥会,为双方加强体育交流提供了良好机遇。

  数据显 示,相对其他东欧国家而言,捷克政府更加重视吸引外资,为此还给外商及投资企业提供国民待遇。这些优厚条件体现在与企业经营活动有关的各类法律法规中。该 国还在税收、土地、员工培训等方面给予优惠和资助。不仅如此,捷克还对企业注册的审批程序进行简化,同时根据与他国签订的投资保护协定来确保外资企业的利 润,及其资本的自由汇出。货币的自由兑换确保了企业的外汇平衡,于是进一步改善了捷克的投资环境。同时该国的立法程序也在逐步健全的过程中。


  第一,不限制外资的投资规模和所有制,为外资进入大开方便快捷之门。捷 克的投资局隶属于该国工贸部。该局一直致力于向国外潜在投资者加大宣传,招商引资,并为已经在捷克开展业务的外国公司提供各类协助。捷克政府积极对待外国 直接投资,重视外资在国民经济发展中的正面作用,尤其注重引导外资投向该国正致力于提升的高新技术产业和新兴产业。在投资形式上,根据捷克共和国《商业 法》规定,外资在捷境内可以设立如下类型的公司并从事商业活动:有限责任公司、股份公司、普通合伙公司、有限合伙公司、外国公司分公司等。其中以有限责任 公司(捷克文缩写为S.R.O。)和股份公司(A.S。)两种形式最为普遍:前者要求最低注册资本20万克朗,后者则为200万克朗。

  第二,劳动力平均素质较高。总 体而言,捷克的商业环境较好,工业和制造业实力雄厚,优越的地理位置、低廉的劳动力成本和有利于投资的立法框架,将使捷克今后继续成为外国投资者的主要目 的地之一。捷克的国民教育水平在中东欧国家中排名较高,因而拥有较高素质的人力资源。数据显示,在所有经合组织成员国(OECD)中,捷克受过中等以上教 育的居民比例超过美国、英国、瑞典等发达国家,高达六成。与之相比,捷克的平均工资水平却远远低于西方发达国家。因而该国高素质的劳动力以及相对较低的平 均工资水平,为投资高附加值产品的生产与研发提供了较为充足的人力资源。

  第三,基础设施完善,工业基础雄厚,信息技术发达。在 捷克境内,铁路的分布密度高于欧盟国家平均水平。尤其是在2004年“柏林——布拉格——布尔诺——维也纳”高速铁路的现代化改造完工,将捷克与欧洲其他 国家的经贸与人员往来水平提升到新的高度。目前,捷克还在推进连接布拉格与纽伦堡、慕尼黑、林茨、华沙等中东欧主要工商业城市的高速铁路-公路工程。目前 捷克拥有超过500公里高速公路的交通体系,而且还在不断扩建中。在航空领域,捷克现在共拥有四个大型国际机场以及58个国内运输用机场。在二战前,捷克 斯洛伐克就是欧洲重要的工业中心;冷战期间其枪支制造、军火产业在华约国家中都占有相当比重。目前,捷克在汽车、机械设备、化工、环保、能源等领域仍有雄 厚的工业基础。正如捷克驻华大使所言,捷克在上述领域的传统优势与中国目前正在致力的“提高经济增长质量”国家战略目标不谋而合,因而两国有着巨大的合作 潜力。在信息时代,各国都根据自己国情而采取相应的技术产业政策。据经合组织统计,目前捷克在信息产业领域的投入占该国GDP的比重已经高于欧盟国家的平 均水平。可以预见,通讯和信息产业的不断升级与扩展,将进一步提升捷克的整体投资环境与经济发展水平。

  第四,地理位置优越,辐射力强。捷 克地处欧洲中心,自古以来就是连接东西欧市场的桥梁。如今的捷克也属于外向型经济国家,与其邻国德国、奥地利、斯洛伐克等结为重要贸易伙伴。加入欧盟更给 捷克境内的厂商提供了超过4亿消费者的巨大市场。自1993年捷克独立以来,中捷两国的政治关系尽管也存在一定波折,但总体上二十多年来获得了长足的发 展。两国经济关系逐渐加强,双边贸易和相互投资都稳步提高。其中,中国在双边贸易中长期保持顺差。


  综 上所述,对于我国正在推进的“一带一路”建设而言,捷克不仅能够提供贸易和投资的商机,还有可能成为中国资本与影响力进入欧洲腹地的窗口与跳板。我们相 信,随着这次习近平主席的出访,借着“丝绸之路”经济带复兴的东风,中捷两国关系将更上一层楼,两国人民都能分享到合作的红利,丝路之花将在欧洲中心盛 开。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

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