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XI Jinping visited the Czech man review: opening a new chapter in bilateral relations

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/29 10:57:26 Browse times: 257 Comment times: 0

XI Jinping visited the Czech man review: opening a new chapter in bilateral relations(习近平访问捷克漫评:开启中捷关系新篇章)

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XI Jinping visited the Czech man review: opens a new chapter in bilateral relations | XI Jinping visits _ news

Commentator Xu Xiujun

Czech Republic President Milos Zeman invited President XI Jinping arrived in Prague on March 28 visit to Czech. This is Sino-Czech diplomatic relations our head of State visit to the Czech Republic for the first time in 67 years, is the President of XI Jinping as a first visit to Eastern European countries, is also the 2016 President XI visited Europe for the first time. This visit will open a new chapter in bilateral relations, the landmark.

The Czech Republic is an important country in Central and Eastern Europe and the European Union, but also "along the way" along the key countries, Czech Republic, for promoting the China-Middle East-European countries ("16+1") has an important strategic position. The eve of his visit, Mr XI in the Czech Republic the rights report was published entitled, played forte in the era of bilateral relations in a signed article, point out the direction for the future development of bilateral relations. During the visit, Mr XI will work with Czech leaders on bilateral relations and "along the way" construction, "16+1 cooperation", China-EU relations and common concerned international and regional hot-spot issues frank and in-depth exchange of views, in the Czech Republic, the two sides will sign several cooperation agreements. People believe that bilateral relations will usher in a new historical opportunities, "16+1 cooperation", as well as China-EU relations will gain new momentum. (Author of the Chinese Academy of social sciences of the world economic and political Research Office of the Institute for international economics Deputy Director Xu Xiujun comics author Wang Dongjie)

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
XI Jinping visits

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  特约评论员 徐秀军

  应捷克共和国总统泽曼邀请,国家主席习近平3月28日抵达布拉格对捷克进行国事访 问。此访是中捷建交67年来我国国家元首第一次访问捷克,是习近平作为国家主席第一次访问中东欧地区国家,亦是习主席2016年第一次出访欧洲。此次访问 将开启中捷关系的新篇章,具有里程碑意义。

  捷克是中东欧地区和欧盟的重要国家,也是“一带一路”沿线重要国家,捷克对于推动 中国-中东欧国家合作(“16+1合作”)具有重要战略地位。访问前夕,习主席在捷克《权利报》发表题为《奏响中捷关系的时代强音》的署名文章,为中捷关 系未来发展指明了方向。访问期间,习主席将同捷克领导人就双边关系、“一带一路”建设、“16+1合作”、中欧关系以及共同关心的国际和地区热点问题坦 诚、深入交换看法,中捷双方将签署多个合作协议。人们相信,中捷关系将迎来历史新机遇,“16+1合作”以及中欧关系将获得新动力。(作者系中国社会科学 院世界经济与政治研究所国际政治经济学研究室副主任徐秀军 漫画作者王东杰)

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

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