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Jiangsu officials drunk driving hit garbage man, turned himself in after the normal working

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/29 10:56:28 Browse times: 177 Comment times: 0

Jiangsu officials drunk driving hit garbage man, turned himself in after the normal working(江苏官员酒驾撞飞环卫工,自首后仍正常上班)

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Jiangsu flying garbage man turned himself in after the official drunk driving to work properly _ | drunk driving news

March 29 in Nanjing modern Express (reporter Wang Yang Sun Yuchun interns) car accident happened recently in Nanjing, a 66-year old janitor was hurt, so far unconscious. The driver abandoned the vehicle and fled, and the next day surrendered themselves to Police Brigade this morning. Police then identified perpetrators constitutes drunken driving and hit and, initially determined that the bear full responsibility for the accident. It is understood that the driver is one by the social security society, liuhe district Central Administration Chief, this time at work. But yesterday modern express in an interview on the matter, decided to stop work, and study how to further processing.

After a car knocked the old man escapes

Accident happened on March 15, about 21:50, a silver VW car to travel West along xiongzhou road, an old man knocked on the spot on the road, then fled the scene. After the impact, the man was sent to the Hospital of the Chinese people. Upon checking hospitals found that intracranial hemorrhage in elderly, rib fractures, pelvic fractures, are still unconscious.

Yesterday afternoon, the hospital ICU ward of the modern Express Reporter went to the Chinese people. The families of the victims told reporters that old man named Tang, 66 years old, xiongzhou Road East is responsible for cleaning the pavement around a construction site, when the old man should have been working that night was hit by a speeding car flies.

Perpetrators had paid a 100,000-yuan medical expenses, but the old man had been in a coma.

Chief of the perpetrators was the Social Security Center

According to insiders, driver liuhe district society Council, Xie was the Social Security Center audit section chief. Xie was arrested for drunk driving, fleeing the scene after the incident, and the next day surrendered to six traffic Police Brigade.

Yesterday afternoon, this reporter went to liuhe District Social Security Administration Center. Staff told Xinhua, Xie was Chief of the inspection of the centre section, though nobody in the Office, colleagues say, "something came out." Thanks for a traffic accident, Social Security Center staff has known, Xie a two days off after the incident, and later returned to work.

Subsequently, liuhe district, contacted social security a Deputy Director of the Center. Other say they are Police Brigade in accidents the situation. Thanks how to deal with, the other side says, "law and regulation," processing units will be studied.

However, Xinhua learned from insiders, just meetings at noon yesterday, decided to let TSE to suspend work.

Escape can still finds that after drunk driving

The traffic accident, liuhe District Traffic Police Brigade currently have been identified, the driver thanks to some drunk driving through March 15 night xiongzhou road, clean soup is a hit, thanks to a hit, at 9 o'clock in the morning the next day surrendered to the Police Brigade. Initially identified thanks to assume full responsibility for the accident.

Police told reporters that the investigation has confirmed that thanks a drunk driving. Because Xie had left the scene of the accident, drunk driving has been ascertained, but survey visits, Xie was drink-driving has been identified.

Now, police are expert testimony to the wounded, once identified as serious injury, coupled with drinking and driving, hit, and thankful to a suspected traffic accident crimes, may be subject to criminal penalties.

Reporters from the Police Department confirmed that some drunk drivers in order to evade detection, escaped after the accident. But found that drinking and driving, and not only on alcohol content in the blood, after the police in the investigation, if indeed there is evidence that the parties drank alcohol before the incident, the driver, identified as drunk driving. "We found that in many ways. "Nanjing said one traffic control, such as investigating drivers night action track, where meals, table who, there is no drinking, as long as the chain of evidence formed, can be identified as drunk driving.

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
Drinking and driving

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江苏官员酒驾撞飞环卫工 自首后仍正常上班|酒驾_新闻资讯

现代快报3月29日南京电(记者 孙玉春 实习生 汪阳)最近在南京六合发生一起车祸,一名66岁的清洁工被撞伤,至今昏迷不醒。肇事司机弃车逃离,第二天上午去交警大队自首。随后交警确认肇事者 构成酒驾和肇事逃逸,初步认定其负事故全责。据了解,肇事司机是六合区人社局社会保险管理中心一名科长,这段时间一直在单位上班。不过昨天现代快报就此事 采访时,单位决定暂时让其停止工作,并在研究如何进一步处理。














记者从警方处确认,确实有一些酒驾司机为了躲 避检测,发生事故后会逃逸。但认定酒驾,并不仅靠血液里的酒精含量,警方在调查后,如果确实有证据证明,当事司机在事发前喝了酒,就可以认定为酒驾。“我 们认定的方式有很多种。”南京一名交管人士表示,比如可以调查司机事发当晚的行动轨迹,在哪里吃的饭,同桌还有谁,有没有喝酒等,只要形成证据链,就可以 认定为酒驾。

责任编辑:向昌明 SN123



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