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Fujian police apologize arrogant reply overnight, police parties punished

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/29 10:56:14 Browse times: 145 Comment times: 0

Fujian police apologize arrogant reply overnight, police parties punished(福建警方就傲慢回复连夜道歉,当事民警受处分)

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Fujian police apologize arrogant reply overnight police parties punished | police arrogance | | reply _ news

Original title: Fujian Ningde "God replies" apologized overnight police the parties subject to the imposition of

On March 29, the journalists from Ningde, Fujian Public Security found in the upper reaches, xiapu County Public Security Bureau have rushed to the "God replies" to carry out investigation to verify and process on the demands of Internet users.

After verification, xiapu County Public Security Bureau has to warning letters and visits Office of civilian police. The Council also clarified that previously the Council had explained to Mr CHAN's question, net "first response" is for the second reply. However, the reporters found that the two questions raised by Mr CHAN is not the same.

Ningde, Fujian public security on "God back" event notification. (Web page screenshot)

  Local organization overnight, Deputy Mayor City Council survey

On March 28, the upper reaches of Ningde, Fujian province xiapu County Public Security Bureau were news reports the responses to the demands of Internet users about the improper.

Local Internet users Chen household registration problems in Ningde city, 12345-government service platform consulting, not satisfied with the reply, Chen once again on this issue reflected in Ningde city, 12345-government service platform, xiapu County Public Security Bureau and post replies: "Please reply for the first time I read it three times."

Users refer to this reply as "most replies", "God's reply", xiapu and accused public security seriously enough.

29th, Ningde, informed the police about the investigation in this matter. Reported that learned of Ningde City Council, Deputy Mayor, police Chief, Zheng Leisheng attach, scanning the organizational Department, city of supervision leading to xiapu, urging guide event handling, require xiapu county police conduct a proper verification of the incident.

  As early as February, the parties reflect aspirations

Informed the show, was found on February 22, 2016, villager Chen Sha Jiang town, xiapu County in Fujian province, 12345-government service platform to appeal entitled "household registration and education" counselling children with grandfather settled in question (claim number: ND16022200007), demands the original text: Hello! I am Sha Village in xiapu County, I had been married, fathered a boy after marriage (children less than one month, on the account is not), I and my wife's name without any real estate. My dad in xiapu County, Xia Hui city bought a commercial House, our accounts are now also in Sha; I want my children and my dad migrated accounts to xiapu Xia Hui City (my account doesn't move) feasible? What documents do I need if applicable? What conditions? Another: I and my wife's name without any real estate, can my child with my dad in xiapu County, Xia Hui city schools?

Ningde said public security in communications: my Council petition Office Wan on February 24, at 9 o'clock in the morning-4, civilian police advisory review of the article and replied: "How do you do! You of to mail has received, now replies following: according to Fujian Province police organ account management specification 93rd article of provides, not full 18 age of grandson female or grandson female, has in its grandfather mother or outside zu parents household location County (city, and district) regional within of school attended of, and its grandfather mother, and outside zu parents in household location has legal stable residence of, submitted kindergarten, and schools attended proved, by police survey verified, can handle take refuge in zu parents or outside zu parents settled in. Migration of people to handle the title deed holders apply again after grandchildren or their children take refuge in. Your situation does not meet the criteria. Thank you for your support of public security work! ”

  Two not on demand

Xiapu County, police said, on March 22, the party Chen once again, with the same contents in 12345-government service platform titled "Hukou" claim (claim number ND16032200011).

After investigation and verification, letters and visits Office first detailed replies to Mr Chen claims it is February 29, 15:11, and legend has it that on the network of so-called "first response" to the petition Office of reply for the second time. Referred to in the petition offices on March 28 "first response" is the reply of February 29. But posting my "second response" as a "first reply" hype, post, resulting in adverse effects.

Upstream news comparison found on February 22 and March 22, Mr CHAN's question, although reflecting broadly similar, but demand is not the same as:

Chen raised the issue for the first time focused on whether their child's account can be moved to with his father Xia Hui city; and second Mr CHAN's question focuses on whether it can be moved to town, xiapu County household with his father.

In addition, Chen also stated that when the second request of the Fujian Provincial Public Security Authority management related articles, which is reflected for the first time when the No.

  Result: apologized to party overnight, dispose of the party civilian police

After ascertaining the facts, xiapu County, police overnight found the party Chen, apologize for improper return of civilian police, Chen had accepted by the parties. Also, contact the poster "baby Octopus card", to explain the true circumstances surrounding this incident. Post post admits its taken out of context, false, and the blogger, apologized in a statement and related sites.

Xiapu County Public Security Bureau's Party Committee overnight studies petition civilian police service public awareness is not strong, the lack of patience and careful about mass appeal, working method is simple, to adversely affect the public security organs Act decided to give warning.

It is reported that xiapu County, police have been informed of this event globally, require all police set up "public order of the people for the people", at the time of mass appeal to be careful, patient, empathy, enhance service awareness and prevent such things from happening again, and welcome to the community to supervise police work.

(Reporter Wang Xin in the upper reaches)

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Police pride back

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福建警方就傲慢回复连夜道歉 当事民警受处分|民警|傲慢|回复_新闻资讯

  原标题:福建宁德就“神回复”连夜道歉 当事民警受处分










  通报显示,经查:2016年2月22日,霞浦县沙江镇村民陈先生在福建省12345政务服务平台上以诉求标题为“户籍与教育”咨询子女随祖父落户的 问题(诉求编号:ND16022200007),诉求内容原文:您好!我是霞浦县沙江镇的村民,本人已结婚,婚后育有一男孩(孩子才一个多月,户口还未 上);我与我老婆名下无任何房产。我爸爸在霞浦县霞辉名城购买了一套商品房,我们的户口现在都还在沙江镇;我想让我的孩子与我爸爸把户口一起迁移到霞浦的 霞辉名城(我的户口不动)是否可行?如果可行都需要什么证件?什么条件?另:我与我老婆名下无任何房产,我的孩子是否可以随我爸爸在霞浦霞辉名城所划片的 学校念书?

  宁德公安在通报中称:我局信访办民警万某某于2月24日上午9时零4分对该条咨询进行查阅,并给予回复:“您好!你的来邮已收悉,现答复如下:根据 《福建省公安机关户口管理规范》第九十三条之规定,未满18周岁的孙子女或者外孙子女,已在其祖父母或外祖父母户籍所在地县(市、区)区域内的学校就读 的,且其祖父母、外祖父母在户籍所在地有合法稳定住所的,提交幼儿园、中小学校就读证明,经民警调查核实,可以办理投靠祖父母或外祖父母落户。群众先办理 房产证持有人户口迁移后再申请孙子女或外孙子女投靠。你的情况不符合条件。感谢你对公安工作的支持!”



  经调查核实,信访办对陈先生诉求的第一次详细回复实为2月29日15时11分作出,而网络上相传的所谓“第一条回复”其实为信访办的第二次回复。信 访办在3月28日回复中所指的“第一次回复”,正是2月29日的回复内容。但发帖人将我局“第二次回复”当作“第一次回复”进行炒作、发帖,造成不良影 响。








  (上游新闻记者 王鑫)


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