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Excess capacity businesses afraid of breaking loan financial fraud: lost 1 billion earn 50 million

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Excess capacity businesses afraid of breaking loan financial fraud: lost 1 billion earn 50 million(产能过剩企业怕断贷财务造假:亏10亿称赚5千万)

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Excess capacity businesses afraid of breaking loan financial fraud: lost 1 billion earn 50 million | | zombies _ overcapacity news

Many coal enterprises in Shanxi positive excess labor problem

Economic reference reported reporter recently in East Midwest more than 10 more than provinces research understand to, current steel, and coal, and colored, industry capacity excess contradictions further increased, some enterprise completely became by borrowing maintained survival of "zombie enterprise", and part difficult enterprise "Judah hold pipa half cover surface", unwilling to reported real situation, even deliberately hide financial status, behind hidden of risk not ignored. The industry believes that promoting the supply side structural reform, it is imperative to overcome some serious excess capacity, "backing + reforms" effectively release risk, through the "arms for survival" achieve new energy conversion.

  Overcapacity led to "zombie companies"

Reporters found that since last year, China's coal and steel industry overcapacity further raising, some companies become borrow to survive "zombie companies".

Coal industry overcapacity-Cliff price declines, an industry-wide loss. Reporter in coal in Shanxi province, the research found, starting in July 2014, Shanxi coal industry losses. According to statistics, the first three quarters of last year, Shanxi coal enterprises ' loss of more than 7 billion yuan.

Information from the iron and steel industry association show in Shanxi province, Shanxi most iron and steel enterprises operating at a loss and serious loss, 7 have been halted over more than 20 key enterprises and other enterprises in a limited production run of "hemorrhagic" production, high debt ratio in some enterprises, losses in consecutive years.

Besides coal, iron and steel, nonferrous metals and other heavy chemical industry, shipbuilding overcapacity in such areas have yet to be fully digested. Since 2015, there have been a number of shipyards bankrupt. Nantong Cosco ship Zhuang Jianjun, Deputy General Manager, told reporters, shipbuilding enterprises closed down a lot now, especially private shipyards, shipbuilding overcapacity problem is very prominent, is expected to be about 40% of shipping enterprises will be eliminated.

More problems of overcapacity, a scarcity of funds. Reporters found that excess industry capacity capital chain tension-affected, financial costs rose sharply amid concerns that the Bank cut loan and take out loans, many business enterprises "still hiding half her face from us behind her guitar" and were unwilling to report the real situation, or even deliberately hide the financial situation, forming the "uncertainty" risk.

In order to prevent the Bank cut loan capital chain rupture, in the coal and steel industries and the widespread accounting irregularities. Honorary President of the National Federation of Chambers of Commerce in metallurgical enterprises originally said Zhao Xizi, 70 State-owned iron and steel enterprises, only about 10 are slightly profitable, all is lost, many iron and steel enterprises of financial statements is "profit". "Such as in a steel company reports show a profit of 2 billion yuan, we found that the money was obtained through selling assets, business income that ' do ' into ' profit '. ”

"Coal enterprises in 35 years of hardship, many companies may but this year. "One large coal company official told reporters on condition of anonymity," corporate report last year showed a profit of 50 million Yuan, is actually doing the ' books ', actually lost more than 1 billion yuan, in order to prevent bank loans, capital account to savings before. ”

A large steel and iron enterprises in central China province said that corporate loans accounted for more than one year before the 60%, now accounts for only 5% to 6%, and interest rates floating between 20% and 30%. "Enterprise asset liability rate is now over 80%, mainly rely on bank loans to stay afloat, if not made by a bank loan, the company capital chain rupture may occur. ”

"Many companies do not want to be reported, it is estimated that ' zombies ' actual number could be several times that escalation of the number of these enterprises are concentrated in sectors such as coal, nonferrous metals. "Some heads of prefecture-level cities by industry Management Bureau said.

According to Zhao Xizi introduction, current bank liabilities of 1.3 trillion yuan in China's iron and steel industry, there is 2 trillion yuan of non-bank debt, capacity in the steel industry in the process of debt risk of these liabilities are easily formed. "In particular, private lending, debt is unknown, triangular, polygonal bond with one, the risks of such uncertainty and needs attention. ”

  "Stiff but not out" for not only to despair

Reporters found that coal and steel overcapacity in the industry, there are large number of loss-making companies, "zombies", these enterprises in order to live at the vicious competition, sale, fall into the "production more and more losses," a vicious cycle.

"As long as the production of steel can still sell out, but the price is too low, made at a loss." A large iron and steel group, officials told reporters that in 2015, China's steel exports reached 110 million tons, an increase of 20% over, indicating that demand for steel remains high.

Some coal provinces and even "more losses more overdraft" strange phenomena, some business owners reflects whether or not mining, mine maintenance costs are "rigid", in order to "dilute" the cost to maintain cash flow, some companies mining as much as possible. High levels of large enterprises, modernization of enterprises, overdraft situation is more serious, practical capacity is several times more than the designed capacity.

This anomalous overdraft not only further exacerbated the downward pressure in coal market, also resulted in a waste of resources.

From the perspective of reporter investigation found that "zombie companies" are unwilling to quit, mostly haven't been cornered, there is a certain market space, funding has not broken, some State-owned enterprises can obtain loans from the banks, some enterprise arrears owed tax materials, dead and undead. In addition, banks, employment pressures, fiscal debt risk factors such as restricted "zombie companies" exit, both enterprises, and local governments, banks, want to carry for a period of time, "didn't want to be the first to die."

The respondents generally felt that only decisive disposal "zombie companies" before the normal development of the industries with surplus production capacity, but in dealing with "zombie companies" in the process, you must clarify the boundaries of Government and market. The Government should resolve the "market failure" class contradictions of excess, a good grasp of timing nodes, avoid excessive administrative intervention, "thankless".

Industrial Policy Division at the Ministry officials believe that overcapacity is a normal market economy, but the serious overcapacity in some sectors, the market alone has been unable to resolve, so analysis of surplus is the market in which industries, trades in which non-market factors in the formation of excess capacity, "market failure" such excess, the Government introduced measures to resolve.

  "Backing + reforms" effectively release risk

Experts interviewed believe that over-capacity in developed countries there is precedent for disposal, combine their actual requirements, explore the capacity of Chinese characteristic path, properly resolve contradictions of excess capacity.

First, improve the "backing" policy guidance "zombie companies" valid exit. Reporters found that different types of "zombie companies" risk on exit points vary, lay-offs from State enterprises concentrated in the social risks of unemployment, while private enterprises more financial risk capital chain rupture. These risk characteristics, all levels of Government need to develop well in advance of "backing" plan. "For example in terms of debt settlement, Government priorities through legal procedures ensure that the interests of creditors less than 300,000 yuan, the social risks of companies you want to minimize. "Hebei metallurgy industry association Song Jijun said.

Second, sound policy mix established operational rules. Cadres are reflected, some files due to lack of practice to resolve the overcapacity, local implementation is ineffective. For example countries encouraged the merger and reorganization of enterprises, but in the absence of approval, tax, land transfer and other clear policy, brought great difficulties to grass-roots operation. "Mergers and acquisitions are an important way to resolve the overcapacity, long processing time and transaction costs are high, we feel little enthusiasm of enterprises. "Zhejiang province by the letters Department one cadre said. Some business leaders also expressed hope in terms of taxation, land, capital and other introduced "gold content" high policy.

Once again, seize the "window period" to promote reform, cracking the overcapacity problem from the source. From the perspective of research, current excess capacity more prominent contradiction in State-owned enterprises. Some State-owned enterprise officials reflect, State-owned enterprises because of their physical mechanism causes, benefits than private enterprises in General, the current economic downturn, enterprises difficult to promote reform of State-owned enterprises "window period", hope that the Government will accelerate the reform of State-owned enterprises, institutional mechanism solution to overcapacity problem.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Overcapacity, zombies

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  《经济参考报》记者近期在东中西部10余省份调研了解到,当前钢铁、煤炭、有色等行业产能过剩矛盾进一步加剧,一些企业完全沦为靠借债维持生存的“僵尸企 业”,而部分困难企业“犹抱琵琶半遮面”,不愿上报真实情况,甚至刻意隐瞒财务状况,背后隐藏的风险不容忽视。业内认为,推进供给侧结构性改革,当务之急 是化解一些行业严重的过剩产能,以“托底+改革”有效释放风险,通过“断臂求生”实现新旧动能转换。





  除煤炭、钢铁、有色等重化工行业外,造船等领域的产能过剩也还没有完全消化。2015年以来,我国已有多家造船企业破产。南通中远船务有限公司副总经理庄 建军对记者表示,现在船企倒闭得很多,尤其是民营船厂,造船能力过剩的问题十分突出,预计将有约40%的船企会被淘汰。


  为了防止银行断贷造成资金链断裂,在煤炭、钢铁等行业,财务作假的现象普遍存在。全国工商联冶金企业商会原名誉会长赵喜子说,70家国有钢铁企业中,仅有 10家左右是略有盈利,其余全部是亏损,可不少钢铁企业的财务报表显示的却是“盈利”。“比如一家钢铁企业报表显示盈利20亿元,结果我们调查发现,这些 钱是通过卖资产得来的,企业把这笔收入‘做’成了‘盈利’。”










  从记者调研了解到的情况看,“僵尸企业”之所以不愿退出,主要是还没被逼到绝境,产品还有一定市场空间,资金链还没有断裂,有的国有企业甚至还能从银行获 得贷款,有的企业欠薪欠税欠材料费,僵而不死。此外,银行债务风险、就业压力、财政税收等因素,都制约着“僵尸企业”的退出,无论是企业本身,还是地方政 府、银行,都想再扛一段时间,“不愿意自己先死”。





  首先,完善“托底”政策,引导“僵尸企业”有效退出。记者调研发现,不同类型“僵尸企业”退出时的风险点各有不同,国有企业集中在职工下岗失业带来的社会 风险,而民营企业更多是资金链断裂带来的金融风险。针对这些风险特点,各级政府需提前制定好“托底”预案。“比如在债务清算方面,政府要通过法律程序优先 确保30万元以下的债权人利益,将企业退出带来的社会风险要尽量降低。”河北省冶金行业协会副会长宋继军说。

  其次,健全配套政策,制定可操作性强的实施细则。基层干部反映,一些化解产能过剩的文件由于缺乏操作细则,在地方落实效果欠佳。例如国家虽然鼓励企业兼并 重组,但在审批、税收、土地转让等方面都缺乏明确政策,给基层操作带来很大困难。“兼并重组是化解产能过剩的重要途径,可审批时间长、交易成本高,我们感 觉企业没什么积极性。”浙江省经信部门一位干部说。一些企业负责人也表示,希望在税收、土地、资金等方面出台“含金量”高的政策。

  再次,抓住“窗口期”推进改革,从源头上破解产能过剩症结。从调研情况看,当前产能过剩矛盾在国有企业表现得更为突出。一些国企负责人反映,国有企业因其 体质机制原因,效益普遍不如民营企业,当前经济下行、企业困难正是推进国企改革的“窗口期”,希望政府能够加速国企改革,从体制机制上破解产能过剩难题。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

产能过剩 僵尸企业


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