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XI Jinping visits Czech Republic: deepening pragmatic cooperation, build global security

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/28 6:15:53 Browse times: 227 Comment times: 0

XI Jinping visits Czech Republic: deepening pragmatic cooperation, build global security(习近平访问捷克:深化务实合作,共筑全球安全)

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XI Jinping visits Czech Republic: XI Jinping | | deepen pragmatic cooperation to build global security _ Czech | global security news

In 2016, after the two sessions, the Chinese President's first trip to the world prosperity and development and inject new momentum into global security governance, writing a new chapter of diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

Beijing-Prague-Washington. On March 28, Chinese President leaves for State visit to Czech Republic and United States at the fourth session of the nuclear security summit. This is XI Jinping served as President after the first visit to Central and Eastern Europe, but also heads of State Summit tour for the first time this year. Not long ago, the "Thirteen-Five" plan enacted, to complete the building of a well-off society winning phase of China once again with the world advanced interactive, affects the eye of the world.

The Czech Republic is an important country in Central and Eastern Europe and the European Union. At present, the Czech Republic faces an important historical opportunity for the development of bilateral relations of the two countries. The establishment of 67 years, the first Chinese President pays State visit to Czech Republic, Omni-directional push bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and push bilateral relations to a new height. China a major diplomatic action against the European direction, butt and China will promote the development of central strategic cooperation-Central and Eastern Europe countries, injecting new vigor to promote the development of China-EU relations.

Bearing the cohesion countries of the nuclear security Summit consensus and the important mission of deepening nuclear security efforts. Nuclear safety management, is also China's active participation in global governance, important areas to meet international responsibilities and obligations. In 2014, the President first proposed at the third session of the nuclear security summit a rational view of nuclear security go hand in hand, coordination, and advocates the establishment of a fair system of international nuclear safety, cooperation, win-win, wins praise. At this Summit, the Chinese President will fully elaborate China's policies, introducing China's new initiatives in the field of nuclear safety, new achievements, and substantive initiatives for strengthening global nuclear security.

Recently held two meetings, diplomacy with Chinese characteristics become the focus of public attention. "The practice of diplomatic philosophy with Chinese characteristics" was written for the first time the Government work report, Minister of Foreign Affairs to "we're coming out of a diplomatic road with Chinese characteristics," summarized China's new diplomatic situation.

When "China cannot be absent" has become the consensus of the international community, when China's voice in the international arena, China programme focus, China stands for building the kind of international relations? China's pursuit of building a kind of world? China's global thinking and action related to the future direction of the world. This year of two determine has future five years China development of target task, stressed has innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared of new development concept, also again clear convey has new era China diplomatic of positioning: power national revival of China dream and construction human fate community is China diplomatic of efforts direction, insisted itself peace development, and while promoted world of peace development is China diplomatic of strategy select, building to cooperation total win for core of new international relationship is China diplomatic of principles.

Every major diplomatic action of China's leaders, are the pulse of the Chinese world view, understanding way of diplomacy are the most vivid way. To Prague for window, world is witness, from build "area way", to development strategy docking, from deepening pragmatic cooperation, to enhanced political trust, with China with world States deep plowing, and strengthening cooperation footsteps, China and world of common interests are constantly expand; to nuclear security governance for point, world is feel to, from advocate world Shang of things by States common "discuss with do", to contribution China concept and China programme, from more active active participation global governance, to advance global governance change, With the growing of their own strength and abilities, and reach of China is trying to take on more international responsibilities and obligations to concrete actions to create the human fates.

Deepen pragmatic cooperation, build global security. In 2016, after the two sessions, the Chinese President's first trip to the world prosperity and development and inject new momentum into global security governance, writing a new chapter of diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
XI Jinping, Czech global security

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习近平访问捷克:深化务实合作 共筑全球安全|习近平|捷克|全球安全_新闻资讯


  北 京—布拉格—华盛顿。3月28日,习近平主席启程对捷克进行国事访问并赴美国出席第四届核安全峰会。这是习近平担任国家主席后首次访问中东欧地区,也是中 国国家元首今年首次峰会之旅。不久前,“十三五”规划纲要颁布实施,进入全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的中国与世界展开再一次深度互动,牵动世界目光。

  捷 克是中东欧地区和欧盟的重要国家。当前,中捷两国面临双边关系发展的重要历史机遇。建交67年来,中国国家主席首次对捷克进行国事访问,将全方位推进中捷 各领域互利合作,推动中捷关系提升到新高度。中国针对欧洲方向的一次重大外交行动,也将促进中欧发展战略对接和中国—中东欧国家合作,为推动中欧关系发展 注入新活力。

  核安全峰会承载着凝聚各国共识、深化核安全努力的重要使命。核安全治理,也是中国积极参与全球治理、履行国 际责任与义务的重要领域。2014年,习近平主席在第三届核安全峰会上首次提出理性、协调、并进的核安全观,倡导建立公平、合作、共赢的国际核安全体系, 赢得各方赞誉。本届峰会上,习近平主席将全面阐述中国政策主张,介绍中国在核安全领域的新举措、新成就,并提出加强全球核安全的实质性倡议。


  当 “中国不能缺席”已成为国际社会的共识,当中国声音、中国方案在国际场合备受瞩目,中国主张构建什么样的国际关系?中国追求建设一个什么样的世界?中国的 全球思考与行动关乎世界的未来走向。今年的两会确定了未来五年中国发展的目标任务,强调了创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,也再次明确传达了新 时期中国外交的定位:助力民族复兴的中国梦和建设人类命运共同体是中国外交的努力方向,坚持自身和平发展、同时推动世界的和平发展是中国外交的战略选择, 构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系是中国外交的基本原则。

  中国领导人的每一次重大外交行动,都是把脉中国世界观、理解 大国外交之道最为生动直观的途径。以布拉格为窗口,世界即将见证,从共建“一带一路”,到发展战略对接,从深化务实合作,到增强政治互信,伴随中国同世界 各国深耕细作、加强合作脚步,中国与世界的共同利益正不断拓展;以核安全治理为切入点,世界即将感受到,从倡导世界上的事情由各国共同“商量着办”,到贡 献中国理念和中国方案,从更加积极主动参与全球治理,到推进全球治理变革,伴随自身实力与能力的不断增强,中国正努力承担更多力所能及的国际责任与义务, 以切实行动打造人类命运共同体。


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

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