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On March 28, 2016, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei’s regular press conference

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/28 6:14:31 Browse times: 191 Comment times: 0

On March 28, 2016, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei’s regular press conference(2016年3月28日外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会)

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On March 28, 2016, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei's regular press conference

Asked: it is reported that the 27th bomb exploded in a park in Eastern Pakistani city of Lahore attack, up to at least 69 people have been killed and more than 300 injured. Victims are mostly women and children. Comment on this?

A: our terrorist attacks in Pakistan's Lahore, inflicted heavy casualties are deeply shocked and saddened on this extremely cruel terrorist act in the strongest condemnation. The Chinese side expressed deep condolences to the victims, and expressed deep condolences to the injured and the families of the victims. At this difficult time, we stand together with the people of Pakistan, and will continue to firmly support the Pakistani Government and people to combat terrorism and maintain national stability and security of the people for their tireless efforts.

  问: Japan is enabled in Yonaguni Island A block on The new radar stations, which Observatory 位于 Near the Islands 。 Do you think this is against China?

A: China in the Diaoyu Islands and its position on the issue is clear and consistent, and our will to preserve the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands is unwavering. We hope that the Japanese side to do more things beneficial to peace and stability in the region, and not the other way around.

Q: Japan Government will be formally implemented a new security law tomorrow. China has a lot of concerns about this voice, what specific concerns? After the implementation of the new security law, the Chinese Government whether it is possible to adjust policy to Japan?

A: the Asian neighbors and international society of Japan military security-related trends have always expressed concern that, because of historical reasons. We hope the Japanese side will learn from history and adhere to the path of peaceful development, caution in military security policy, and do more to contribute to the promotion of mutual trust with neighboring countries, and is conducive to regional peace and stability.

Q: what steps is the Government taking to combat international money laundering network in China? The associated press reported today, China is becoming a Centre for international money-laundering. Comment on this?

A: the Chinese Government attaches great importance to combating money-laundering as a serious crime. Chinese Government to sign, ratify and implement the United Nations anti-money laundering and the financing of terrorism and the International Convention for the resolution, actively carry out international cooperation in this field. Our position on this issue, policy determination. China never was in the past, the present is not and will never be known as the International Centre for money-laundering.

Asked by Indonesia between Jakarta and Bandung of Indonesia's consortium to build high-speed rail project 5 km led in recent days to achieve full capacity, project made important progress. In addition, the Thai side said Tai Fu Duan Gaotie, will be built from Bangkok to Khorat, the project will buy Chinese trains and use the Chinese railway technology and signalling systems. How do you view the prospects for railway cooperation with the two?

Answer: cooperation in the construction of yawangaotie and Sino-Thai railway projects in Indonesia and China with the countries concerned based on mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win principle reached important consensus, relevant departments of the two sides have maintained close communication on the implementation of these projects. Hopes both sides will continue to cooperate to ensure smooth implementation of the project at an early date fulfil their economic and social benefit and promote national economic development, personnel exchanges and areas along interoperability for the benefit of the peoples of the region.

Q: United States Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recently told the media in an interview that if elected President, would not oppose the Korea and Japan developing nuclear weapons, and will consider the local troops. Comment on this?

A: we have taken note of relevant reports, and also notes that this is just a hypothetical argument.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-03-28 20:04:00













(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-03-28 20:04:00

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