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Japanese media said the Chinese side refused funding total to maintain Green Fund was a divisive relationship

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Japanese media said the Chinese side refused funding total to maintain Green Fund was a divisive relationship(日媒称中方拒出资共维持绿化基金,被指离间关系)

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Japanese media said the Chinese side refused funding total to maintain Green Fund was a divisive relationship _ | |-Japanese relations green funds news

[Global times reported] Japan media 26th quoted diplomatic sources as saying that Japan Government has proposed to the Chinese side to jointly maintain Japan greening communication Fund project requirements, was rejected by the Chinese side. It is understood that the Fund receives Japan civil applications designed to support reforestation in China, Japan independent funding. 27th an interview with reporter for global times, two experts think, this has no clear place, Japan unilaterally broke the media is divisive in this smacks of Sino-Japanese relations.

According to Japan, the Tokyo Shimbun reported on 26th, given that China has become an economic power, the Japanese side that the two sides shared Japan greening communication Fund better, so mobilized the Chinese-funded, but China rejected the request. Japan Government said the Government believes "to foster a friendly, there is a need to continue the cause", so I decided before the end of this month, supplemented by 2015 with a budget of the Fund of about 9 billion yen (20 yen about 1 Yuan).

Japan's Kyodo News Agency says Japan greening communication Fund is administered by the Japan initiative of the late Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi in 1999 by Japan Government has allocated about 10 billion yen to set up so far by Japan of the civil society in China about 900 afforestation project, by 2014, about 65,000 hectares of the total area of planted forest. Reporter for global times, 27th in Japan greening communication Fund Web site that the Fund managed by the non governmental greening cooperation between Japan under the Bureau of the Committee, in 2015, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Jilin, Xinjiang and other places were funded 61 projects, cost about 420 million yen. In 2012, the Foundation spent more than 779 million yen Fund 79 projects. From the above data, investment amounts and project there was a decreasing trend. Kyodo said in June last year, the Fund is only 1.5 billion yen.

Reasons for rejected funding for the Chinese side, joint agency cited Japan diplomats "analysis" says, "is to a large extent because of progress in improving Japan-China relations is missing, while each other seem to think green with little success. "Japan funded separately, LDP veteran who said," this is tantamount to aid ". Last December, Japan when the Ministry's proposal to increase funding for the project, opposed by some members of the Liberal Democratic Party, saying that continued assistance is no longer poor Chinese "difficult to get Japan national understanding." Japan's Foreign Ministry officials said separately funded there is no problem, "helps prevent will also affect Japan's environmental pollution in China. ”

Japan Enterprise (China), Executive Dean of the Institute statement on 27th an interview with reporter for global times, said Japan blamed the media will China refused to pay "improved relations cannot see progress, little green", which is perhaps Japan some want to alienate China and Japan, "mutual relations are fragile, but gradually improving." Japan wind 27th expert Tang Chun told reporters, this thing there are some details to be clarified, such as Japan want China to form capital. Before I figure out these problems, Japan media unilateral disclosure of this matter smacks of smear China and sabotage Sino-Japanese relations. Tang Chun Feng said the Japan civil help greening efforts in China, gave a full affirmation of the Chinese side, bilateral cooperation has been very good.

Gansu forestry network Japan greening communication Fund Bureau experts last October was also accompanied by the State forestry administration officials to visit Gansu province to inspect the project. Japanese youth in Jingyuan County, Gansu province in the Yellow River basin ecological afforestation projects starting from 2014 to 2016 ends, a total investment of RMB 1 million Japan greening communication Fund grant of 600,000 yuan.

Chen Yan believes that if Japan offering China a part of the capital to support Japan greening communication Fund, which is normal, after all, the Fund for sustained development of Sino-Japanese relations is good. Statement said that the Exchange Fund and various green organizations, popularize the knowledge of green, author of publications, but also directly to China to plant trees, has done a lot of work. Meanwhile, China is also trying to promote greening, local governments have special funds, many companies and organizations were involved, and Japan has a lot of room for co-operation in this regard.

[Global times stationed in Japan correspondent lizhen global times Xing Xiaojing]

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

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Sino-Japanese relations green funds

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Global times
日媒称中方拒出资共维持绿化基金 被指离间关系|中日关系|绿化资金_新闻资讯

  [环球时报综合报道]日本媒 体26日援引外交消息人士的话称,日本政府曾向中方提出双方共同出资维持日中绿化交流基金项目的要求,遭到中方拒绝。据了解,该基金接受日本民间团体申 请,旨在支持在华植树造林,一直由日本独立出资。27日接受《环球时报》记者采访的两名专家认为,此事还有没弄清楚的地方,日本媒体单方面爆料此事有离间 中日关系之嫌。

  据日本《东京新闻》26日报道,鉴于中国已 成为经济大国,日方认为双方共同负担日中绿化交流基金更理想,所以动员中方出资支持,但是中方拒绝了该要求。日本政府人士称,政府方面认为“为促进友好, 有必要继续该事业”,所以决定于本月底前通过2015年度补充预算为该基金投入约90亿日元(20日元约合1元人民币)。

  日本共同社介绍说,日中绿化交流基金由日本已故前首相小渊惠三倡议,1999年由日本政府 拨款约100亿日元成立,迄今已通过日本民间团体完成在中国的约900项植树造林工程,截至2014年,植林总面积约6.5万公顷。《环球时报》记者27 日在日中绿化交流基金网站上查询得知,该基金由日中民间绿化合作委员会下属事务局管理,2015年在内蒙古、甘肃、吉林、新疆等地共资助61个项目,花费约4.2亿日元。2012年,该基金会花费超过7.79亿日元资助79个项目。从上述数据可知,日方出资数额和项目呈减少趋势。共同社称,去年6月,该基金仅剩15亿日元。

  对于中方拒绝出资的原因,共同社援引日本外交人士的“分析”称,“很大程度上是因为日中关 系改善不见进展,同时,对方似乎还认为绿化收效甚微。”对于日本单独出资,有自民党资深人士称,“这无异于无偿援助”。去年12月日本外务省提出增加对该 项目的资金投入时,遭到部分自民党人士反对,称继续援助不再贫穷的中国“很难获得日本国民理解”。日本外务省官员则表示,单独出资没有问题,“有助于防止也会影响日本的中国环境污染。”

  日本企业(中国)研究院执行院长陈言27日接受《环球时报》记者采访时表示,日本 媒体将中方拒绝出资一事归咎于“关系改善不见进展,绿化效果甚微”,这也许是日本一些人想离间中国和日本,“双方关系目前虽然脆弱,但在逐步改善”。日本 问题专家唐淳风27日也对记者表示,这件事情还有一些细节需要搞清楚,比如日本希望中方以何种形式出资。在没弄明白这些问题之前,日本媒体单方面披露此 事,有抹黑中国、破坏中日关系之嫌。唐淳风表示,对于日本民间在中国帮助绿化的努力,中方给予了充分肯定,双方合作一直很好。


  陈言认为,如果日方提出让中国出一部分资金支持日中绿化交流基金,这也正常,毕竟 将该基金维持下去对中日关系发展有好处。陈言说,这个基金与各个绿化组织交流,普及绿化知识,出版过相关刊物,还直接来中国种树,确实做了不少工作。同 时,中国也在努力推动绿化事业,地方政府有专门款项,许多企业和组织都参与其中,中日双方在这方面有不小的合作空间。

  [环球时报驻日本特约记者 李珍 环球时报记者 邢晓婧]

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

中日关系 绿化资金


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