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Guangdong Procuratorate at district level leadership accountability for spending millions of public money was

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/28 6:13:52 Browse times: 173 Comment times: 0

Guangdong Procuratorate at district level leadership accountability for spending millions of public money was(广东区级检察院领导班子挥霍数百万公款被问责)

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Guangdong Procuratorate at district level leadership to squander millions of public funds provided by the Guangdong anti-corruption accountability | | eight _ news

Hotel cost more than 1 million Yuan, more than 780,000 yuan spent in the canteen of the units receive, buy large quantities of high-grade alcohol, tobacco, tea, nearly 3 million Yuan, the violation for cadres and workers also handed out a total of 248,000 yuan tourism fee ... ... Yesterday, the official website of the Guangdong Provincial Commission for discipline inspection of "South wind" reported that because of irregularities with public banquets and the payment of benefits, Attorney-6 members of the leadership team, Qingcheng district, Qingyuan city for serious accountability, Party Secretary of the District Prosecutor's Office, the Attorney-General Wang Yuncheng is revoked position within the party.

New express reporter Huang Chiung-piao correspondent Yue JI Xuan

  Where did the money come from? From the "special funds for handling" button

The investigation, in January 2013 to June 2015, Qingcheng district Procuratorate of violation organization public banquets a total expenditure of 4.8032 million Yuan, in the hotel and the reception meal 1.0553 million Yuan, receive meals in the canteen of the units 781800, buy large quantities of high-grade alcohol, tobacco, tea and other 2.9661 million. Fees from handling a breach expenditures of special funds and other subjects, even in the name of other guise.

March 2013 violation for cadres and workers of the hospital issued a total of 248,000 yuan travel. In 2014, the party's mass line educational practice and 2015 provincial procuratorate still half-hearted correction after inspection found problems, did not mobilize staff for a refund until after the incident.

Qingcheng District Attorney breaches public banquets and all payments involving the home team. Wang Yuncheng as "leaders" lead in under the Central eight rules, long-term tolerated instructed subordinates to arrange illegal banquet. Other team members, especially discipline inspection team leader Yang Jingming and in charge of Finance of the Solicitor General Luo Qing, for the hospital's violations of financial discipline and violations of the Central eight moral issues such as, do not stop do not truthfully report to the Organization, also participated in an illegal drink and accepting an illegal payment of benefits.

Apart from the Attorney-General was removed from Office, and Qingcheng district Procuratorate, discipline inspection team leader Yang Jingming, Deputy Secretary of the party group and member of the Luo Qingzhong, Deputy Attorneys-General are a serious warning inside the party; Qingcheng District Office of the public prosecutor's Office Director Li Youqiang, Director of case management center Lan Yongfang be punished by a warning inside the party; in addition, the 3 other members of the party were appropriate accountability.

  The provincial Commission for discipline inspection: providing places for illegal recreational units are fine

Provincial Commission for discipline inspection officials pointed out that these problems belong to District Prosecutor's Office does not converge, does not stop, opposite discipline typical of its stern, fully reflects the discipline inspection and supervision organs to correct "four winds" strong determination and the striking attitude of the strict discipline.

Also, to continue to vigorously regulate to give and receive "red envelopes" gifts, cars for private purposes and the illegal recreational activities and public tourism, the granting of subsidies, golf, access to private clubs and other problems to prevent resurgence of rebound. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels must focus on "four winds" new trend of new, right hand does not know to avoid organizational supervision, knowingly or corrected and the Commission found, investigated, tolerance. For some Makeover "four winds" issues, such as the illegal recreational activities go to the cafeteria, eating and drinking expense passed on to a subordinate unit or reimbursement related to state-owned enterprises and institutions, but also on the provision of premises, funding and reimbursement conditions of the relevant units and persons seriously.

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Guangdong anti-corruption eight provisions

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  在各类酒店接待花费百余万元,在单位内部饭堂接待花费78万余元,购买大量高档烟酒茶等近300万元,还违规为干部职工发放了共24.8万元旅游费……昨 日,广东省纪委官方网站“南粤清风”通报称,因违规用公款宴请和发放福利等,对清远清城区检察院6名领导班子成员进行严肃问责,其中清城区检察院党组书 记、检察长王运成被撤销党内职务。

  ■新快报记者 黄琼 通讯员 粤纪宣

  钱从哪儿来? 从“办案专项经费”等里扣

  经查,2013年1月至2015年6月,清城区检察院多次违规组织公款宴请活动共开支480.32万元,其中在各类酒店接待餐费105.53万元,在单位 内部饭堂接待餐费78.18万元,购买大量高档烟酒茶等296.61万元。费用主要从办案专项经费等科目违规列支,甚至以其他名义套取。


  清城区检察院违规公款宴请和发放福利问题涉及该院全部班子成员。王运成作为单位“一把手”,带头违反中央八项规定精神,长期纵容指使下属安排违规宴请。其 他班子成员尤其是纪检组长杨镜明及分管财务的副检察长罗庆中,对该院存在的违反财经纪律和违反中央八项规定精神等问题,不制止也不如实向组织报告,还多次 参与违规吃喝和接受违规发放的单位福利。




  同时,要不断大力整治收送“红包”礼金、公车私用和违规公款吃喝、公款旅游、发放津补贴、打高尔夫球、出入私人会所等问题,防止反弹回潮。各级纪检监察机 关要紧盯“四风”问题新动向新表现,对不收手不知止规避组织监督、明知故犯或纠而又犯的,发现一起,查处一起,决不姑息。对一些改头换面的“四风”问题, 如违规公款吃喝转到内部食堂、把吃喝费用转嫁到隶属单位或相关国有企事业单位报销等,还要对提供场所、经费和报销便利条件的相关单位及其责任人员作出严肃 处理。

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

广东反腐 八项规定


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