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Explore the transformation of Shanxi coal mine: grow fruit bean curd production run a restaurant

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/28 6:13:28 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

Explore the transformation of Shanxi coal mine: grow fruit bean curd production run a restaurant(山西煤矿探索转型:种果树生产豆腐开饭店)

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Explore the transformation of Shanxi coal mine: growing fruit in Shanxi coal mine production tofu restaurant | | | of excess capacity _ with coal enterprises in transition news

After each reporter Shi Ye East

In Jincheng coal-dependent cities actively seek new economic growth at the same time, in operating pressure coal Active restructuring has become the new focus of the Jincheng coal a year.

2016 in Jincheng coal seam gas, held in late February meeting, Jincheng city, said Vice Mayor Wu Hongwen, transformation of coal mine in Jincheng city, is this year's "top heavy", "coal enterprises want to go must go, mine in 2016 must seize the opportunities of supply side reforms, pay special attention to innovation, promoting transformation and upgrading."

Size of the Jincheng coal mine are now in all walks of life trying to break through. Jincheng city, former coal industry limited (hereinafter referred to as before and the coal industry) restructuring agricultural and food and beverage industry, Bi Lieyong, Deputy General Manager of the company told the business daily in an interview that "coal mining restructuring is the key to thinking over, can't want to make quick money as he used, need to be determined to do, patiently educate the market."

  Jincheng coal mine exploration in transition

And transformation of Jincheng coal group in the local reform in Jincheng city at the same time, many of the major coal group in the corner of the coal mines are also actively seeking, self in transition.

2016 during the Spring Festival, the daily economic news reporter in Jincheng local visits that, explore the transformation of coal into many industries, including the construction of photovoltaic power plants, vegetables and plant fruit trees, tofu and noodles, and other agricultural products, opening restaurants, supermarkets, such as.

"Mines are coal situation in transition began only after a year or two, do variety, but through the transition to earn money is not too much. "The Deputy Director of a local coal mine told reporters that" a few years ago when coal prices are still rising, Governments in promoting coal mine in Jincheng city began "a mining enterprise" transformation and development side, but at the time too make money of selling coal, not many mine actually did, so now those good second industry development, but resources have been less well before some of the old mine. ”

Shanxi coal resources a few years ago in some of its old coal mine has been poor, restructuring carried out earlier. Gushuyuan coal mine in Jincheng city at present already have 14 supermarket; Queen cell opened a pharmaceutical company laying mines in Jincheng; in fenghuangshan coal mine founded the Phoenix industrial company, mainly used in mine gas drainage tubes, Shanxi province, has been identified as one of the first "innovative enterprise", also provides a place for miners switched to.

One local coal people think, Jincheng of tourism resources rich, so investment tourism industry of coal mine future prospects will compared good: "from currently view, some coal mine development of tourism project returns good, yangcheng Imperial phase House Group investment of Imperial phase House scenic, Orchid group investment of Wang Mang Ling scenic and 38 coal mine investment of Jue mountain scenic, General to has big fake during visitors than more, seven days of income are can over do Yuan, but tourism early of input also compared big, and cost recycling more slow".

Despite the transition to sound, but there are still many struggling coal industry could not be off the hook. A local top coal told reporters that "most of the coal mine in Jincheng city, Valley, staff educational level is not high, do not know how to transition. Now for a lot of coal mines, the biggest problem is lack of money. Few banks will loans to coal mines, now, to talk about the transition, a bit too late. ”

Tian Zhijun Secretary of the coal industry in Jincheng city in 2016 in Jincheng coal seam gas Conference also said that current coal transition more difficult: "resolve the coal economy running difficult short-term market, long near the transition, but the transition facing a shift in thinking in coal enterprises slow, financing, personnel shortage problems".

  Must be translated into

During an interview with the business daily reporters in Jincheng understands that many coal enterprises consider before and Jincheng advancing the transformation of the coal industry is more typical of the coal mine.

Former coal industry limited is part of Gaoping city, Shan XI branch energy development company, located in Gaoping city, Jincheng city's original village before he, 2009 has been established as the principal mine, with a total investment of 930 million Yuan, several mergers and reorganization of coal mine resource integration, and commissioned in May 2012.

Before and Bi Lieyong, Deputy General Manager of the coal industry, told reporters earlier on the occasion of mine has just completed integration, pre and coal industry leaders feel the coal sales than ever before and began to consider restructuring as early as 2012.

2012 late, Qian and coal industry set has transformation direction, then Yu 2013 established has Qian and agriculture group limited, zhihou have established has sweet potato starch production center, and · vermicelli products Center, and bean production center, and sweet potato seedlings foster Center, and catering service center,, began planting, and processing agricultural and sideline products and opened hotel and the logistics service center, while training coal mine employees into catering Center, and logistics service center, work.

According to data provided by the coal industry and since 2016, the company has sold 42 tons, 44 tons of bean curd, bean powder products 7.8 tons of dried tofu, 12 tons of soya-bean milk 25000 bags, vegetarian ham 4.5 tons, far exceeding last year's sales performance. Meanwhile, starting in 2013, a former coal industry and opened three restaurants in Gaoping, and set up a subsidiary providing logistics services for several companies and schools.

Although the transformation has been developed, but before debt and ancillary profit is still and the coal industry's problems. Bi Lieyong told the daily news, "was based on coal development side, the situation is gradually starting from coal. Despite the beginning of our transformation has been productive, but does not recover the upfront investment to achieve profitable sideline. Mine's relatively heavy burden and the burden of debt, the most important for us is to reassure employees to ensure a stable, then sideline before considering how to make a profit. ”

Bi Lieyong, for coal restructuring, it is important that can't hold "fast money" idea to do "before the coal mine is too easy to make money when times are good, ordinary of small mine a day to hundreds of thousands of Yuan in net profit. Gaoping coal mine said to be changed and a factory soon found that didn't make a lot of money, so I will not do. Jincheng coal mining conditions are similar, the quality is not high, the key transformed thinking, mind I've got. ”

Responsible editor: Sun Ailin SN146

Article keywords:
Overcapacity in Shanxi coal mine enterprises in transition

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  ◎每经记者 师烨东



  晋 城市的大小煤矿现在则在各行各业中尝试突破。晋城市前和煤业有限公司(以下简称前和煤业)正在转型做农副产品及餐饮业,公司副总经理毕烈勇在接受《每日经 济新闻》记者采访时表示,“煤矿转型的关键是得把思维转化过来,不能再想着像过去一样赚快钱,需要下决心去干,耐心培育市场才行”。




  “很 多煤矿搞转型都是煤炭形势不好之后这一两年才开始,做的事情五花八门,但是目前通过转型赚到钱的并不是太多。”当地一位煤矿副矿长告诉记者,“几年前煤炭 价格还在上升期的时候,晋城市政府就在推动煤矿开始“一矿一企”转型发展副业,但是当时卖煤太赚钱了,没有多少煤矿真正在做,因此现在那些第二产业发展不 错的,反而是之前资源已经不太好的一些老矿。”

  晋煤集团旗下一些老煤矿数年前资源已经较差,开展转型也较早。其中古书院矿目前在晋城市已经 拥有14家连锁超市;王台铺矿则在晋城开设了制药公司;凤凰山矿则创立了凤凰实业公司,主要生产用于矿井下的各种瓦斯抽放管,被认定为山西省首批“创新型 企业”,也为矿工们转产提供了去处。

  一位当地煤炭人士认为,晋城的旅游资源丰富,因此投资旅游产业的煤矿未来前景会比较好:“从目前来看, 一些煤矿发展的旅游项目收益不错,阳城县皇城相府集团投资的皇城相府景区,兰花集团投资的王莽岭景区和三八煤矿投资的珏山景区,一般到了大假期间游客比较 多,七天的收入都能超过千万元,但是旅游业前期的投入也比较大,而且成本回收较慢”。

  尽管转型之声不断,但仍然有不少煤矿纠结于煤炭主业中 无法脱困。当地一位煤炭高层告诉记者,“晋城市的大部分煤矿都在山沟里,员工文化水平不高,完全不知道怎么转型。现在对于很多煤矿来说,最大的问题就是没 钱。现在几乎没有银行还会给煤矿贷款,再去谈转型,已经有点迟了。”






  2012 年末,前和煤业定下了转型方向,随后于2013年成立了前和农工商集团有限公司,之后相继成立有红薯淀粉生产中心、粉条粉皮制品中心、豆制品生产中心、甘 薯种苗培育中心、餐饮服务中心等,开始种植、加工农副产品并开设饭店及后勤服务中心,同时培训煤矿员工进入餐饮中心、后勤服务中心等工作。

  根 据前和煤业提供的数据,2016年以来,公司已经销售粉制品42吨、豆腐44吨、豆皮7.8吨、豆干12吨、豆浆25000袋、素火腿4.5吨,远超去年 同期的销售业绩。与此同时,自2013年起,前和煤业在高平市开设了三家饭店,并成立了子公司为数家企业及学校提供后勤服务。

  尽管转型业务 已经有所发展,但是债务及副业利润仍然是前和煤业面临的难题。毕烈勇告诉《每日经济新闻》记者,“以前是以煤为基础发展副业,现在的形势是逐步开始脱离煤 炭。尽管我们的转型已经初有成效,但是目前的副业还没有收回前期投资达到盈利。煤矿的人员负担和债务负担都比较重,对于我们来说目前最主要的就是安抚员工 保证稳定,接下来才考虑如何让副业盈利。”

  在毕烈勇看来,对于煤矿转型来说,很重要的一点就是不能抱着“来快钱”的思路去做,“以前煤炭形 势好的时候煤矿赚钱太容易了,普通的小矿一天净利润就几十万元。高平市不少煤矿说要转型,办了厂没多久后发现没赚多少钱,于是就不做了。其实晋城的煤矿条 件都差不多,人员素质也都不高,关键得把思维转化过来,下决心真的去干才行。”

责任编辑:孙爱林 SN146

山西煤矿 煤企转型 产能过剩


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