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Czech Republic launched the “China fever“, looking forward to XI’s visit

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/28 6:13:13 Browse times: 233 Comment times: 0

Czech Republic launched the “China fever“, looking forward to XI’s visit(捷克国内掀起“中国热”,期盼习近平到访)

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Czech Republic launched the "China fever" look forward to XI Jinping visited | XI Jinping visits the Czech Republic _ news

The beautiful medieval city of Prague's streets, full of Chinese flavor, they prepared for the first State visit to the Czech Republic China XI Jinping, head of State-the President. Prague is also actively planning and history also heavy in Beijing to establish sister city relations.

Czech mainstream media the right newspaper reported that President Milos Zeman's recent visit to the Karlovy Vary region on local officials said Chinese President XI's visit will bring the Czech new wave of the Chinese investment boom. The newspaper plans to President ahead of the visit, with 12 pages of full scale analysis, reported that Mr XI's visit to Czech Republic.

In addition, the Czech House of representatives was held on 21st of the XI on the governance of the seminar, this "China fever" to a new level. Deputy Speaker of the House, President of the Czech Republic a total to Philip "comrades" call Mr XI. In his view, the comrade XI Jinping on 18, proposed new rule concepts, in order to improve the competitiveness of China's economy, create a peaceful environment for development to provide a strong guarantee. In the active participation of China in global affairs, have made great contributions to safeguarding world peace and development.

Meanwhile, Czech folk are eagerly awaiting Mr XI's visit. Love China Panda of the Czech people after the release of Kung Fu Panda, hot, want cute Chinese Panda on loan to China.

XI Jinping, Chairman of the "cave" access can be described as historic, Sino-Czech bilateral relations will bring fruitful results, go beyond bilateral relations.

First, bilateral relations will be promoted to "strategic partnership", which is the highest level of relations with European countries, China, the Czech Republic will further enhance bilateral political mutual trust and bilateral political development will enter the new era, on a new track.

Second, China's "along the way" development strategy will greatly promote the development of the Czech economy, for the Czech economic development of China. Czech national development planning will be active and "along the way" development strategy of docking, which is Czech politics, economic circles, think tanks and social expectations and general consensus. Phillips, with great expectations, told reporters, Mr XI's "along the way" concept is the largest project in the world, could benefit the 3 billion people in the world, Czech Republic, also hope to ride the shuttle. Czech Republic the largest infrastructure projects in the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal, the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea can be connected, with China "along the way" concept in accord, complete with "along the way" strategy ...

Czech President Kohut said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua, will usher in a boom in bilateral trade and investment, with the exception of Philip mentioned "three rivers project", the Czech also hopes China's involvement in Czech highway construction. But he was most looking forward to bilateral cooperation in the aviation sector, he considered that the Czech aviation industry has a strong competitive edge, there are high value-added technology, "it can be a model for future cooperation in Europe even in the Czech Republic".

Again, these exchanges to a new level. Civil exchanges and understanding, will provide the stability of bilateral relations in the future and provide sustainable kinetic energy. Expected, and Czech will be signed between the economy and trade, infrastructure, finance, health, aviation, science and technology, culture and other fields a number of cooperation agreements, for the development of mutually beneficial, pragmatic and lay a good foundation for a strategic partnership. And can be sure of is that Czech promoted bilateral relations have gone beyond the bilateral scope. As an important country in Central and Eastern Europe, Czech Republic, good interaction with China will further promote Chinese and European cooperation has played an exemplary role in the Middle East.

Source: China Youth daily

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

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XI Jinping visits the Czech Republic

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China Youth daily
捷克国内掀起“中国热” 期盼习近平到访|习近平访问捷克_新闻资讯



  此 外,捷克众议院也在21日举办《习近平谈治国理政》研讨会,把这股“中国热”推向了新的高度。捷众议院副议长、捷共主席菲利普以“同志”称呼习主席。他认 为,习近平同志在十八大上提出了新的治国理念,为提高中国经济的竞争力,营造和平的发展环境提供了坚强保障。中国在积极参与全球事务的过程中,为维护世界 和平与发展作出了巨大贡献。




  其次,中国的“一带一路”发展战略将极大的带动捷克经济的发展,为捷克经济发展添加中国因素。捷 克国内下一步发展规划将积极与“一带一路”发展战略对接,这是捷政坛、经济界、智库以及社会的普遍期待和共识。菲利普满怀期望地对记者说,习主席提出的 “一带一路”理念是世界最大的项目,可以使世界上30亿人口受益,捷克也希望搭上这班车。捷国内最大的基础设施项目多瑙河-奥得河-易北河运河,可以将黑 海与波罗的海联通,与中国的“一带一路”的理念相契合,完全可与“一带一路”战略对接。

  捷 克总统顾问科胡特在接受记者专访时说,双方经贸和投资将迎来一个热潮,除菲利普提到的“三河项目”外,捷克还希望中方参与捷高速公路的建设。但他最期待的 还是中捷在航空领域的合作,他认为捷克航空产业具有很强的竞争力,也有高技术附加值,“这完全可以成为未来捷中甚至欧中合作的样板”。

  再次,两国人文交流将上一个新台阶。民间的交流和了解,将为中捷关系未来的稳定性和可持续提供动能。预 计,中捷两国此次将签署经贸、基础设施、金融、卫生、航空、科技、人文等领域多个合作协议,为双边互利、务实发展战略伙伴关系奠定良好的基础。而且可以确 定的是,中捷提升双边关系,已经超越了双边范畴。作为中东欧地区一个重要国家,捷克与中国良好互动将进一步为带动中国和中东欧合作起到示范作用。


责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

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