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Wuhan Customs seized 25 kilograms of “Eastern poppy“ cat grass

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/27 6:21:18 Browse times: 143 Comment times: 0

Wuhan Customs seized 25 kilograms of “Eastern poppy“ cat grass(武汉海关查获25千克“东非罂粟”恰特草)

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Wuhan Customs seized 25 kilograms of "Eastern poppy" cat grass (pictured) Wuhan | |-grass _ news

Original title: Wuhan customs seizures for the first time "East Africa poppy" cat grass

Wuhan Customs seize "Eastern poppy" cat grass He Yuxiang photography
Wuhan Customs seize "Eastern poppy" cat grass He Yuxiang photography

CNS, Wuhan, March 25 (reporters He Yuxiang and Yuan Jian)-25th in Wuhan reported that Wuhan customs recently in the mail channel seizure drugs "cat grass" 25 kilograms, this is the first time to seize ′ cat grass immigration cases.

According to reports, the Wuhan Customs officers received information reflecting sent from abroad a number of packages containing some kind of psychoactive drugs "cat grass". Turn off rapidly organized forces, above drug seizures in the parcel, and successfully captured the actual recipient matches a (transliteration), in Wuhan, the Yemen nationality students.

According to a suspect game for said to seek illegal interests, these drugs are linked via the Internet Indonesia purchased African sellers, for trafficking and personal use.

It is understood that the cat grass, also known as "poppy in East Africa", "khat" and "tea" which are found in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, fresh grass on the market as common amaranth, dried like tea, and very difficult to distinguish. Leaves composition containing State control of psychotropic drug ziprasidone, chewed can produce hallucinogenic effects similar to ice, toxic effects of amazing and addictive. China in 2013, it tube for the first kind of psychotropic drugs, under the Penal Code, the law on drug drug category.

Wuhan customs introduced, from the national Customs seize case shows, current cat grass-smuggling set a high trend significantly, postal channels for smuggling high. Customs in accordance with the Division of duties, law and regulations on cat grass for stern measures against illegal immigration. Meanwhile, urged the public if there is trafficking of cat grass, please report immediately to the Customs authorities. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Wuhan cat grass
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武汉海关查获的“东非罂粟”恰特草 何宇翔 摄
武汉海关查获的“东非罂粟”恰特草 何宇翔 摄

  中新网武汉3月25日电 (何宇翔 袁剑) 武汉海关25日通报称,近日武汉海关在邮递渠道查获走私毒品“恰特草”25千克,这是该关首次查获的恰特草入境案件。





责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

武汉 恰特草

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