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Hunan officials confession: since the survey has not seen for more than 50 days of sunshine

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/25 9:14:37 Browse times: 155 Comment times: 0

Hunan officials confession: since the survey has not seen for more than 50 days of sunshine(湖南一官员忏悔:自接受调查已五十多天没见阳光)

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Hunan officials confession: since the survey has not seen for more than 50 days of sunshine

"Editor's note"

"Since accept survey, I has more than 50 days didn't see Sun, no sucking to fresh air, no see flowers trees and so on, they had cheap, now on I for is luxury of treasures, original I in enjoy it of when, no treasure, now once lost, think they are is priceless......" three Hunan discipline micro-letter public, March 25 published original Shonan College Secretary of the Xiaodi Chu "confession book".

Xiao Chu, 56, of Han nationality, the Chinese Communist Party and University culture, original xiangnan University Party Committee. October 2015, for suspected serious disciplinary violations by the provincial discipline Inspection Commission examination.

  Unworthy of heaven and Earth

Since the survey, I have not seen the Sun for more than 50 days, not to breathe fresh air, didn't see the flowers and trees, and so on, they have cheap, is a luxury for me now baby, I enjoy it when not cherish, now lost, think they are worth.

I was free to enjoy the gift of heaven and Earth, as a result of lost, break free, and also loses nature's favor to yourself, I feel life in asphyxia, no anger and no energy, should not call doesn't work, this is my unworthy of heaven and Earth, deserved.

  Unworthy of organization

I am a child of a farmer, to become the main-level cadres, can also make a dent, is concerned with culture and education results. Left organization I am nothing, left the organization also fails. I live up to the Organization to educate, and serious violation of party discipline. Political discipline, discipline, a clean discipline, discipline, discipline. The five disciplines with grave breaches, some of which are beyond the scope of discipline, and in violation of State law. I don't list here, but the facts are all there, the proof, I plead guilty and accept the disciplinary and legal punishment. This is what I deserve.

I hope as long as I still have a little faith organizations, can not be abandoned is the biggest meet of my life. I know all this later, if I would have acted differently!

  They have failed their parents

I was born in a poor village, grandparents out of Office, gate, bozuo. Parents gave birth to our brother and sister seven days were very tight. Parents of overwork and died early. I get to the Orchestra level, in the small village is unprecedented. Father daughters wish to come true, he should have been smiling for nine days, but today I committed a crime has become "a prisoner", I really don't know how to explain to her father.

Parents and I as the eldest son, not listening to you, not take young siblings, is the son of a lack of filial piety. My sinful, man after a predecessor was reviled by some, I don't know how to get to see you in the future! I hurts, no matter how bout the heart's painful confession.

  Live up to the teacher

Starting from elementary education, my teachers by the hundreds, they teach me culture, awarding professional, and taught me how to behave right. Teachers never thought, is he such a devotion to train the students step by step to the abyss of crime. I feel ashamed in front of the teacher's training. I did not listen to the teacher, guidance of the teachers did not remember, carrying things the teacher did so many illegal and criminal. Can't see my teacher. From then on, want to hear to hear the teacher's instruction.

I regret I repent, repentance was only started today, I will continue for the rest of the confessions. But every confession would make the pain deepened again, issued a fresh start from the bottom. Peace is a blessing, greed is to blame. I want my daughter and all the younger people always remember Shaw, passed down from generation to generation.

(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-03-25 17:58:06












  父母啊,我作为你们的长子,没有听你们的话,没有带好弟妹,是个不孝之子。我罪孽深重,人前身后遭人唾骂, 我不知道日后怎么去见您们呀!我现在心如刀绞,无论怎么忏悔都难解心中的痛苦。




(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-03-25 17:58:06

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