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6 Chinese citizen was shot in Laos, 1 person in the play

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/25 9:13:03 Browse times: 160 Comment times: 0

6 Chinese citizen was shot in Laos, 1 person in the play(6名中国公民在老挝遭枪击,1人身中数弹)

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6 Chinese citizens in Laos shooting 1 personal bomb Lao | | the shooting _ in news
Injured receiving treatment

Hostile bullet shot into Laos from the roadside, 13th vehicles travelling on the road, hitting innocent body. The evening of 23rd, a departure for international bus passing through Vientiane province of Laos from Kunming West County (also translated as gaxi), by unidentified men with a gun fire, killing 6 Chinese citizens were injured. Yesterday, the reporter link local learned that update is: injured mainly in Yunnan and Sichuan, of which at least two are from Yunnan, Yuxi, the driver's body count playing. At present, the Chinese Ambassador to Laos Embassy and Consulate-General of Laos in Kunming is actively seized of the matter, local authorities are actively investigating the case.

  Incident time

Local time 23rd at 9 o'clock in the evening


Being shot at the bus, carrying 25 passengers and 3 drivers

6 of whom are Chinese citizens were injured, 4 were slightly injured, 2 seriously, but is now out of danger

13th Highway shootings

Laos only throughout the asphalt road connecting boten-Vientiane-Vang Vieng-Luang Prabang, Laos an important land route

  The scene

Press line after local tour guides understand that incidents took place in Vientiane province, XI County (also translated as gaxi) territory

  Link local

  Injured mainly in Yunnan and Sichuan

It is reported that the incident occurred, roadside unidentified gunmen strafed the vehicle, this train from Kunming South Station international shuttle right through here, to 6 of Chinese tourists were injured.

Beijing 11:55, reporter to contact the bus driver of one of the Yunnan nationality Cousin Lee. He told reporters that his business in Vientiane, heard of the incident first arrived on the scene, very tragic, his cousin was shot several times, the most serious is the neck, seriously wounded and the other was shot in the forehead. Yunnan Yuxi driver believed to be injured, and their families had arrived at the hospital. Because the injured are decentralized treatment is hard to verify the remaining victims identities. But according to Lao media said injured mainly in Yunnan and Sichuan.

Embassy said since the shooting, Embassy the nearest medical rescue organization, there are at least two victims from Yunnan. As time 18:32, two injuries (head and spine injuries) had from the previous Vientiane Lao People's army in the treatment of 103 hospital to 150 hospital and the rest still 103 hospital for treatment.


  Visiting Laos normal international bus lines

It is understood that the International Grand is one of the 3 ways of Yunnan into Laos. In southern Kunming bus terminal, for example, Kunming to Laos international shuttle 3 times a day, namely Kunming, Kunming, Kunming-Vientiane-Luang Prabang-Sun. Among them, the first two lines need to be 13th, highways, last through Kunming-Bangkok Highway, and the two also is driving the road's main line.

After the shooting, the 3 bus was not affected, was normal on the grid. Opportunites are out yet "cool down" message.

Kunming South Station officials say, because of the non-real-name tickets, so is impossible to verify casualties identity. Southern bus terminal at present leaders are Consulate visa ready to Laos deal with related issues. According to a Yunnan exit charge, take a Kunming to Laos this international Shuttle passengers for outbound workers or people doing business in Laos, visitors is relatively low, by inference, the Chinese attack may leave workers or businessmen.

After the shooting, reporters call the Chinese Embassy in Laos, asked whether related travel alert will be published, related staff feedback, have issued safety tips on this issue recently Lao security incidents have occurred for individual regions, there are some security risks. Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy also reminded Chinese citizens in the old self-protection awareness. Embassy also stressed that it is not the Chinese passengers.

Beijing 17:30, journalist wired a live interview the Lao Media reporter was informed that the Lao Government departments are organizing personnel to go to the hospital to visit the wounded. Photographs of the hospital showed the journalists, the injured are being treated, and some of them have been able to stand in other people's help getting out of bed.

  Industry observation

  Laos remains a peaceful place to visit

Kunming bus in Laos after the shooting incident, immediately raised public attention, people are paying close attention to the development. Reporter interviewing experienced hikers and in Laos, Yunnan tourism practitioners found that for many people, Laos remains a peaceful place to visit.

Users @ Lao JIU Zhou Yu from 2008 to the Lao tourism began, he was relaxed peaceful environment attracts here, even had to abandon its work in China, went to Laos as a guide. Just a few days ago, his route along the 13th road from Luang Prabang to Vientiane. Through the Lao media was informed that after the shooting he was shocked, he said Laos "overall security, this is just a special case. "@ Lao JIU Zhou Yu believes that despite recent similar incidents occur, but the Lao tourism environment in General is very good, Lao people friendly to Chinese tourists, is a suitable place for tourism. He said that according to his experience, as long as the drive during the day, this road does not have any problem, night you need to pay attention to, at present, Casey County section of Lao military police patrols. "The events in high posts almost every 500 meters, usually there is one policeman and three to four soldiers. ”

Yunnan "Yunnan Army car club" Fang Jie, General Manager of perennial work in Yunnan to Laos of self-driving tour, reporters interviewed him, he was preparing to send new mission to Laos. He said Laos tourism environment is very good, he was sent to Laos every month dozens of cars, this event does not affect the normal tour.

Yunnan senior Alice Lee said, have on numerous occasions to visit Laos, comfort, peace, and security are the Laos to give him the maximum. "Laos for the first time, dinner at the River, accidentally landed on the table pockets, but left about an hour before I go to zhaohuan, so for me, a Laos tour of security will be safeguarded. ”

(Trainee reporter Yang Qi Chuncheng evening news)

  Latest response

  Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  Has requested the Lao side to send military aid to punish the murderer

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regular press meeting yesterday, Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Laos shooting in response to a question. Hua Chunying, said: "as for why you mentioned Chinese citizens to be targeted, I think any citizen of a country when traveling abroad is likely to become the target of attacks. Criminals commit the crime activities is no national points. So, we stand for States to take effective measures to strengthen international cooperation in law enforcement, maintain the security and stability of States. ”

Hua Chunying, said that after the incident, Consular Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Chinese Ambassador to Laos consulates respectively made representations to the old party, requested the Lao side to send military and police rescue, to treat the injured, properly placed the remaining passengers, pay close attention to know about events, punish the killers and take concrete, targeted measures to enhance the protection of local Chinese citizens ' security. At present, the injured have been rushed to hospitals for medical treatment, the remaining passengers have been properly resettled. China will continue to coordinate old do follow the work, and to provide assistance to Chinese citizens.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Laos shooting

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Spring city evening news
6名中国公民在老挝遭枪击 1人身中数弹|老挝|枪击_新闻资讯














  北京时间昨日11时55分,记者联系到该班车 其中一名云南籍驾驶员的表哥李先生。他告诉记者,自己在万象做生意,听闻此事后第一时间赶到现场,现场非常惨烈,其表弟身中数枪,最严重的是颈部,而另一名重伤者是额头中枪。受伤的驾驶员据信是云南玉溪人,其家属已经赶到医院。由于伤者是分散治疗,目前还难以核实其余伤者身份信息。但据老挝媒体透露,伤者主要是云南人和四川人。






  昆明南部客运站相关负责人表示,由于车票非实 名制,所以尚无法核实伤者身份信息。目前南部客运站相关领导正在总领事馆办理签证,准备赶赴老挝处理相关事宜。另据云南某出境社负责人介绍,乘坐昆明到老 挝这趟国际班车的乘客多为出境务工人员或者到老挝做生意的人,游客比例较低,由此推断,此次受袭击的中国人可能为出境务工人员或商务人士。

  枪击事件发生后,记者致电中国驻老挝大使馆, 询问是否将会发布相关旅游警示,相关工作人员反馈表示,已就此事件发布了安全提示,近来老挝个别地区安全事件时有发生,存在一定安全风险。与此同时,中国 大使馆也再次提醒在老中国公民提高自我保护意识。大使馆同时强调,此事并非针对中国乘客。





  网友@老挝九洲于洋从2008年到老挝旅游开 始,就被这里悠闲平静的环境所吸引,甚至最后放弃了在中国的工作,跑到老挝做起了地接导游。就在几天前,他还沿着13号公路自驾从琅勃拉邦前往万象。通过 老挝媒体获知枪击事件后他颇感震惊,他表示,老挝“总体安全,这只是特例事件。”@老挝九洲于洋认为,尽管最近有类似事件发生,但是老挝旅游环境总体很 好,老挝民众对中国游客友好,是一个适合旅游的地方。他说,按照自己的经验,只要是白天开车,这条路都不会有什么问题,晚上则需要留心一些,目前,在卡西 县境内的路段,均有老挝军警巡逻。“事件高发区差不多每500米就有岗哨,一般会有一名警察和三到四名军人。”



  (春城晚报 见习记者 杨奇)



  已要求老方派军警救援 严惩凶手

  在昨日外交部例行记者会上,外交部发言人华春 莹就老挝枪击事件回答记者提问。华春莹说:“至于你提到为何中国公民成为袭击目标,我想任何国家的公民在海外旅行时都有可能成为被袭击的目标。犯罪分子实 施犯罪活动时是没有国家之分的。所以,我们主张各国采取切实有效措施,加强执法国际合作,维护好各国的安全和稳定。”

  华春莹透露,事件发生后,外交部领事司、中国 驻老挝使领馆即分别向老方提出交涉,要求老方派军警救援,全力救治伤员,妥善安置其余乘客,抓紧调查清楚有关事件,严惩凶手,并采取切实、有针对性的措施 加强保护当地中国公民安全。目前,伤者已紧急送往医院救治,其余乘客已得到妥善安置。中方将继续协调老方做好后续各项工作,并积极为有关中国公民提供协助。



老挝 枪击


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