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Xinhua News Agency: no vaccine the world will happen?

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Xinhua News Agency: no vaccine the world will happen?(新华社:没有疫苗世界会怎样?)

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Xinhua News Agency: no vaccine the world will happen? | vaccine _ news

Shandong illegal vaccines

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 22-News Analysis: no vaccine the world will happen?

Xinhua reporter Liu

Shandong has recently "illegal vaccine cases" caused an uproar in the community. We question the sector the lax regulation of vaccines at the same time, a number of "vaccine is useless" is rife. Vaccines are not, as many people of tangled issues.

First of all, let us understand the basic knowledge about vaccines. Vaccines are pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, etc) and its metabolites after artificial attenuated and inactivated or using genetic engineering made the auto immune preparations for prevention of infectious diseases. After vaccination, without harming the body's case, allows the body to produce immunity. When related viruses, germs invade the organism, the immune system will be based on their original memories, manufacture more immune substances to protect the body.

If there is no vaccine, what will the world? United States Centers for disease control and prevention experts worry that many will become a daily risk for life-threatening diseases. People's operations would be severely limited. Once an infectious disease, is the high risk areas of the city, becomes in terms of health "the wind blows" would have to get out of place, rather than the attractive centre of human activity.

Ignoring vaccinations have many painful lessons in the world. In the late 1970 of the 20th century, Sweden had a medical expert questioned the necessity of pertussis vaccination, caused vaccination rates fall sharply, the Government dropped in 1979 pertussis vaccination. For several years, cases of whooping cough more than a million cases annually, and cause a lot of death. Sweden in 1996, the pertussis vaccine is introduced into immunization programmes.

Measles in the United States died out, but starting in 2014 is making a comeback, when United States 27 States over more than 600 cases of measles were confirmed, its United States 2000 announced that it had eliminated measles high. The reason was mainly a considerable number of people not vaccinated.

Some people do not want to vaccinate is mainly worried about the safety. United States the Centers for disease control noted that, as with all drugs, vaccines may cause side effects. Each of the body's response to vaccines might be different people vaccinated against doctors comment on your own particular situation. In most cases, the vaccination does not appear obvious side effects such as allergies, vaccination of serious injuries are rare.

World Health Organization pointed out that vaccination is recognized worldwide as the most successful and one of the most cost-effective public health interventions. Childhood immunization vaccines, cannot fully guarantee children may not corresponding to the disease, but it can minimize the risk. And the benefits of immunization has become increasingly extends throughout the life course, including adolescent and adult vaccination can protect against threats such as influenza, meningitis, rabies.

United States Microsoft Corporation founder Bill Gates, though IT started, but focus on vaccine research and development, he and his wife established the "Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" on a variety of vaccine research and development has invested a lot of money. Gates, in 2013, the first "global vaccine Summit" keynote speech: "the vaccine can save lives and protect the children's lives. Investments to improve the immunization system, consolidating the results we have achieved in the fight against polio, and provides a wide range of health services for mothers and children. ”

Chinese Center for disease control and prevention experts point out that vaccinations are the protection of health of citizens but also groups the obligations of prevention and control of infectious diseases.

Statistics show that China's life expectancy nearly 75 years old, more than 340 of the last century have increased dramatically. The great changes there are many reasons, of which, the prevention and control of infectious diseases, in particular vaccines for infectious diseases control's role cannot be underestimated. It is estimated that implementing a program of vaccination for more than 30 years, the national measles, pertussis, diphtheria, polio, tuberculosis, tetanus had dropped significantly.

Shandong "vaccine" expose not the vaccine of the war, but the problem of illegal operation and lack of supervision. But this incident will affect the public confidence in the vaccine. Relevant departments should adhere to the responsibilities, strengthening vaccine production, distribution, purchase and sale, the use of all aspects of regulation to ensure vaccine security, people can be safely vaccinated, vaccination, after all, is something to benefit society.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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  新华社北京3月22日电 新闻分析:没有疫苗世界会怎样?

  新华社记者 刘军












责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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