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Vice Mayor of Beijing: Beijing with clean air thank people of Hebei

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/23 8:53:12 Browse times: 170 Comment times: 0

Vice Mayor of Beijing: Beijing with clean air thank people of Hebei(北京副市长:北京有好空气先谢河北人民)

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Vice Mayor of Beijing: Beijing, Hebei people with clean air thank | smog | | Beijing, Hebei _barcode news
Deputy Mayor of Beijing, Li Shixiang. The Boao Forum official photo

South reporter Cheng Shuwen Cheng Siwei from Boao, Boao meeting the air quality and level of the town, Mayor of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province are still not open around smog issues. At the last annual meeting of the Boao Forum "in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei's integration" on the Forum, Deputy Mayor of Beijing, Li Shixiang said, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy two years, work together to cure haze does have some measure of success, "but did not reach the expectations of the people." Zhang Jiehui, Vice Governor of Hebei province has said repeatedly: Hebei in the effort, will continue to work hard.

  "Beijing is first of all the stress of the industry"

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy has been implemented for more than two years yesterday, Li Shixiang stress in the first place ", Beijing non-capital function" to hand over transcripts.

"Beijing is too many industries, is first of all the stress of the industry. "Li Shixiang example detailed data: two years respectively to Hebei, Tianjin export 6,300 and 836 projects, in addition to 3,600 output contract, equivalent to 120 billion yuan.

Beijing's "report card", Vice Governor of Hebei province, Zhang Jiehui Hong Kong Liaison Office Winter Olympics, following the Beijing modern automobile production line, for example to confirm, and said that Hebei will make these efforts as a breakthrough.

Zhang Jiehui made no bones about overcapacity in Hebei, said, "our productivity has gone to 33.91 million tons of iron, steel production has gone to 41.06 million tons, equivalent to removing two AISC's capacity. ”

Efforts of Hebei province, Li Shixiang "like": "Deputy Governor speaks to capacity, harvest is a good air in Beijing, first of all like to thank the people of Hebei in the matter. ”

  "Polluting companies eliminated on the spot"

Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to join hands in treatment of haze, the effectiveness of what?

Li Shixiang said, Beijing's air quality does change, 2015 sky for more than 180 days in 2014, representing a large increase, "but it does not meet the expectations of the people, appeared in a row in December last year for more than a week of extreme weather, levelled. "He admitted that under the influence of factors such as terrain, wind direction in Beijing, before and after the heating period," the most dangerous ".

Combined with the industry leading, Li Shixiang will also say: "the stress of non-function in the capital, polluting enterprises cannot afford to drain out, to be eliminated on the spot, because no matter where thinning, the air is flowing. "Li Shixiang introduced, Beijing has eliminated more than 1100 companies polluting industrial enterprises.

"The weather is even more than economic indicators we need attention. "The Tianjin Vice Mayor Zhao Haishan" leaks ": Tianjin city leaders were concerned about the weather conditions every day. According to reports, the Tianjin based on coal burning, dust, motor vehicles, control of industrial pollution, new projects, fine increased by 45 days last year, "we will continue with the next step, Hebei, Beijing, monitoring, prevention and control of the whole system together. ”

Hebei has a corresponding change. Zhang Jiehui introduced in February this year the country's 74 urban air quality bottom 10 list, city of Hebei has expanded from 7 down to 4.

"Treatment of Jing-Jin-JI is a community of interests on the haze problem. Hebei must not relax efforts must go on treatment, be sure to put it to good. "Zhang Jiehui again emphasized the" effort ".

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Smog in Beijing, Hebei

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  南都讯 记者程姝雯 程思炜发自博鳌 相聚空气质量一级优的博鳌小镇,京津冀的省市长们依旧绕不开雾霾话题。在昨天博鳌论坛年会的“京津冀一体化”分论坛上,北京市常务副市长李士祥说,京津冀协同发展战略提出两年多来,携手治霾确有一定成效,“但也确实没达到老百姓的期望值”。河北副省长张杰辉则一再表示:河北在努力、还会继续努力。















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