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Stucco paint to Shenzhen kindergarten many children cough, nosebleeds

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/23 8:52:43 Browse times: 174 Comment times: 0

Stucco paint to Shenzhen kindergarten many children cough, nosebleeds(深圳幼儿园外墙粉刷涂料致多名儿童咳嗽流鼻血)

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Stucco paint to Shenzhen kindergarten many children cough, nosebleeds | | kindergarten nosebleeds | coating _ news
Dragon coast garden nursery wall has stopped painting and dismantle scaffolding, parents demanded be stopped by stucco work of the Club. Shenzhen evening news reporter Zhou Song shoot

Shenzhen evening news (reporter Zhou Song) within a few days, longhua min Zhi Chu long shore gardens nursery at least 35 children appear nosebleeds, coughing, fever, vomiting, eye discomfort and other symptoms. Parents suspect that kindergarten building next to exterior walls and stucco paint causing pollution, affects the health of children. Currently kindergarten stucco work was stopped, the district Center for disease control on March 22 for air samples and collect paint sample is currently being detected.

  Kindergartens suspended wall paint

"This Monday by 4 children in my home, one of the 3 year old Yue Yue (sound) sudden nosebleeds, and 2 times, frightened parents. "Long shore gardens nursery school, child of Ms Wong told reporters.

According to information integration of parents shows that since last Wednesday, long shore gardens nursery, at least 35 children a nosebleed, fever, cough and other symptoms, including 17 people with cough symptoms, 11 people were vomiting, 10 flow nosebleed, 10 skin discomfort, 9 people have a fever. "Start parents think their children are cold, but the doctors say influenza should not bleed. "The parents said, reminiscent of kindergarten on Wednesday began to paint for exterior wall, parents suspected is to paint the walls caused by the air pollution. Parents say myself in kindergarten smell the paint smell, paint that wall is the classroom and kids take a lunch break outside of the bedroom wall.

March 21 at noon, that news of the parents have come to kindergarten children home. Kindergarten, said more than 400 kids only seventy or eighty in kindergarten. The afternoon of 21st, Garden property management office and dozens of parents and community consultation, suspension of paint. The morning of 22nd, builders began dismantling scaffolding.

  Developer stucco wall for sale

Reporters came to the Dragon coast garden learn that hiring on nursery walls and next to the clubhouse wall painting is a community of developers--Shenzhen Golden China industrial (Group) co., Ltd. Parents and kindergarten, said clubs belong to the long-shore Garden District, the developer painted walls, is the third part of the sale of community property.

22nd, representatives of parents, kindergarten's owner, representing developers of Sinorama property management co Dragon coast gardens Management Office, staff of the relevant departments of the Office and by the people was consulted on the matter. Parents ask developers to stop next to the kindergarten Club wall plaster work and bear the costs of medical examination of the child. Management said it would report to the developer, 24th to reply in writing. In addition, the 22nd, the longhua CDC kindergarten has been air and paint samples, recent test results. Most parents said before test results come out does not intend to send a child to kindergarten.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

Article keywords:
Kindergarten nosebleeds coatings

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Shenzhen evening news
  龙岸花园幼儿园外墙已停止粉刷并拆除脚手架,家长要求一并停止一旁会所的外墙粉刷工作。深圳晚报记者 周松 摄

  深圳晚报讯(记者 周松)几天之内,龙华新区民治办事处龙岸花园幼儿园里至少35名小孩出现流鼻血、咳嗽、发烧、呕吐、眼睛不舒服等不同症状。家长们怀疑,是幼儿园外墙和旁边建筑外墙粉刷涂料造成了污染,影响了孩子的健康。目前幼儿园外墙粉刷工作已停止,该区疾控中心于3月22日对空气样本和涂料样本进行了采集,目前正在检测。









幼儿园 流鼻血 涂料


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