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Guangdong cooking village, village officials were accused of gold over, leading the village manufacturing industry

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/27 8:55:58 Browse times: 265 Comment times: 0

Guangdong cooking village, village officials were accused of gold over, leading the village manufacturing industry(广东制毒村村官被指家财过亿,主导村里制毒产业)

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Guangdong cooking village, village officials were accused of gold over a leading manufacturing dangerous drugs industry | | | villagers in the village village officials _ news

CNS, Shanwei, January 26-theme: visiting Guangdong Bo direct-click decrypt before the Spring Festival, "meth the first village"

Author Cheng Jingwei

The end of 2013, Guangdong Lu Fengbo village staged a real-life version of the drug wars of the blockbuster, 3,000 police deployed in the early hours and the air, sea and land siege, captured nearly 200 drug traffickers, almost 3 tons of seized meth, manufacturing of hundreds of tons of raw materials, shock at home and abroad.

Guangdong Police after the massive anti-drug from cunrong dirty, disorderly and bad governance, to guide the villagers ' livelihoods, tamp, then to guard against resurgence of drug, in the eyes of the outside world in China "manufacturing of first village" out of the shadow of drugs still faces numerous challenges, local governments are leading a return to the right path.

Near the horse Festival, news reporters from driving nearly 300 miles into the village of Guangzhou site visits, trying to hit the "meth the first village" to disguise it.

  Bo village atmosphere remained tense inside and outside the village of anti-drug banners massed

"Fighting a drug war! "," To eradicate the scourge of drugs "... ... Nearly 5 kilometers before entering Bo Village Road, banner covered with roads on both sides, the intensive anti-drug slogans appeared, almost a "hundred-metre banner" density from villages closer to journalists feeling increasingly uneasy. After media reports said Bo village closed and exclusive, georgraphy, tough, possession of imitation firearms, police also revealed that local villagers and even weapons such as AK47.

Stepped into Bo social village Hou, reporter maximum of feel is, village within wire winding disorder, garbage anywhere stacked, Poles Shang posted full has various drug publicity banner, with formed strongly contrast is, in a article through village of alley on both sides of, four or five layer high of Villa mansion stands in, outside wall decorative material extremely luxury, and iron bar Wai has up, some mansion also loaded with monitoring players.

County-level city of lufeng in Guangdong's economy is relatively backward, Bo village actually in this mansion-intensive local rural quite rare. Bo cunrong into disrepair behind is just the reflection of the rural grass-roots governance under the drugs out of control.

Weapons from the police arrest drug manufacturing in the past 3 weeks, but Bo village remains shrouded in a tense atmosphere. According to the Guangdong police, villagers named Bo "CAI", having a common ancestor, 20% families in the village, directly or indirectly, involved in drug trafficking, forming a "family-owned operations, industrialization, local protection" situations, they agreed on the basis of blood ties "coalition of interests".

Even reporters to conduct interviews in the local dialect, but one mention of manufacturing, most of the villagers are not avoided answering, is not clear, many villagers still cast a very alert and even hostile to the eye. Walking in the village, young 20-something every now and then, hair flocks on motorcycles from whizzing around, the speed of disturbing.

Local villagers also friendly for reporters, greeted reporters: "the weather is cold, have a cup of hot tea. ”

Quiet East Village for manufacturing dangerous drugs to fame overnight, which caused some to study, do business and other law-abiding villagers face no light. A Bo village in Guangzhou College female college students on their winter vacation to go back to the village, she told reporters: first saw the police entered the village anti-drug messages from the Internet, thrilling, but she thought it was just a matter of things. She says, worried that after the Spring Festival homecoming when students asked, this will make her feel embarrassed.

  Villagers rumored drug village official Fortune million

After the drug, rapid reconstruction of local government Expo village, and jiaxizhen in a village near the central primary school has opened up a new office space, end the history of the village Committee office space-free. When reporters came to the blog site of the village Committee, saw police cars parked on the square in primary school, the village Committee staff said, is showing all the numbers in the near future.

According to the Guangdong Police have identified, the original village village Party Secretary Bo Cai Dong's leading manufacturing industries in the village for a long time, many of the local police to act as a protective umbrella, powerful clans of mobs of intervention of the rural autonomy organization ineffective.

In the neighboring village of Bo village Committee works on villagers, Mr LEE said, Cai Dong took the lead in manufacturing has been quite close to ten in Pat Heung have been spread, the legend has it that his years of manufacturing Fortune accumulated wealth over hundreds of millions of dollars, but the person being very mysterious, although their Bo village do concrete work has one or two years, but have never seen him.

Mr LI told reporters that Bo village do a lot of people involved in the manufacturing of dangerous drugs, next to the fish pond, the old House, Lai Chi Kok Lin, are likely to be drug dens, but not all people want to Cook will have the opportunity and extracted ice technologies spread in close relationship with the family.

Mr Li said Bo village after the Spring Festival had little to this new building, associated with the drug manufacturing industry being destroyed, as before, ice continue to do so, mansion would continue to flourish.

In his view, some villagers and has no regular job, no business, they suddenly put up the building, it is clear that building funds are the proceeds of drug addition, workers at Bo village to help cover the floor daily to dozens of Yuan higher than in other places.

Mr LEE also said that drug-related people very rich, but rumor was hundred Yuan FCL burning of ancestor worship, he said, "this is erroneous, incineration may be a hell bank note". Several villagers said "money worship" improbable.

  High-grade alcohol and tobacco boss swung a Chair for a press conference

In the Expo village, the local manufacturing industry has also been a boom in the consumer market. Yard, high-end liquor, to the village Internet Cafe, seafood stall, dessert shop, everything, Audi, BMW, Lexus and other luxury cars more than villages is far from ordinary.

Bo village "five guarantees family taken care of by the people ' s communes in five ways," Cai Qizhu told reporters that the villagers so poor that jingle, life is very hard, farming yields little, a migrant doesn't earn much, some of them could not resist the lure of money on the wrong path, village fields are barren now, and nobody wants to farm vegetables.

After the drug arrests, many shops in the village business, rank in the cold. A grocery store owner said, previously recorded every day in the shop of seven thousand or eight thousand Yuan, especially the drinks sold well, now accounted for less than thousand dollars a day, but she thought the drug can give them life back to normal, "as for the money, business will earn more points out of business less earning, enough."

A middle-aged villagers selling high-end alcoholic declared business is very bad now, told reporters visiting his Gorge rise. Displeased with shooting of journalist colleagues, he insults and even swung the Chair ready to hit, fierce look very scary.

  Peters out to prevent drug return to normal life is a top priority

Manufacturing industry by the police after the hit Bo village although it tends to calm on the surface, but the ground is still simmering. This reporter learned that, because the founder of the village for many years of manufacturing waste water directly into the drain, manufacturing process of raw materials lying around, contaminating the Water Conservancy, plus the region of its poor location, farming is unsustainable; despite worries the villagers they would "return to HIV because of poverty".

Bo village drug resurgence is not without precedent. In fact, Earth has historically had drug-related problems, Bo village was focused on drugs, used to strike twice in 1999 and 2011, only after a lapse of two years to form a larger scale of drug trafficking.

It is clear that Bo village after massive drug to prevent relapse into drug, returning to normal life is the top priority.

While the local Government has repeatedly said, in order to solve drug problems, remediation cunrong village look and do everything possible to import project, led the villagers to return to the right path.

Reporters noted that Bo village square, workers are building ponds, digging ditches, trying to improve the environment, but some of the ditch remains black stinking, muddy filthy, litter chemistry, traces left over from cooking obvious, not far from the village are farmland barren no tillage.

Subject drug effects consume a lot of electricity after power became the villager Bo routine, every night, rumbling diesel engine in the village voice. An open tricycle villagers told reporters that, in time, look forward to power supply problems can be resolved as soon as possible.

Around four or five o'clock in the afternoon, Bo village open-air wet markets crowd surging, bustling, over 70 year old uncle Choi and his son were selling fish, master Choi said, "meth is no hope, those who do evil things, a loud barking at night are afraid; compliance with legitimate business, one-night sleep. ”

Night comes hours, prepared left Bo social village Shi, reporter encountered has jiaxizhen Center elementary school teachers Cai Xiaosheng, he said, school has always been is attention on pupils of drug education, this minority students of parents involved, yihou will focus concern these students, being teachers, has responsibility boot students set correctly of values, and away from drug, "fundamental of outlet, to let education change Bo social village". (End text)

(Original title: hit the "meth the first village": the villagers rumored drug village official gold million)

(Edit: SN095)January 26, 2014 China News Network(广东制毒村村官被指家财过亿 主导村里制毒产业|制毒|村民|村官_新闻资讯

  中新网汕尾1月26日电 题:春节前探访广东博社 直击解密“制毒第一村”

  作者 程景伟




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