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Former Director General of Shandong industrial and commercial Bureau tried in front of the Central Party school bribery

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Former Director General of Shandong industrial and commercial Bureau tried in front of the Central Party school bribery(山东工商局原局长受审,曾在中央党校门口受贿)

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Former Director General of Shandong industrial and commercial Bureau tried bribery | | Secretary of bribery _ at the Central Party school gate news
Niu Qizhong Court

Original title: "collectors" to "giant beetle"

Served as Party Secretary for 6 years, quadrupling revenue in the local, left shuqianbai last name Chang sees off

"Good" to "James bribes", letting subordinate units for its claims to buy photographic equipment, huge costs

For many years, repeatedly taking bribes, even in front of the Central Party school accepting a bribe

On January 17 this year, Shandong province, the tenth session of the Commission for discipline inspection, held seven plenary, consideration and adoption of the Shandong provincial Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee reviewed reports on the Niu Qizhong serious disciplinary problems, confirmed the granting of Shandong provincial Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee before the Niu Qizhong expelled from disposition decision.

Niu Qizhong who? Author through his personal history finds that he is a leader who emerged from the old yimeng, worked as a work, a movie projectionist, served as Party Secretary of zaozhuang municipal Committee, Chen, CPC tengzhou, Shandong province information industry Department and other provincial government held leadership positions, the last post was party Secretary and Secretary of the Shandong provincial administration for industry and commerce.

On May 29, 2015, the Shandong provincial Commission for discipline inspection will Niu Qizhong suspected bribery case the formal transfer of Shandong provincial procuratorate; Prosecutor's Office on June 1, specify the jurisdiction of the public prosecutor's Office in Dongying city, Shandong province, Dongying city prosecutor's Office on the second day against Niu Qizhong filed for investigation on suspicion of bribery, on June 16, after Shandong province Prosecutor's Office decided according to law for his arrest. Investigators in 1.5 months, has traveled in Jinan City, jiyang, zaozhuang, tengzhou, laiwu, linyi, yishui etc places, implemented more than 30 copies of their statements, obtained more than 200 copies of more than 2000 pages of documentary material, eventually Niu Qizhong case investigation. On July 14, the case ended, submitted for examination and prosecution.

On September 10, 2015, Dongying City Intermediate Court Niu Qizhong bribery case. Prosecutors charged Niu Qizhong make use of tengzhou municipal Committee, Party Secretary and Secretary of the Shandong provincial administration for industry and Commerce and other duties, for others in the acquisition, development and management, land relief, land plot ratio, benefit in terms of bidding, illegally receive or solicit goods amounted to RMB more than 851,000 yuan, US $ 60,000, equivalent to more than 1.327 million Yuan. Niu Qizhong Court says "no objection, the sentence commuted."

  When there was shuqianbai last name Chang sees off

Public information, Niu Qizhong was born in July 1957, to work in January 1973, and worked as a work, a film projectionist. It can be said that he is a solid out from the yimeng old leading cadres.

"Its own undergraduate education and learning, 35, became the county-level cadres, zaozhuang municipal Committee passed the exam to become the age of 43, 46 zaozhuang municipal Committee, Vice Secretary of CPC tengzhou. "Niu Qizhong investigators when it comes to these also felt sorry for him. Because except show in all before of crime course outside, a series series GDP data, and a pieces enterprise restructuring of case, and a strips people of praise, let people for its lamented: Niu Qizhong in yishui work during, local revenue from initially of 44.71 million Yuan rose to later of 275 million yuan; in any tengzhou municipal Secretary during, 6 years in revenue from initially of 297 million Yuan rose to has 1.22 billion yuan.

When Niu Qizhong left tengzhou, due to their large contribution to the local, thousands of people long street to send, blessed and posted on the Internet. In tengzhou in the local bar, users can still see on the "old cow (Niu Qizhong) did, tengzhou, a lot of practical things" message. After Niu Qizhong was investigated and dealt with, many people who knew him were amazed, Niu Qizhong final statements in the trial, said: "I had contributed to tengzhou, I left tengzhou local people to see me off, I'm sorry for the people, I'm sorry for his family, in the solemn courtroom, I deeply repent. ”

Niu Qizhong has insisted on the bottom line, has repeatedly rejected to benefit others. A company initially sent him money, he arranged his Secretary and driver for the first time to return the money. Just, he eventually no tube live himself expansion of desire: in to Chen a borrowing 300,000 yuan Hou, in Chen a tore IOU clear said will money to he Shi, he select has acquiescence; in familiar years of old students find its do Shi, he in tangled Hou gave up has for officer of bottom line; for meet personal "Ya good", in purchase high-end photography equipment Hou, he will solution costs of hand reached has subordinate, a opening is 121,000 yuan.

  Clues out 10,000 yuan 1.31 million yuan of bribes

In Dongying city attorney of indictment in the, Niu Qizhong of bribery facts total 5 items: 2003 to 2006, Niu Qizhong using served as tengzhou municipal Secretary of positions convenience, for three home company in Enterprise acquisition, and development business, and land transfer gold relief, and improve land volume rate, aspects seek interests, Yu October 2005 and March 2007 has two times received company head by sent dollars 10,000 yuan, and Yuan 300,000 yuan; 2003 to 2004, Niu Qizhong using served as tengzhou municipal Secretary of positions convenience, for three home company in Enterprise acquisition, and development business, and land transfer gold relief, aspects seek interests, Yu 2003 to 2013 has 8 times received company head by sent dollars 50,000 yuan, and Yuan 320,000 yuan; 2012 to 2013, Niu Qizhong using served as Shandong province Business Administration Council Secretary of positions convenience, for a company in Shandong province Bureau electronic evidence forensics laboratory equipment procurement enrollment bid process in the seek interests, In June or July 2012, received by the Vice Chairman of the company sent ABC bank card one Personal consumption amounted to Yuan 100,005 Yuan Hou will the card returned; September 2012, Niu Qizhong using served as Shandong province Business Administration Council Secretary of positions convenience, arrangements Shi any, laiwu city, Bureau Secretary Wang Chongxun, in, laiwu city, Bureau for its claims personal purchase photography equipment costs amounted to Yuan 121,000 yuan; September 2012, Niu Qizhong using served as Shandong province Business Administration Council Secretary of positions convenience, commitment for, zaozhuang city, Naka economic zone advertising equipment industry Park declared provincial focus support advertising industry Park provides help, received cash Yuan 10,000 yuan.

According to statistics, in the 1,326,860 property of accepting bribes, which accounted for 99.3% of the active account. Investigators described, Niu Qizhong is because the judiciary in the handling of another case, found its 10,000 yuan of bribery of clues, investigation for Shandong provincial Commission for discipline inspection. After the case, Niu Qizhong apart from the account of his 10,000 yuan of bribery crime facts, also active account of the authorities which handle their cases have not yet received 1,316,860 Yuan in bribes. More than 200,000 yuan bribe to meet "good"

From being evaluated "with feelings, the Director-General" to use bribes, bribes several times, even at the gate of the Central Party school, accepting a bribe and what is Niu Qizhong come this far? Dongying city prosecutor's Office investigators told me that from the fact of accepting bribes, Niu Qizhong to Jinan after the bribery of more than 64%. "Career was generally optimistic about the case, Niu Qizhong was flat in December 2006 to a he thought not to be attached to the Department as Deputy, he may be feeling lost, their mental starting imbalance, eased up on their demands. Happens to their home in the provincial capital Jinan, and in 2007, he has received care in tengzhou, serving both companies charge cash sent by a total of 500,000 yuan for the purchase of housing. ”

Investigators believe that in the wrong world Outlook, Outlook on life, under the influence of power, Niu Qizhong desalination self-restraint and self-regulation, lost faith, lost party, culminating in the great temptation of material interests, gradually forget the solemn commitments when joining the party and the State, oblivious to party discipline and state laws should have a deep fear.

"Legal consciousness, Fluke causes serious crimes and determination is Niu Qizhong. "Investigators are introduced, although Niu Qizhong is a member of the Shandong provincial Commission for discipline inspection, but the legal awareness and legal concepts are not strong, lack of self-discipline, fear the law is not enough. Niu Qizhong received in bribes, some business owners take on behalf of the Chinese lunar new year visit, Niu Qizhong think is the normal contact between friends, lack of awareness of the essence of money trading. The first bribery is from 2003, until the 2013 Festival, for many years, accepting bribes many times in a row, we can see that their sense of self-discipline is not strong.

It is worth mentioning that, in 2012 after Niu Qizhong served as Secretary for the provincial industrial and commercial administration, like photography. But the good of photographic equipment is not cheap, Niu Qizhong wanted to buy but not willing to pay, so move up the "distorted thinking". He ordered subordinate units in laiwu city administration for industry and commerce to purchase the photographic equipment worth 121,000. Previously mentioned receiving ABC bank card one, individual consumption amounted to 100,005 Yuan, the money was used to buy photographic equipment.

Responsible editor: Wang Hao

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Secretary for bribery

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Justice Network-procuratorial daily
山东工商局原局长受审 曾在中央党校门口受贿|受贿|局长_新闻资讯















  在东营市检察院的起诉书中,牛启忠的受贿事实共有5项:2003年至2006年,牛启忠利用担任滕州市委书记的职务便利,为三家公司在企业收购、发展经营、土地出让金减免、提高土地容积率等方面谋取利益,于2005年10月和2007 年3月先后两次收受公司负责人所送美金1万元、人民币30万元;2003年至2004年,牛启忠利用担任滕州市委书记的职务便利,为三家公司在企业收购、发展经营、土地出让金减免等方面谋取利益,于2003年至2013年先后8次收受公司负责人所送美金5万元、人民币32万元;2012年至2013年,牛启忠利用担任山东省工商行政管理局局长的职务便利,为一家公司在山东省工商局电子证据取证实验室设备采购招投标过程中谋取利益,于2012年六七月,收受该公司副董事长所送农业银行银行卡一张,个人消费共计人民币10.0005万元后将该卡退还;2012年9月,牛启忠利用担任山东省工商行政管理局局长的职务便利,安排时任莱芜市工商局局长王崇训,在莱芜市工商局为其报销个人购买照相器材费用共计人民币12.1万元;2012年9月,牛启忠利用担任山东省工商行政管理局局长的职务便利,承诺为枣庄市市中区经济开发区广告设备产业园申报省级重点扶持广告产业园区提供帮助,收受现金人民币1万元。







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