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Brussels or the terrorist attacks prompted United Kingdom out of the EU

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/23 8:48:47 Browse times: 180 Comment times: 0

Brussels or the terrorist attacks prompted United Kingdom out of the EU(布鲁塞尔恐怖袭击或促使英国脱离欧盟)

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US media: Brussels terrorist attack or United Kingdom exit | Belgium _ terrorist attack news

"Web Reporter Ren Meizi" according to the United States media reported on March 23, Belgium's capital of Brussels, 22nd blasts from NATO and the EU, two core European institutions Headquarters only a few kilometers away.

And like other European leaders, France President Francois hollande to Belgium expressed support of the Government. He said in a televised speech shortly after the attack, "the war against terrorism to be led by Europe as a whole. ”

After news of the attack, Sterling 22nd plunge reflected concern throughout Europe. Analysts believe that the terrorist attacks may increase the United Kingdom leaving the EU risks.

United Kingdom voters this June will vote on the EU's second-largest economy of the United Kingdom in the European Union. This decision depends in large part on voters on immigration and security concerns.

US media said attacks in Brussels exposed the Belgium vulnerable to terrorist attacks of weakness. According to official estimates last year, Belgium nearly 500 residents of young Muslims to travel to Syria or Iraq, and joined extremist groups, making the country a number of foreign fighters per capita than any other country in Europe. Its small size also means than the United States and the United Kingdom, and France or other countries, Belgium's counter-terrorism resources to lack a lot.

Analysts said the terrorist attack may lead to the EU joint intelligence agencies thought back on the agenda, may also involve anti-activism efforts and joint action to combat trafficking in arms.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Belgium terrorist attack

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  【环球网报道 记者 任梅子】据美国媒体3月23日报道,比利时首都布鲁塞尔22日发生的连环爆炸离北约和欧盟两个欧洲核心机构的总部不过几公里之遥。






责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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