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Beijing can buy a hundred thousand of Yuan to purchase eligible purchase useless

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/23 8:48:40 Browse times: 181 Comment times: 0

Beijing can buy a hundred thousand of Yuan to purchase eligible purchase useless(北京十几万元能买到购房资格,限购形同虚设)

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Beijing, a hundred thousand of Yuan can buy purchase eligibility restriction useless | restriction | high housing costs _ news

Original title: hot mess as clumps of Beijing housing market have no right as long as willing to spend money can buy

A hundred thousand of Yuan to buy home buyers entitled to purchase useless

Agency staff told reporters that even without Beijing Hukou, or less than 5 years ' social security and taxes, they also have a way for you to get the Beijing House

Reporter Zheng Wang

Since the beginning of March, Beijing housing market continued a hot market. However, in a hot market at the same time, a gray industrial chain also boosted the irrational development of the market in the dark.

  The second-hand housing market hot

According to centaline Research Department of statistics data shows that Beijing's second-hand House today sold during the year has been as high as 56557, 2015 only 28154 units during the same period. As of March 20, 17096 Beijing March second-hand house trading volume, refresh the history over the same period of the last 3 years. Meanwhile, according to the Beijing construction Committee Web site statistics, March 3rd week, second-hand housing network signed in Beijing is 7721, ring up 30%; prices 40057 Yuan/sq m.

Statistics newly released data showed February new home prices in Beijing rose 2.3%, rose 14.2%, second-hand home prices rose 3.2%, rose as high as 27.7%, ranking third.

In this regard, the US market research Institute believes that low end market demand in the new homes market in Beijing on the one hand, on the other hand increasing expensive projects. Unbearable high housing prices low and demand, turning secondary housing market, thereby pulling second-hand house trading volume rises. Rigid demand, improve market demand is not reduced heat, or will continue to rise in trading volume in the second quarter. Rising house prices in the near future, local trigger panic buying, as buyers return to reason, prices will be adjusted to a more reasonable level.

However, centaline said Zhang Dawei, Chief Analyst, mainstreaming of this round of rising market demand is improving purchase crowd, trading mostly "a buy and a sell" series. Once the price rise would have a domino effect, causing the market overall price increases.

  Purchase useless

Worth noting is that the housing market continues to boom at the same time, some illegal operations also began to disturb the market.

According to securities daily reporter, currently in Beijing, despite its restrictions, but if buyers are willing to spend a hundred thousand of Yuan, up more than 200,000 yuan, you can easily avoid the restriction of the regulation.

For example, a single person whether or not they have a Beijing Hukou, in accordance with the regulations in Beijing only to buy a House. However, reporters learned of the situation, this provision is in some people's eyes are almost useless.

Sources told securities daily reporters, whatever you name has several suites, even without Beijing Hukou, but as long as 5 years of age for social security or taxes, they can continue to buy your House in Beijing. And for the price, you want to see the district according to buy real estate, generally speaking, six districts to be 1 time times more expensive than suburban districts and counties. Chaoyang District as an example, these people, "said price at around 250,000 yuan, last month to help with a name already has a (Beijing) nonresident of residential customers, bought another set". In the suburban districts and counties, prices are generally below 100,000 yuan, however, Changping, Daxing, near the city center, such as suburban districts and counties, prices are relatively higher, probably between 110,000 to 120,000 yuan. "Formerly 200,000 yuan, Chaoyang can do it, but a transfer there to catch people before, so the wind is tight, prices also rose. "Familiar with the matter said, fees charged, most of them for management.

In order to verify the above person said is true, the securities journal also found a single person under the name has a home, accompanying its does not sell real estate cases, continue to buy a House. Results show that this method does work, after paying fees of more than 100,000 yuan, the smooth buying second homes for single persons. Throughout the purchase process, the reporter found that each link is unusually well, network check, taxes, transfer all at once, and the time is very short, "customer experience" is quite good.

In fact, this situation appears more than in Beijing, first-tier cities, including Shanghai, Shenzhen has occurred. A local real estate professionals told reporters, "as long as you can into the Huangpu, Jing an, or core areas, such as the Housing Bureau, Hongkou, gravy train a year down the room to change is not a problem. ”

  Taste of live work permit

In addition, agency staff told reporters that even without Beijing Hukou, or less than 5 years ' social security and taxes, they also have a way for you to get the House in Beijing.

"What qualification are no also doesn't matter, as long as you Ken spent half around time, again plus 130,000 yuan, we on can to you make out a Beijing of live card, such you on depending on with Beijing household, single can buy a, family can buy two sets", Beijing a intermediary company of staff said, "If wants to fast is got live card, also can, is price also to again added is. ”

It is learnt that recently many nonresident customers to join the army of buyers in Beijing, once the residence work permit, direct will purchase two sets of residential in Beijing. "They don't watch, as long as the price is similar to surrounding, the rings to these customers can buy with my eyes closed. "The staff member said.

Use this means to buy housing in Beijing also told journalists: "we do not make a lot of money, just bought three or four cities House was hit in the hand, the stock market did not dare to vote, buy House in Beijing mainly to preserve at least a little money, closer the better out of the city, after all, liquidity is important. And compare prices, formalities this money really is nothing. ”

For many of these chaos, insiders pointed out that "these people are the vast majority of investors, they aim to buy besides preservation, but real money is its primary factor of trying to buy Beijing housing, about the recent rapid rise in house prices in Beijing, these investors play a role is not really small. ”

Responsible editor: Xiang Changming SN123

Article keywords:
High prices the purchase

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北京十几万元能买到购房资格 限购形同虚设|高房价|限购_新闻资讯

  原标题:北京二手房市场火爆乱象丛生 没资格只要肯花钱就能买房



  ■本报记者 王 峥




















责任编辑:向昌明 SN123

房价 限购


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