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4 persons in Hunan, Shandong illegal vaccines, officials set up task force investigation

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/23 8:48:17 Browse times: 170 Comment times: 0

4 persons in Hunan, Shandong illegal vaccines, officials set up task force investigation(湖南4人涉山东非法疫苗案,官方设专案组调查)

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4 persons in Hunan, Shandong unlawful vaccine task force established official Hunan, Shandong vaccine case investigation | | | project _ news

Original title: 4 for suspected involvement of Hunan "vaccine case in Shandong province," provincial food and drug Bureau night emergency meeting

This March 21, sanxiang City newspaper reporter today learned from Hunan province food and drug administration, after March 20, held an emergency meeting overnight, the province is fully deployed to investigate illegal vaccines.

  Involves 3 people in Changsha, Yueyang and 1

The night of March 19, Shandong provincial food and drug Bureau Pang published a list of suspects of illegal vaccines, location by phone number, involving 3 people in Changsha, Yueyang, 1. In this regard, the Hunan province food and Drug Administration has mandated Changsha, Yueyang city, food and Drug Administration formed task force, in conjunction with the local public security authorities as soon as possible to verify the suspects involved, timely identification of the purchased units and personnel, as well as variety, lot number and quantity of purchased and final sales going.

On March 20, the Hunan province food and drug administration, to the State food and drug administration, issued the notice on to investigate and punish acts of illegal vaccines, provincial and municipal food and drug supervision Bureau have set up chaired by the Chief of the leading group, paying careful attention to investigate work related to illegal vaccines. The master of the clues involved, to immediately organize a thorough verification. Find medical and health institutions to buy into, the use of vaccines and associated personnel involved in connection with the clue to timely notify local health and family planning sectors, and to cooperate in the identification of final movements and use of personnel. Found in connection with the product flows to other regions, to inform the relevant regional organization investigation.

  Daily report progress in the investigation

Hunan province food and Drug Administration asked food and drug supervision departments at all levels in the province law punishing acts of illegal vaccines. Shandong province, released by the food and Drug Administration suspects involved, prior to March 23, 2016, above the county level to the local food and drug supervision departments or police initiative to report illegal vaccines include vaccines, origin, destination, and so on. Overdue reports, heavy punishment according to law.

Hunan province food and Drug Administration has been deployed in the province to carry out troubleshooting risk of vaccine work requires, State food and Drug Administration found that should take the initiative to report illegal food and drug sector. March 25, 2016, the vaccine business units will be issued by the legal representative of the self-inspection report local food and drug Department.

Hunan province food and drug administration, State food and drug administration, asked the daily progress reports on the investigation and find clues, correctly guide public opinion, and maintaining social stability.

Reporter Liu Zhang Jing

Correspondents He Jiayu Wang Qubo


  Shandong announced the seizure list of vaccines

On March 20, after verifying the list of police seized vaccines, are 12 of the vaccine, immunoglobulin 2, therapeutic biological products 1. 12 species vaccine respectively for frozen dry people with rabies vaccine (Vero cell), and polio out live vaccine, and b type flu bloodthirsty Bacillus combined vaccine, and b type encephalitis reduction HIV live vaccine, and mumps reduction HIV live vaccine, and frozen dry b type encephalitis out live vaccine (Vero cell), and restructuring b type hepatitis vaccine (CHO cell, and hanxun yeast), and a, group c group meningitis cocci combined vaccine, and ACYW135 group meningitis cocci polysaccharide vaccine, and varicella reduction live vaccine, and oral round-like virus live vaccine, and hepatitis a Inactivated vaccine (who twice cells); respectively of 2 kinds of immune globulin rabies immunoglobulin and hepatitis b human immune globulin; 1 therapeutic biological products for bacteria dissolved. According to Xinhua News Agency

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Vaccine case in Shandong, Hunan team

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Sanxiang City newspaper
湖南4人涉山东非法疫苗案 官方设专案组调查|山东疫苗案|湖南|专案组_新闻资讯

  原标题:4名湘人疑涉“山东疫苗案” 省食药监局夜开紧急会议

  本报3月21日讯 三湘都市报记者今天从湖南省食药监局获悉,经过3月20日连夜召开紧急会议,我省正在全面部署查处非法经营疫苗行为。


  3月19日晚,山东省食药监局公布了庞某非法经营疫苗的涉嫌人员名单,按电话号码所在地,涉及长沙3人、岳阳1人。对此,湖南省食药监局已责成长沙、岳阳市 食药监局组成专案组,会同当地公安机关尽快核实涉案嫌疑人身份,及时查明购进单位和人员以及购进的品种、批号、数量,以及最终销售去向等。

  3 月20日,湖南省食药监局向各市州食药监局下发《关于依法查处非法经营疫苗行为的通知》,省、市州食药监局均成立由主要负责人任组长的领导小组,认真抓好 有关非法经营疫苗行为的查处工作。对已掌握的涉案线索,要立即组织彻底核查。对发现医疗卫生机构购入、使用涉案疫苗以及相关人员涉案的线索,要及时通报当 地卫生计生部门,并配合查明最终销售去向及使用人员情况。对发现涉案产品流向涉及其他地区的,要及时通报相关地区组织协查。





  ■记者 刘璋景

  通讯员 贺佳玉 王曲波



  3 月20日,经对警方提供的查封疫苗品种清单进行核实,实有疫苗12种、免疫球蛋白2种、治疗性生物制品1种。12种疫苗分别为冻干人用狂犬病疫苗 (Vero细胞)、脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗、b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗、乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗、腮腺炎减毒活疫苗、冻干乙型脑炎灭活疫苗(Vero细胞)、重组 乙型肝炎疫苗(CHO细胞、汉逊酵母)、A群C群脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗、ACYW135群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗、水痘减活疫苗、口服轮状病毒活疫苗、甲型肝炎 灭活疫苗(人二倍体细胞);2种免疫球蛋白分别为狂犬病人免疫球蛋白、乙型肝炎人免疫球蛋白;1种治疗性生物制品为细菌溶解物。■据新华社

责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

山东疫苗案 湖南 专案组


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