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China Health Planning Committee: H7N9 does not rule out limited non-sustained person to person

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/27 8:55:06 Browse times: 219 Comment times: 0

China Health Planning Committee: H7N9 does not rule out limited non-sustained person to person(中国卫计委:H7N9不排除有限的非持续人传人)

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Health Planning Committee: H7N9 does not rule out limited non-sustained person to person | H7N9| diagnosis and treatment solutions | incubation period _ news

Beginning of this year, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Beijing and many successive H7N9 reported dozens of cases of human infection cases of the virus. Through in-depth research and study of the reported cases, yesterday, the National Planning Commission released its 2014 Edition H7N9 avian flu infection diagnosis and treatment programme, pointed out that bird flu virus or spread to people through contact with contaminated environments, does not rule out limited non-sustained person to person. Virus incubation period is defined by the last week shortened from 3-4 days, under the new programmes around H7N9 avian flu quarantine of close contacts of cases reduced to 4 days.

  Change 1-identification

Not contagious dropped to infectious diseases

Diagnosis and treatment programme last year called "man H7N9 avian flu infection is caused by H7N9 subtype of avian influenza virus in patients with acute respiratory tract infections." New human infection H7N9 avian influenza diagnosis and treatment programme (hereinafter referred to as "the programme") pointed out that the people infected H7N9 avian influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by H7N9 avian flu virus diseases, with cases of severe pneumonia complicated with acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, multiple organ failure.

Diagnosis and treatment solutions for H7N9 avian flu a new "identity". Acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infectious diseases differ? CDC official in Beijing explained that this is because through nearly a year to meta-analysis concluded that health sector H7N9 avian flu cases, H7N9 virus infection is not too strong, only a limited number of person to person, therefore be downgraded to "infectious disease" is more accurate.

More explicit H7N9 genetic sources, can be transmitted to humans ' avian influenza virus subtype H5N1, H9N2, H7N7, H7N2, H7N3 etc, the H7N9 avian influenza virus. The virus for new reassortant virus code HA genes from H7N3, the gene encoding NA came from H7N9, 6 internal genes from H9N2 avian influenza virus. "This shows that with the increase of cases, our knowledge of it is more in-depth, by separating the virus definition of science, which will help to guide and adjust the existing prevention strategies at all levels", industry experts said.

  2-change transmission

The contaminated environment is also poison

H7N9 of public interest the route of transmission of the virus, the programme made clear that, specific ways can be transmitted by respiratory secretions or close contact with infected poultry or droppings have acquired her infection; or spread to people through contact with contaminated environment; do not rule out limited non-sustained person to person.

Contrast Shang a version clinic programme in the mentioned of "by respiratory spread, also can through close contact infection of poultry class secretion property or excrement, or directly contact virus infection", city CDC related heads explained, new will be "poultry class secretion property or excrement" General for "virus pollution of environment" more accurate, because H7N9 cases does have touch had with carrying the virus of poultry class of cage or container, even soil, and air, big environment, then was infection of situation, just its secretion property or excrement, Such definitions will at the same time raise awareness of self-protection, late in the disease control Department of health site cleanup and disinfection instructive, more comprehensive and specific.

What is "does not rule out limited non-sustained person to person"? Above head explained said, for from currently master of cases situation view, H7N9 virus in interpersonal between of spread does is limited of, not mass of spread, plus "non-continued of" is more can description its spread sex limited of characteristics, this is my medical home were through to virus near a years of observation summary out of, "currently view, report of cases are is cases, distributed, and relative independent, no see continued of infection signs".

At the same time, said in a programme, are currently in birds and their secretions or excrement, and live bird market environment detection and isolation to H7N9 avian flu virus samples, and people H7N9 avian flu virus highly homologous. Infection may carry H7N9 avian influenza virus in poultry. At present, most of the sporadic cases, some families gather onset phenomenon, but there is no evidence of interpersonal communication.

  3-change latency

The incubation period is shortened to 3 to 4 days

Programme stated that, based on the incubation period of influenza and human infection findings H7N9 avian flu cases, the incubation period is 3-4 days. "The incubation period of a week," compared to a significantly reduced.

Beijing CDC related head explained said, this is through a years to accumulated of cases came of conclusions, last year early just in my debut of H7N9 virus was according to swine flu of incubation period estimates determines has incubation period "a week", but combined cases situation and epidemic learn history survey can found, General in contact has H7N9 avian influenza virus infection of environment Hou 3-4 days is will onset, "this has two aspects meaning, comes everyone can from itself note, If suspected contact has poultry class Hou self observation 4 days around if no fever, and cough, symptoms that ' clearance '; on the, on H7N9 avian influenza patients of close contact who of observation period also will shortened ", the heads pointed out that, around will according to new clinic programme for adjustment, Beijing on H7N9 avian influenza patients of close contact who of isolation observation period also will by original of a week shortened to 4 days.

At the same time, for the convenience of the public, "personally" scenario H7N9 cases were clear symptoms, signs, and clinical features. Generally manifested in patients with flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, phlegm-less, and may be accompanied by systemic symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, diarrhea. In patients with severe disease progression is rapid, 3-7 days of onset of severe pneumonia, mostly sustained in body temperature at 39 ° c or more, breathing difficulties, and sputum may be accompanied by hemoptysis. Often rapid progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, septic shock, multiple organ dysfunction, part of the show such as can occur in patients with pleural effusion.

  -Changes 4 high risk populations

Old history of exposure to poultry is "high risk"

In on H7N9 infection of high-risk crowd defines Shang, new old two version also has obviously difference, old version in the for "in onset Qian 1 week within contact had poultry class who, such as engaged in poultry class farming, and trafficking, and sales, and slaughter, and processing, personnel", new in the is for "in onset Qian 1 week within contact had poultry class or to live poultry market who, especially elderly", on this, industry expert pointed out that, currently national report of over 200 cases avian influenza confirmed cases in the, half above are is elderly, Had poultry exposure of older people therefore should pay special attention to prevention, but its intent is because heat resistance in the elderly than young people, is chronic, aggravating power virus have yet to be studied.

Programme stated that people H7N9 avian flu infection of severe patients with poor prognosis. Prognostic factors may include patient age, underlying diseases, complications, etc. Treatment medication oseltamivir, palamiwei, zanamivir and method of dialectic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, antiviral drugs should be used within 48 hours of onset as possible.


Preventing nosocomial infection in hospital

Programme stated that strictly regulate admitted people H7N9 avian flu infection in patients with hospital infection prevention and control measures of medical institutions. In accordance with standard principles of prevention, according to the transmission of disease control measures. On January 20, according to the Shanghai health bulletin of the Planning Commission, 20 days before January, 7 new cases of human infection in Shanghai H7N9 avian flu cases, including 2 deaths. Shanghai Pudong new area people's hospital emergency room physician, 31, Zhang is one of the two deceased.

CDC official says Beijing, early discovery, early reports, early diagnosis, early treatment and strengthening treatment of severe cases, note that both Chinese and Western medicine, is effective prevention, improved cure rates, key to reducing mortality. Currently, the city has asked the second-level hospitals above such H7N9 confirmed cases, all second-level hospitals above will be carried out in areas two-week severe acute respiratory tract infections in hospitalized flu-like cases, intensive surveillance. While attending patients with high fever, the medical staff must ask for details for any history of exposure to poultry or H7N9 cases had a history of exposure to, if suspected H7N9 virus infection, shall forthwith be H7N9 in detection of pathogens at the same time, reported to the disease control system.


Risk factors for severe

1. age > 60 years;

2. severe underlying diseases or special clinical situations, basis such as heart or lung disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, cancer, immunosuppression, pregnant women;

3. after the onset of high fever (T>39 ° c) for 3 days and more than 3 days;

4. the lymphocyte count continues to drop;

5.CRP, CK and LDH increases;

6. chest imaging tips to pneumonia.

Xinhua reporter Li Qiumeng

(Original title: infected H7N9 incubation period is reduced to three or four days)

(Edit: SN064)January 27, 2014 The Beijing times(卫计委:H7N9不排除有限的非持续人传人|H7N9|诊疗方案|潜伏期_新闻资讯






  方案更明确H7N9基因来源,可感染人的禽流感病毒亚型为 H5N1、H9N2、H7N7、H7N2、H7N3等,此次为H7N9禽流感病毒。该病毒为新型重配病毒,编码HA的基因来源于H7N3,编码NA的基因来源于H7N9,其6个内部基因来自于H9N2禽流感病毒。“这说明随着病例的增多,我们对它的认识更为深入,通过分离到的病毒进行科学定义的,这将有助于指导和调整现有的各级防控策略”,业内专家指出。































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