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Li had done some special things: wrote Clinton apology

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Li had done some special things: wrote Clinton apology(李肇星干过的几件特殊事:让克林顿写下道歉书)

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Li had done some special things: write apology | | spokesman Li Zhaoxing _ Clinton News

Original title: "iron mouth Minister" Li did a few "special"

Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Li Zhaoxing, former Minister leads delegation to attend India's Foreign Ministry and the Indian observer Research Foundation jointly organized the first "Swiss Chyna dialogue", and as a whole the first keynote speaker, entitled "Asia Unicom, achieve win-win cooperation" keynote speech.

According to media reports, attending the "Swiss Chyna dialogue" at the opening ceremony, Li Zhaoxing find printed manual of the General Assembly to represent Taiwan is marked "ROC India Ambassador", walked out in protest.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that as a former Foreign Minister, Li Zhaoxing, called "iron mouth Minister", but also by the foreign media as "hardliners" in the face of national interests, national sovereignty when a stern response, Clinton apologized to China in black and white, even words United States famous mouth.

  Rangkelindun black and white written apology

Beijing time on May 8, 1999, the Chinese Embassy in former Yugoslavia to United States-led NATO's bombing, led the Chinese side 3 people were killed and more than 20 people were injured.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that at that time, Li served as Chinese Ambassador to United States Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

"French Pavilion" after the United States events as "accidents", and publicly apologized.

The night of 8th, then-United States Secretary of State Madeleine Albright rushed to the Embassy hopes to meet with Ambassador to China. Li Zhaoxing, Chinese reporters arrived in Washington after meeting with Albright.

Two people after the meeting, Li solemnly demanded an apology from the United States, Albright replied that President Clinton and she would like to speak with President Jiang Zemin and Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, respectively, and apologize to the Chinese side. At this time, the journalists have already arrived, gathered outside the meeting room. Li Zhaoxing, Albright learned of the situation and asked: "is there a back door of the Embassy? ”

Li responded: "in the Chinese Embassy, your safety is assured, we do not have back doors. ”

Then, after his meeting with Albright in a group of Chinese journalists under siege, "" made a brief statement: "I have come here today, to reaffirm United States Government personnel killed in Belgrade on China earlier expressed deep regret ... ..."

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that this is the United States Government officials in "French Museum" for the first time after a public apology.

On May 13, Li Zhaoxing, met with Clinton in the White House. Li again stressed that "the President should apologize to the Chinese Government and the Chinese people."

Then, he brought out the carry condolence book, Clinton said: "Chinese people pay special attention to black and white, so the President will apologize in writing. "Clinton was silent for a moment, took the pen and wrote in the condolence book," expressed deep condolences for the victims, their families and the Chinese people's sincere apologies "and signed his name.

  Redskins United States famous mouth

These United States the day after the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, United States Broadcasting Company (ABC) hosts this week topics to find Li and asked him to decide whether an interview in 10 minutes.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) Note that this week is the United States one of the most influential TV programs, the host shanmu·tangnade is the most prestigious "iron mouth", one of the guest host of the show for the writers George will.

Li decided to accept interviews. After the interview began, not Li sat down, Donald asked Ambassador can be guaranteed in Beijing and other Chinese cities United States security of diplomatic personnel. Li solemnly asking Donald, why not ask the staff of Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia were injured, why not ask Belgrade killing Chinese people's behavior?

Then, Weir said, the Chinese Government said in a statement that NATO's bombing is trampling on international relations, "willfully" means Chinese consider whether NATO intentionally bombed the Chinese Embassy. Li Zhaoxing tough responded: "the Chinese Government declares that every word is true, this is not a common event, but the heinous atrocities, are rare in the history of world diplomacy. ”

Then, LI asked Val, how do you explain 3 precision-guided missiles hit the Chinese Embassy from different angles.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that Li shortly thereafter on May 11, the bombing of United States media for the second time, "confrontation". He received the United States cable news network (CNN) the talk-show host Larry King in an interview.

In the interview, Li Zhaoxing said: "(United States Army) told us that they used an outdated map. It makes people believe that? …… United States has always boasted itself the most important human rights and personal feelings ... ... But why is it so cold? ”

  Rage against Junichiro Koizumi's visit to Yasukuni Shrine

On August 15, 2006, when he was Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited the Yasukuni Shrine again, Li for the first time in Japan, Ambassador Miyamoto Yuji to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made representations.

Miyamoto had just one seat, Li Zhaoxing lodged a strong protest on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, even polite. "The shrine of ' World War II class-a war criminals, is Japan's militaristic war and the implementation of the Planner and Commander of foreign aggression are huge disasters in Asia and the world in the modern history of masters ... ... Prime Minister Koizumi has visited 6 times, excuse for 5 years, but the international community and Japan against visit voices rising, indicating that acts of his unpopular...... "

Miyamoto Yuji would like to explain a few words in the Middle, was rejected by Li Zhaoxing.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that in addition to this and Japan intervene when Li Zhaoxing at the United Nations had asked the Secretary questioned Japan diplomats why nonsense.

In January 2014, of Foreign Affairs Li Zhaoxing book the untold diplomatic memoirs, library readers in the capital, meeting, a reporter asked Li Zhaoxing served as representative to the United Nations, in the work of the United Nations whether there will be controversy.

Li Zhaoxing said yourself mansion ready to go to the meeting at the United Nations at a time when a Secretary came reports, saying Japan at the meeting, a diplomat nonsense, saying some countries dues rarely, very powerful, and also is a permanent member. Japan more than pay dues, is not. ”

Li said, "it would have to report? You have to struggle, ran back and asked who he was made him bullshit. The United Nations built on the ruins of World War II, some countries don't understand the history wanted to "promote" themselves, it is not possible. ”

Later colleague back to questions Japan diplomats acknowledged to have unreasonable.

  "China does not have an inch of land is unnecessary"

In 1985, as a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Li Zhaoxing debut. Since then, he has served as Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vice Foreign Minister, Ambassador to United States Ambassador, Ambassador to the United Nations, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee and other staff. He retired in March 2013.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that in October 2013, retiring six months of Li Zhaoxing was invited to participate in the centennial of the Chengdu Institute, held a lecture.

Period, Li addressed the issue of the Diaoyu Islands. "The Diaoyu Islands issue, in time to participate in an event, a reporter asked my opinion on this. "At that time, Li Zhaoxing, short answers," Diaoyu Islands are China's. Finished my reply. ”

He then added that "according to international practice, whether an island is one of the countries, there are basically three standards: who first discovered, who first named and who was the first management, from the aspect of the three, there is no doubt that Diaoyu Islands belong to China. "Li Zhaoxing said that the current diplomatic situation is so complex, there are still many political factors behind.

"I want to say is that China's vast territory, but not an inch of the territory was superfluous. So you can rest assured that China will never give up any inch of its land. ”

When it comes to retirement, Li said, "I'm also visiting the country at the southern tip of James Shoal on a trip, and on my personal behalf claims to sovereignty, there was a bubble bath. ”

  Warn United States officials don't talk nonsense

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that Li first made its debut, the spokesman said, a foreign reporter's question about the issue of Tibet.

Li firm response, Tibet is Chinese territory since the 13th century. The Affairs of Tibet is an internal affair of China, and will never allow any foreign interference.

At this point, a reporter went on to say, "I also have their own home, if you say my hometown is not a part of our country, I don't give a damn! Why do you care to Tibet? ”

Li Zhaoxing, sternly replied, "How do you see your country is your problem, but China's sovereignty is sacred, foreigners have no right to interfere! ”

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) notes that Li Zhaoxing when faced with questions of national sovereignty, will give no quarter to refute.

According to media reports, on one occasion, a United States official, Li Zhaoxing said: you do not talk about human rights, you Han Chinese flood into Tibet to become a cadre. Li responded, I invite you to go to Tibet, and look at the facts before you speak.

Then the United States officials said their high blood pressure to go. Li Zhaoxing immediately asked Chinese officials not high blood pressure? They went to Tibet, not because of the place to enjoy, but for the common people to work.

Li went on to say, in this way, our medicine very well, first to cure high blood pressure, and then go to Tibet to see?

The officials are still responding to myself not to. Li Zhaoxing said: then don't talk nonsense.

"Politics" (app ID:gcxxjgzh) written by Beijing News intern June Wang


Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Li Zhaoxing, spokesman

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  接着,他拿出随身携带的吊唁簿,对克林顿说: “中国人特别重视白纸黑字,所以请总统先生将道歉写下来。”克林顿沉默了一会儿,拿起笔在吊唁簿上写下“对死难者表示深切的哀悼,对其家属和中国人民表示真诚的歉意”,并签下了自己的名字。



































  “政事儿”(微信ID:gcxxjgzh)撰稿:新京报实习生 王俊


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

李肇星 发言人


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