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Guangdong Shaoguan Qingyuan hail, glutinous rice balls the size of a

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/21 8:04:27 Browse times: 198 Comment times: 0

Guangdong Shaoguan Qingyuan hail, glutinous rice balls the size of a(广东韶关清远多地遇冰雹袭击,汤圆般大小)

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Guangdong Shaoguan Qingyuan hail size of rice balls (photo) | | hail Shaoguan _ news

Original title: Qingyuan, Shaoguan, to hail the rice balls hail fall intensive

Hail night attack Shan Gold Mountain, Guangdong has China taken

Hail glass Zeng Linghua open-air parking for cars photo

CNS, Shaoguan, March 20 (reporters Li Ling and Huang Yunwu)-weak cold air South to warm, humid air from the combined impact of Guangdong Shaoguan, Qingyuan 19-20 continuous suffered heavy rains and hailstorms, which due to continuous heavy rainfall in Shaoguan city, and lead to more serious waterlogging in multiple lots.

Three evening of 20th, Shaoguan city, reported that 19th, from 19 o'clock 20th, at 9 o'clock, the city measured rainfall of 50 mm or more sites that have 28, maximum rainfall in Huangpu town, lechang 97.7 mm, part 1 to 3 cm of hail.

Shao Guan Shao Nan da DAO is the transportation hub of the city, due to the pavement about 20 centimetres of water, vehicles had to Wade, the vehicle sped even splashing through the waters of many high. Continuing heavy rainfall also resulted in Shaoguan Furong road, Qiming road and other road sections appear water phenomenon.

"Hail suddenly last night the roof of my holes! "In Ruyuan County in Shaoguan tianjingshan runs an eco-agricultural science and Technology Park, Chen said that the rainstorms and hailstones suddenly struck, hail the size of eggs and even a fist to smash open storage of vehicles not only pitted, also in the ecological park of PVC tiles and smashed a hole in the roof of asbestos.

"Rain along the perforations into the room filling, all items included bedding in the room all wet, chaos everywhere. "Ms Chen said ecological garden grown organic vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products also have to suffer severe, affected an area of more than 200 acres.

Emergency Office the afternoon of 20th release information, wengyuan County, Shaoguan city, said that under the influence of heavy rainfall, the day before 14 o'clock in the afternoon, DART S341 wengyuan caret slope towards the direction of longxian kilometers in Shaoguan where landslides occurred, landslide area of more than 1000 square meters, road traffic, cut off current local highway departments are still clear the road.

Dumplings the size of hail, Zeng Linghua photography

"After a couple of Thunder, roof tiles came on intense banging sounds, freaked me out. "According to Shan gold, Qingyuan mountain staff, 19th night, strong winds accompanied by dumplings large hail fell like a bullet-intensive, less than 15 minutes on the ground was carpeted with a thick layer of hailstones.

As of press time late 20th, renhua, Shaoguan city, lechang, Ruyuan thunderstorm blue warning, Orange warning, storm of hail Orange warning signal is still in force, the city's land and resources Bureau and Bureau of meteorology also jointly issued a geological disaster warning information in the afternoon, a number of regional geological hazard warning level to level 3, remind the relevant departments to prepare. (End)

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Hail in Shaoguan

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责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

冰雹 韶关


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