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Chinese Internet users to stay up report: 00 is staying up late after the main

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/21 8:04:02 Browse times: 188 Comment times: 0

Chinese Internet users to stay up report: 00 is staying up late after the main(中国网民熬夜报告发布:00后是熬夜主力)

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Chinese Internet users to stay up report: 00 is staying up late after the main | | | overtime Internet users stay up late _ news

Percentage of age stay up late

Percentage of different industries to stay up late

Eating! Too much food during the day is not enough

In the play! The weather is too hot, it will burn during the day ""

Busy! Too much work, often work late into the night

What about you?

Washington today is "world sleep day". Recently, a mobile social networking platform to publish a report on the Chinese Internet users to stay up by analyzing the 0 o'clock in the morning to 3 o'clock active user-related data, shows the region, stayed up late and age distribution of different dimensions. According to the data, 0 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock is still not sleeping "night owl", men more than women, 00 is staying up late after the main force. Judging from the provinces, Hainan "night owl" nearly 60% per cent, is the province of the country slept late. Reporter Zhang Hongbo

  See region

  Hainan people love to stay up late

Data show that all stayed up late up to 5 per cent of the provinces in the South, Hainan, Guangxi, Guangdong was staying up late accounts for more than half of the province. Staying up late at least 5 per cent capacity in the North, namely, Shandong, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning.

No.1 Hainan 57.1%

No.2 in Guangxi 54%

No.3, Guangdong 51.2%

  Watch sex

  More males than females staying up late

For men, on the one hand they are under more pressure in your life, family, on the other hand, their game as the game often appears in the middle of the night, stay up longer, and women with "beauty sleep".

  Watch industry

  Public relations, media industry, "night owls" up to

No.1 PR 51.6%

No.2 media 49.7%

Game No.3 47.7%

No.4 anime 47.1%

No.5 46.7% investment

0 o'clock-1

1 o'clock-2

2 o'clock-3

Stay on the distribution industry, engaged in public relations, media, game industry people often stay up late. The reason is, the more intense competition in the industry, the more people stay up late, PR firms, media and games industry to handle emergencies, or test a practitioner's ideas, and late at night is the muse.

Why is sleep so late? Listen to what they say ... ...

  Office worker Guo

  Hot night life, want to go to bed early to sleep

Guo, 30, grew up in Haikou, after work, he could hardly sleep in until 0 o'clock. "Sometimes work, sometimes went out to party with friends, even if there is no activity, watch TV, play computer play phone, there will not be sleeping until after 12. "Mr Guo said he was about 1 o'clock in the morning to sleep. Mr Guo believes that more than 10 degrees below zero and even dozens of degrees below zero in winter in the North, people can only stay at home and sleep early. Hainan's pleasant climate, hot summer weather, almost no winter cold, coupled with abundant nightlife, about 35 friends out at night is a very pleasant thing. "Slowly developed a habit of going to bed late, early to bed and to sleep. "Mr Kwok said.

  Reporter Ma Xiansheng

  Often work overtime, work pressure on the night life to relieve

Fierce competition in some industries, employing high work pressure, night became the norm, media people is one of them. "Sometimes dinner eight or nine points to just eat, eat haven't digested it was almost midnight, which sleep. "Work in the media, Mr Ma said in Haikou, the media often need to deal with unexpected events or to create, which is a major cause of late," night was inspired by the best of times, a lot of work on the things I'm used to in the evening, didn't finish his work only at night during the day to work overtime to complete, working into the wee hours is almost the norm. "Mr MA told reporters, because of work pressures, if not working at night, he would invite friends to get together, through the night to relieve the tension and inner pressure.

  "Blue collar" Mr

  Raising children or mortgage car loans, life pressures make it difficult to fall asleep

Mr Luo, 42, is the father of two children, childcare costs put pressure on a lot of his life and work. "One in elementary school, a kindergarten, and to care for the elderly each month is very expensive. "Mr Luo said children nearly 3000 monthly overhead, and the parents are older, some diseases, a doctor, buying supplements is also a cost. "I paid four thousand or five thousand a month, plus the wife's salary, sometimes is not enough. "Mr Luo said his house needs 2000 Yuan a month mortgage, there are years to finish, plus car loans a month down to almost nothing. Life pressure to Mr hardly relaxed, said he sleeps lying in bed thinking about cost issues to rest.

  Student Xiao Qian

  Homework cell phones, sleep at one or two points are common

00 more for primary and middle school students after the crowd, computers, cell phones and other electronic products of almost everyone. "Brush circle of friends, chatting, watching TV. "16 year old Xiao Qian was a high school student in Haikou, she said the normal course load is not too heavy, rarely exceeds 11 reading homework at night, but she is also staying up late. "Finish your homework lying in bed playing cell phone, watch TV, chat, is a way to relax. "Xiao Qian told reporters that she almost always play a mobile phone before going to bed every night, sometimes playing to one or two points," this is good, the boys in our class, playing games to two or three points. ”

Source: Hainan special zone news

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Overtime users staying up late

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  本 报讯 今天是“世界睡眠日”。日前,某移动社交平台发布了《中国网民熬夜报告》,通过分析凌晨0时至3时活跃用户相关数据,展示了熬夜族的地域、行业、年 龄等不同维度的分布情况。根据数据,凌晨0时到3时仍未睡觉的“夜猫子”中,男性多过女性,00后是熬夜主力军。从省份上来看,海南“夜猫子”占比近6 成,是全国睡得最晚的省份。记者 张宏波




  No.1 海南 57.1%

  No.2 广西 54.0%

  No.3 广东 51.2%






  No.1 公关 51.6%

  No.2 媒体 49.7%

  No.3 游戏 47.7%

  No.4 动漫 47.1%

  No.5投资 46.7%








  在 海口长大的郭先生今年30岁,工作后他几乎没在零点之前睡觉。“有时候是因为加班,有时候是跟朋友出去聚会,就算没有活动,看电视玩电脑玩手机,怎么也要 到12点后才会睡觉。”郭先生说,他基本是凌晨1点左右才会睡觉。郭先生认为,北方冬天零下十几度甚至零下几十度,人们只能窝在家里,因此睡得比较早。而 海南气候怡人,夏天天气热,几乎没有寒冬,加上夜生活丰富,约三五好友晚上外出是件很惬意的事。“慢慢的就养成了晚睡的习惯,想早睡也睡不着。”郭先生 说。



  一些行业的竞争比较激烈,从业人员 工作压力大,晚睡成为了常态,媒体人就是其中之一。“有时候晚饭都要八九点才吃得上,吃完还没消化就快半夜了,哪睡得着。”在海口从事媒体工作的马先生 说,媒体人常常需要处理突发事件或进行创作,这是晚睡的主要原因,“晚上是灵感最好的时候,很多工作上的事情我习惯在晚上处理,白天没完成的工作只能晚上 加班完成,工作到凌晨几乎是常事。”马先生还告诉记者,因为工作压力大,如果晚上不工作,他就会约朋友出来聚聚,通过夜生活来缓解紧张的情绪和内心的压 力。



  42岁的罗先生是两个孩 子的父亲,育儿成本给他的生活和工作带来不少压力。“一个在上小学,一个在上幼儿园,还有老人要照顾,每个月的开销都很大。”罗先生说,孩子每个月的开销 将近3000元,而父母又都上了年纪,多少会有些疾病,看病、买补品也是一笔开销。“我每个月工资四五千,加上妻子的工资,有时候还不够用。”罗先生说, 他的房子每月需还2000元的房贷,还有几年才能还完,加上车子的贷款,一个月下来所剩无几。生活的压力让罗先生几乎不敢放松下来,他说自己连睡觉躺在床 上都在想着开销的问题,难以入睡。



  00 后多为中小学生人群,电脑、手机等电子产品几乎每人必备。“刷朋友圈,聊天,看电视剧。”16岁的小倩是海口的一名高二学生,她说平常课业负担不算太重, 晚上看书做作业很少超过11点,但她也是熬夜族。“做完作业躺在床上玩手机、看电视剧、聊天,也是一种放松。”小倩告诉记者,她每天晚上睡觉前几乎都会玩 手机,有时会玩到一两点,“这还算好的,我们班的男生,有的玩游戏到两三点。”


责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

加班 网民 熬夜


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