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1 people who die in landslide in Meizhou, Guangdong province to prevent geological disasters

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2016/3/21 8:03:04 Browse times: 161 Comment times: 0

1 people who die in landslide in Meizhou, Guangdong province to prevent geological disasters(梅州1人因山体崩塌死亡,广东全省严防地质灾害)

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1 people who die in landslide in Meizhou, Guangdong province to prevent geological disasters
CNS, Guangzhou, March 21 (reporters Tang Guijiang and Zhu Guifeng and Zhang Jinjie)-land and resources Department of Guangdong Province 21st around the land and the relevant departments of the province issued an emergency notice, in order to guard against heavy rain-triggered geological disasters, requiring all localities should conscientiously implement the leadership shift in the flood season and 24-hour duty system to ensure smooth communication.
According to reports, in recent days due to heavy rains in parts of Guangdong Province, and geological disasters have taken place and caused casualties. On March 20, meixian, Meizhou City District, a landslide occurred, resulting in 1 death and collapse the mountain slope unstable slope caused by building.

On March 21, under the influence of the shear line in Meizhou, Guangdong, more heavy rain occurred, local rainfall. Heavy rains cause waterlogging in parts of Meizhou city water, houses, farm disaster such as baptism. Zhong Xiaofeng camera vision China
According to Meteorological Department forecast on March 21 to 25th, Guangdong Province, the Pearl River Delta and Guangdong cities and counties have heavy rain rain locally heavy rainfall, land and resources Department of Guangdong Province stressed that all localities should fully understand the grim situation of geological hazard prevention, in conjunction with the analysis of meteorological departments for joint consultation at an early date, to ensure that all geological disaster prevention measures in place.

On March 21, under the influence of the shear line in Meizhou, Guangdong, more heavy rain occurred, local rainfall. Heavy rains cause waterlogging in parts of Meizhou city water, houses, farm disaster such as baptism. Zhong Xiaofeng camera vision China
Land Department of Guangdong province said investigation surveillance across the province to increase the risks of geological disasters, in addition to geological disaster points registered, chipped to rural housing could lead to geological disasters, such as in the investigation focussed on the region; to strengthen the monitoring and early warning, in accordance with the relevant requirements, start early-warning response in a timely manner, and minimal loss of life and damage to property.
Geological disaster danger disaster event, local land departments are required to promptly report to the local government and higher land and resource administration, and first time to conduct emergency investigations and assist local governments with the relevant emergency handling.
(Editors: Pan Yi burn UN657)
2016-03-21 21:12:23
China News Network
梅州1人因山体崩塌死亡 广东全省严防地质灾害
中新网广州3月21日电 (唐贵江 祝桂峰 张进洁)广东省国土资源厅21日向该省各地国土相关部门发出紧急通知,为切实防范强降雨引发地质灾害,要求各地要认真落实汛期领导带班和24小时值班制度,确保通信联络畅通。



  3月21日,广东梅州受切变线影响,多地出现大到暴雨、局部大暴雨。强降雨导致梅州市部分地区出现内涝积水、房屋倒塌、农田受浸等灾情。钟小丰 摄 视觉中国


  3月21日,广东梅州受切变线影响,多地出现大到暴雨、局部大暴雨。强降雨导致梅州市部分地区出现内涝积水、房屋倒塌、农田受浸等灾情。钟小丰 摄 视觉中国


(责任编辑:潘奕燃 UN657)
2016-03-21 21:12:23

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