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US media said the Chinese consumer confidence than the Americans in favor of Chinese brands

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US media said the Chinese consumer confidence than the Americans in favor of Chinese brands(美媒称中国消费者比美国人还自信,青睐中国品牌)

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US media said the Chinese consumer confidence than the Americans favor China consumer brand | | Chinese brands _ news

  Reference news, March 20 United States March 18, according to the Wall Street Journal Web site, people are increasingly concerned about Chinese customers immediately hand over your wallet. However the latest McKinsey report says, the situation may not be the case. Following are excerpts from the report of 5 points. The report is 10,000 in 44 cities in China from 18 to 65 years of written customer surveys.

  1. Chinese customers even better than United States who looked more confident.

Chinese buyers are willing to pay because they are more confident that their revenues will definitely increase in the next 5 years. Confidence levels differ between regions, people have no confidence in the North-Eastern China, where manufacturing industries have been silent for many years, but customers in China than the United States or the United Kingdom who looked more optimistic. In 2011, 32% of Americans said they estimated household income will increase in the next 5 years. More importantly, Chinese consumers seem to have realized that China′s economy goes bad.

  2. customers do not like to spare at home.

Any experience of things outside the home is better for Chinese customers. Forget eating at home with your family this business, people want entertainment and eating out, all about adventure. With services consumption surge, massage, Spa, tourism became the largest overhead. Survey customers, 23% said the additional revenue if they spent more money to travel, this figure is higher than in 2012 14%.

  3. foreign brand of fashion, brand is popular in China.

Buyers are attracted to foreign brands day officially ended. Chinese brands have won the customer trust and loyalty. Last year, 62% customers said in view of the quality and price, they prefer to buy brands instead of buying foreign brands in China, and in 2009 the ratio was 42%.

  4. the Chinese are willing to spend more money to buy the best of everything--even the rice or beer.

Many Chinese customers not only failed to reduce spending, they′ve actually spent more. Half of the customers surveyed say they want the best product and are willing to pay big money to buy the best of everything. 44% said they spent more money on cosmetics, 36% say they buy more expensive wine, 26% people to buy more expensive products made by the designer.

  5. Chinese pay more attention to health.

Like the Americans, Chinese people became more health-conscious, last year 72% customers worried about the food they eat is bad for your health, and increase over the 2012 60%. Half the customers mainly eat is nutritious food for them, they give up their unhealthy food. Soda is losing fans, sales of carbonated soft drinks fell to 26% last year, Western fast food has fallen by 24%. (Compile/diffident)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

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美媒称中国消费者比美国人还自信 青睐中国品牌|消费者|中国品牌_新闻资讯

  参考消息网3月20日报道 美国《华尔街日报》网站3月18日刊文称,世人越来越担心中国顾客马上会捂紧钱包。然而麦肯锡咨询公司的最新报告说,情况可能并非如此。以下是从该报告中摘录的5点内容。该报告是在对中国44座城市的1万名从18岁到65岁的顾客进行调查后写成的。


  中 国买家愿意花钱因为他们相当自信地认为他们的收入在今后5年内肯定会增加。信心水平在地区之间有差异,中国东北部地区的人比较没有信心,这里的制造业已经 沉寂了多年,但中国顾客比美国或英国顾客更乐观。2011年,32%的美国人说他们估计家庭收入在今后5年会增加。最重要的是,中国顾客似乎没有意识到中 国经济在变坏。


  任何在家庭以外体验的东西对中国顾客而言都 是更好的。忘记与家人一起在家吃饭这档子事吧,中国人想要的是娱乐和在外用餐,一切都与冒险有关。随着服务行业消费激增,泡温泉、按摩、旅游成为最大的开 销。在接受调查的顾客中,23%的人表示如果收入增加他们会花更多钱去旅游,这个数字高于2012年的14%。






  像 美国人一样,中国人变得更有健康意识,去年72%的顾客担心他们吃的食品对健康有害,与2012年的60%相比有所增加。半数顾客主要吃他们认为有营养的 食品,他们放弃了他们认为不健康的食品。汽水正在失去粉丝,碳酸饮料的销量去年下降了26%,西方快餐也下降了24%。(编译/龙君)

责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

消费者 中国品牌

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